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MapProxy and Mapnik missing layers for some tiles only

I'm using MapProxy to serve OSM tiles rendered by Mapnik and displaying them using OpenLayers; in general it seems to be working but the problem is that at all zoom levels some of the tiles seem to be ...
Phil's user avatar
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GeoServer incorrectly reprojecting layer

I have my asset data stored in an Oracle 19c spatial database as a table with a geometry column. I've setup a layer in GeoServer in order to overlay my data onto a OpenStreetMap basemap, however, my ...
Farbod Soroosh's user avatar
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https://vmap0.tiles not working

I am using vmap0.tiles with OpenLayers. Five months ago I could still access using https, but for two months it has not worked anymore. What is wrong?
AB Abram's user avatar
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OpenLayers PROJ4JS projection of OSM layer is slightly translated?

I am new to OpenLayers and haven't been able to figure out this problem by searching online. I am using a custom projection in OpenLayers 7.4.0 with proj4 2.9.0 as demonstrated in this example. The ...
pklaassen's user avatar
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OSM contributors attribution and the default controls inside the OpenLayers map are not proper as per the OpenLayers examples

i am implementing an OpenLayers map inside an Ionic application for iOS. However the OpenStreetMap contributors attribution is not coming in the proper way. It is coming in the middle of the screen. ...
sujith1406's user avatar
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GeoServer WMS is slow when using OpenLayers and OSM

I am new to GIS, and attempting to create a map with PostgreSQL/PostGIS,GeoServer, OpenLayers, and OSM data. I am only serving the NA continent, but it is taking approximately 20 seconds to render the ...
James Nebeker's user avatar
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Wrong tile resolution when using OpenLayers to display local raster tiles

Based on the answer given to Use OpenLayers to display local raster tiles, I have created a prototype implementation using OpenLayers (v7) with an IIIF tile source to display a set of custom tiles. ...
DaveAlden's user avatar
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Overlay callout to empty space on map

Is it possible to make a callout on the Overlay / box to place on map it outside the coordinates, so that we use an empty space to place the overlay. This is because if we have several overlay ...
Bahaa's user avatar
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How can I smoothly move a marker (Feature) from one location to another with OpenLayers?

I want to move a marker (a Feature object) from one location to another with animation. So I don't want the location pops up from one place to another, because it's not userfriendly. What I hope to ...
Nordin Docent's user avatar
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How to rotate marker or feature with OpenLayers?

I managed to add markers as Feature objects in a Vector layer. I can simply move the markers to its new locations by using Feature.setGeometry() method. Next thing is to change the marker's direction ...
Nordin Docent's user avatar
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Toggle dark mode on and off using on and un in OpenLayers

I made this codepen where I am setting a style to a layer on an event listener. How can I programmatically toggle the styling on and off since my attempts to unlisten to the event for that layer have ...
Curious's user avatar
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Krpano viewer with map Leaflet OSM

i'm new in krpano I'm looking for adding a map (OpenStreetMap) in the Virtual tour of krpano, OpenLayers or Leaflet, that should be interactive with panoramic viewer, so every panoramic image has ...
youmrabti's user avatar
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Export canvas with jspdf returns black map PDF

I built a basic webmap interface with some vector layers and basemaps (eg. openstreetmap) in OpenLayers. When I try to export the canvas with jspdf, the corresponding pdf-file shows a completely black ...
Nick's user avatar
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Getting next lat,lon on OL Map 3

I have the following 2 points on the map: point A lat1 / long1 and point B lat2 / long2 in OL map I have distance, arrived_time, speed. With these data how can I get a estimated latitude, longitude ...
baiju's user avatar
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Stopping default deselect on click of map OpenLayers

I am trying to create a box selection where I don't want to unselect until I click on an action button. Right now its getting unselected as soon as I click somewhere on points or anywhere on the map. ...
Tarang Rathod's user avatar
3 votes
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Stopping OpenLayers Text Icon overlapping on icons

I created a style with pin SVG and text (ID of my feature) on top, but when I zoom out, the text overlaps other pins as well. Below is the code of style style: function (feature) { return [new ol....
krishna lodha's user avatar
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Is there any limitations on using OpenStreetMap with Leaflet or OpenLayers in request count? [closed]

