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1 answer

Tracking OSM "Planet" Extract dates

I'm trying to build a GUI that allows replacement / update of the PostGIS database that holds my OSM extract (which I use for rendering, typical mapnik / tile server arrangement). I'd like to show ...
BradHards's user avatar
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3 answers

Update database via osmosis and osm2pgsql too slow

I got a box with the current hardware config: CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1220 V2 3.1 GHz RAM: 10gb Hard Disk: Western Digital WD10EZRX SATA Hard Drive OS: Centos 6.5 64 bit DB: PostgreSQL 9.3.2 and ...
Davide Berra's user avatar
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How to make osm2pgsql import a tag?

I loaded OSM data into PostgeSQL with Osmosis&Osm2PgSQL, and see many tags are missing. I need to make it import lanes tag. How can I make it save this tag too? edit: my solution was to copy /usr/...
culebrón's user avatar
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pgsql2osm? How to generate osm files from osm2pgsql database?

I want a method to export osm files from a Postgres database. I already have an osm2pgsql database, an apidb database, and a nominatim database in which I have imported osm files. Now I need to ...
valdeci's user avatar
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How to update OSM data, without recreating the PostGIS database?

We are currently working with GeoServer and PostGis which stores the OSM data for Switzerland. I would like to know, how to update the OSM data for my GeoServer. At my current level of knowledge, I ...
Kaffi's user avatar
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2 answers

Updating One Country's OSM Data through Osomosis

I would like to know how a single country's OSM data is kept up to date by osmosis. This is not a question regarding the method of doing the update, rather how osmosis does it. I downloaded the OSM ...
picmate's user avatar
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1 answer

Nominatim installation error: Out of memory for node cache dense index

I am installing Nominatim on my Ubuntu server 14.04 through this link and trying to load OSM data into my postgreSQL database. For loading into my database I am using this command as given in the link:...
python's user avatar
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3 answers

How to obtain timestamp and user id from .osm file in PostGIS enabled Postgres database

At present, osm2pgsql seems to ignore the timestamp and user id of the elements, a serious drawback for some applications. According to a bug report this is not solved by the addition of the --extra-...
RobinLovelace's user avatar
2 votes
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OSM updates with Osmosis -> Osm2Pgsql resulting in missing features?

For my project, I have successfully created a PostgreSQL database of the entire planet file using osm2pgsql. My next task was to sucessfuly update the database using daily change files through the ...
Randy Bo Bandy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to extract seamarks from OSM PBF?

Ref to this: and this: How to extract primary and secondary roads from OSM data? and this: ...
Magno C's user avatar
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using changeset for larger region to update OSM data in PostGIS

I'm using the OSM import and update workflow described here to maintain OSM data in a PostGIS database. Import (osm2pgsql): osm2pgsql -c -d gps -U gps --cache 8000 --number-processes 4 --slim --flat-...
kontextify's user avatar
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How to merge OSM files with same ID?

After read this How merge osm files with same ID objects? I can't get any conclusion so please don't flag as duplicate. I have some PBF files came from NASA SRTM (
Magno C's user avatar
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Osmosis failed: ERROR: relation "pend_ways" does not exist

I tried to generate osm update using osmosis and osmium(omsium only for setting configuration.txt from existing russia-latest.osm.pbf). I use osmosis like that: osm2pgsql -append --slim --cache ...
Tyomik_mnemonic's user avatar
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Keep multiple OSM Imports up to date

I have multiple instances of my application for my users. Each user can specify an area which I want to load in my own PostgreSQL server, that make it's possible to render maps with my own mapnik ...
ich's user avatar
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4 answers

Saving to different schema using Osmosis?

Does anyone know how to use osmosis to save to a different schema? I used the pgsnapshot_schema_0.6.sql to create a blank data table, but it always creates it in the public schema. I need to create ...
code base 5000's user avatar
0 votes
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How to import OSM data into postgis and add Elevation Information from raster

In my usecase I want to use OSM data for my routing server, but first, I'd like to add elevation data. And I'd prefer to do that in postgis as I'd need to do further analysis of the data using postgis....
Georg's user avatar
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OSM converter cannot convert after renaming PBF to OSM?

I downloaded a .pbf file from this link and then I renamed it to tu.osm because it is an .osm file. Then I used osmconverter to convert it to .pbf using: c:\osm>osmconvert tu.osm --out-pbf >tu....
Amrmsmb's user avatar
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