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ArcMap - error 000728 field does not exist within table

I'm trying to join the table from Excel (my calculation about one region in Poland) to my shapefile (which contains whole Poland map and different calculations, so I need to attach a new table to be ...
Michalina Jankowska's user avatar
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Clustering points into *n* number of groups of equal counts with ArcGIS

I have to divide points into groups. These groups will be used by agents to talk to property owners. The goal is to make the agent's job easy by grouping parcels that are near each other together, as ...
zsoooc's user avatar
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Creating/extracting/summarizing data from unique values symbology using ArcMap

I am using ArcMap 10.3. I have a bunch of data symbolized by categories - unique values. I have grouped together many (10 to 40 per grouping) different values to create this symbology. Now I need to ...
Alpheus's user avatar
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Grouping and exporting a set number of features in ArcGIS

I have an areal feature class that has approximately 4,700 features. I need to divide this feature class into multiple feature classes that contain EXACTLY 60 features in each. Location of features ...
atv5150's user avatar
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Introduce year instead of whole date in date type field using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a field with numbers in it (concentration of chemical compounds that were presented in aquatic environments) and I'd like to combine them with a field which would have date type capabilities ...
Juan's user avatar
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Merge n number of adjacent polygons [closed]

I have over 17,000 individual polygons. I want to merge two adjacent polygons so that I finish with approximately 8,500 polygons. The polygons need to be merged based on location, merge two adjacent ...
GISWIZ's user avatar
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Grouping or Clustering Points that are within 45 miles of each other using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a project in ArcGIS (ArcMap 10.2) where I want to identify naturally occurring dense spots of points and then form groups in that dense area, where points are within 45 miles of each other. ...
ZiaW's user avatar
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Locating Multiple Points on Mutlipes routes by a Unique ID

I'm trying to get a "MEASURE" for Points along a route. I need ARCGIS10 Desktop Linear Referencing tools or other application to use a unique identifier to match the Lines in the route to points ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Grouping points using grouping analysis to look at raster characteristics within overlapping buffers?

I want to extract averages from raster data that fall within buffer zones around a village point. The problem is that the villages are pretty close together in some places and I need to come up with ...
user32636's user avatar
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Dividing polyline layer in clusters with specific requirements in ArcGIS for Desktop?

For my work in ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop I need to divide line layers into clusters/groups. Currently I am doing this manually, but I like to automate this. The line layers can consist of 50 up to 2500 ...
epke's user avatar
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Dissolve without removing interior lines in ArcMap? [duplicate]

I'm fairly new to GIS and I'm having an issue that I hope someone can help me resolve? Basically, what I'm trying to do is merge features based on a single attribute so that my table no longer ...
Luke's user avatar
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Grouping points based of user-provided distance in ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have a point layer and I need to group/aggregate the points within a 1km proximity into 1 single point to create a new point layer. I was trying to use Aggregate point and then Feature to point, ...
Liza's user avatar
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Headings in legends

Is there a way, in the legend, to get the headings to stretch across multiple columns? For instance I have a layer with multiple attributes that are being displayed (in the example... fire hazard ...
gyoung1986's user avatar
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Create certain number of Clusters, equal sum of Z value

Divide polygons into *n* number of groups of equal counts with ArcGIS 10.2 is very similar to my question. But instead of equal number of polygons, I have multiple points (schools) with a z value (...
Lauren's user avatar
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Grouping carpool participant addresses for network [closed]

I have a list of addresses of people participating in carpools to a workplace and a list of cars given by the workplace. Both lists change daily. I need to group people by their addresses and assign ...
jonatr's user avatar
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How would I group values in a field based on range of number using python, and then update the attribute table?

An example of what I'm trying to accomplish is described below, however they don't describe how to use the data update cursor to update the attribute column. data - Group values based on range of ...
user3767931's user avatar
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How to do point-to-point near analysis conditional on common attributes of the two layers in Arcgis 10.2 (advanced)

I am measuring the closest straight distance from cities of interest (in a layer) to their capital cities (in another layer). Basically, distance between a city and a capital city is calculated if ...
user25458's user avatar
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How to add an ID based on attributes in ArcMap 10.1

Given are: a polygon shapefile/feature class (FC) containing municipal districts a point shapefile/FC containing locations of, lets say, trees. My goal is to append an unique value (1, 2, 3, ...) to ...
zehpunktbarron's user avatar
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Field calculation in ArcGIS Desktop?

i have a data which contain a code of area an value of area in shapefile, ex.: area|value 1|33 1|43 1|31 2|12 2|43 3|66 3|76 the question is how to calculate total value per area with arcgis, i heve ...
Rasyid Ahyar Dalimunthe's user avatar
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Grouping lines together to form one line after a distance threshold is met

I have lines on a map showing the most direct way from point data to the coastline (polygon). I would like to group the lines if they are close to each other by a distance that I can set. Where the ...
Tetra's user avatar
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