I have a project that needs an online map to determine customer current location and store location, so calculate the distance between them and the price of shipping. If this app can be able to ...
QMaster's user avatar
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Can't update map after first layer deletion on OpenLayers 6

So, I have a set of roads that have two configurations, a straight line, and a "snap to road" line, where the user can change between them by clicking the road icon on the toolbar. In order ...
Arthur Serafim's user avatar
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Offine storage titles with Openlayers

I'm developing an app with turn-by-turn navigation and I use OpenLayers consuming a tile server. However, I need to cache all the tiles of the route to be able to navigate offline. Is there a way to ...
Marcos Antônio's user avatar
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Using OpenStreetMap Transport layer as xyz in OpenLayers

How can I use Openstreet Transport layer as baselayer in Openlayers? var transport_layer = new ol.layer.Tile({ source: new ol.source.XYZ({ attributions: '', url : 'https://a.tile....
Andd's user avatar
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Openlayers blank map after construction for production

I follow this OL tutorial to build an Openlayers app. I am very new with that sort of dev environment (nodejs/parcel).All is working fine when in dev. OSM Tiles and MapServer Layers appear in web ...
Leehan's user avatar
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How to find lost information about the projection? [duplicate]

I have problems to find lost projection and hope someone could give a hint. I think there is no way to find the projection automatically so I did try a semi-automatic approach shown below. My ...
BR75's user avatar
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Showing Cypriot names for Cyprus on OpenStreetMap

How can I show only cypriot names (instead of Turkish) in OpenLayers map for the northern Cyprus side? By default OpenStreetMap shows both Turkish and Cypriot.
Andd's user avatar
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Zoom level issue with openlayers 5 and custom tile generation using gdal2tiles

Now i have changed my code but the output is still not what is expected, because the resolution provided is of 0 - 8 zoom but my minZoom starts from 12 itself, will i get my tiles rendered ?? how ...
Manoj Sawant's user avatar
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OpenLayers Scale Line not showing on the map

I am trying to generate a scale line on my map using ScaleLine but it is not showing on the map. //Scale import {defaults as defaultControls, ScaleLine} from 'ol/control'; map = new Map({ ...
UzmakiAshim's user avatar
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OpenLayers OpenStreetMap OSM not rendered

I am trying to render a part of OpenStreetMap offline, previously loaded as map.osm (OSM XML). I'm starting a localhost and loading the xml from disk. I tried to use similar example (https://...
Alex Sherzhukov's user avatar
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How to change tileSize in XYZ from default([256,256]) to something else for openlayers?

I am trying to change the tile size and I have not been able. Below is the code. var projection = get('EPSG:4326'); local_url = 'assets/tile/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; map = new Map({ target: 'map', ...
UzmakiAshim's user avatar
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Getting distance between route and points around that route?

I have a route between 2 points by means of OSM routing service. I want to get the distance between route and points around. How can I achieve this? I created this route by the following example ...
Abolfazl Mahmoodi's user avatar
5 votes
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Styling rendered mbtiles in offline web-map service

I am building a digital cartography tool that needs to run completely offline. As a basis, I downloaded a .mbtiles-file corresponding to the area I want to survey and I am running the excellent ...
zilog's user avatar
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ECW errors on ubuntugis

i have successfully installed the ECW support on ubuntu qgis. the main challenge that i have is that whenever i try and load an ecw file, the qgis main window crashes. On the other had i am able to ...
david's user avatar
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How do I add a georeferenced JPEG with a JGW Worldfile to OpenLayers v5.3.0?

I have a JPEG file with an associated .JGW worldfile containing the following data: 0.0144218 0 0 -0.0144218 -65758.8265181 -130841.5565499 My Jpeg is 21177*14242 pixels resolution. I'm currently ...
Steffan's user avatar
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Getting data from JSON data API?

As asked in previous question: Displaying icon name next to icon using OpenLayers? , now I need to change data source to the JSON API data, and used jquery plugin bypass CORS (http://www.ajax-cross-...
guzior's user avatar
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OpenLayers getting OSM from local server

I have successfully installed OSM tile server on a local server. I verified operation using direct calls http://server_ip/hot/z/x/y.png I setup a page with OpenLayers 5.2.0. The layer init : osm = ...
alsaleem's user avatar
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How to implement a temperature map using leaflet/openlayers?

I am new on Leaflet/OpenLayers. I have been searching the internet for a way to create a temperature map like the one below, but I didn't succeed...the only thing I made was a classical heatmap, but ...
Eduardo Humberto's user avatar
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OpenLayers 3 street data

I am able to manipulate coordinates, their position and diverse data. when testing I can see the street name on the map but i can't seem to find the data property to get. What i am trying to do is ...
Ranked Bronze's user avatar
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openlayers 3 and geolocation without HTTPS

I am creating an application where user can locate himself on map. the code is working fine in local development environment, but when i deploy it over server(IIS) the code won't work. here is code : ...
Vikrant Jain's user avatar
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View my osm file content on a layer [closed]

I'm trying to use OSM maps in a simple html page, just to learn the bases and evaluate if it will allow us to represent specific data on a map. Our needs are to have a web map of a specific highway ...
Stefania's user avatar
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OpenLayers OSM performance issue on mobile browser

I face a problem with slowdowns when I try to drag the map on my Samsung Galaxy A5 Chrome browser. Map is rendered by OpenLayers 4.6.5 version. So I've made a Leaflet version with the same source link ...
Kirill Stepashin's user avatar
4 votes
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OSM:Redirect from 'https:' to 'https:' has been blocked by CORS policy [duplicate]

I'm using OSM Standard base layer with Openlayer V4.1 API. While accessing OSM getting Exception: Access to Image at '' from origin 'http://...
cj devin's user avatar
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Android application development by using OpenStreetMap [closed]

I have managed to install my own tile server for one country and we can see the map, it's working. The END Goal is, we will build a vehicle tracking software by using our tiles. Currently we are on ...
alammd's user avatar
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OpenLayers is not showing the additional layer

I am trying to implement openportguide layers on osm. Instead of adding layers one by one I created a function that gets the values and create url based on selection. So far it is not working.Couldn't ...
Mapster's user avatar
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OL-Cesium error

I'm trying to implement my map using OL-Cesium / CesiumJS. var layer2 = new ol.layer.Tile({ source: new ol.source.TileWMS({ url: '', ...
Magno C's user avatar
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Applying Google maps styles to OpenStreetMap?

I have these styles of google maps: [ { "featureType": "landscape", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "saturation": "-16" }, { "...
Mr Robot's user avatar
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Openlayers 4: Add OSM labels without geometries

Is there a way to add a layer in Openlayers 4 containing only OpenStreetMap labels (for cities and roads mainly).? I know how to display OSM layers with and without labels using these links: https://...
EliseB's user avatar
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Openlayers min-zoom to view all map

I'm using openlayers with OSM as a map source. I would like to change map settings co I cannot zoom more than map size. This is a situation now. I do not want to see the white space. I do not want ...
Johnczek's user avatar
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Multiple Markers on OpenLayers using Javascript

Using Openlayers 2.13, I am trying to set up multiple markers for New expatriates in our suburb. As a new user of both JS and Openlayers, I am stuck - I have managed one marker but cannot add another ...
terrifurness's user avatar
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Draw Square from points OpenLayers 3

I have one string with points: var points = [-417494.99760966154,4921341.910474674,-416272.0051570987,4922111.058071794] And I am trying to print a Box var Square = new ol.geom.Polygon([points]);...
Miguel Herreros Cejas's user avatar
2 votes
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Using PostGIS, GeoServer & OpenLayers for simple web mapping application?

I'm very new to web-mapping and I develop a simple web mapping application for a small city called Berrechid in Morocco has a latitude 4099485 and longitude -14.2884 in Google Maps... For that I ...
Yassine Ech-Charafi's user avatar
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How to draw maps with OpenLayers without subtitles?

I'm developing an application, using OpenLayers and OpenStreetMap, which can not have some subtitles, because it pollutes the map, subtitles like this: this is my code defaultRasterLayer = new ol....
Pedro Henrique's user avatar
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Access and modify Features

I have some problems for get and set properties in my features. When I try get some property with feature.get('property') It not working. I have to look inside to the object and take the property ...
Miguel Herreros Cejas's user avatar