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Questions tagged [qgis-atlas]

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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QGIS export Atlas with dynamic legend

I am trying to print an Atlas layout so that the legend is dynamically updated depending on what is visible on each Atlas page. However, when I go to do this, only the legend on the first page is ...
Taski97's user avatar
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QGIS Atlas point for each column attribute

I want to automate the export of maps of a point layer automatically for each of the columns of the attribute table. It's possible? SP_A1 _Defo_m _Deco_m _Int_t1 _Int_T2 _Int_T3 _Int_T4 _Int_T5 E....
Alejandro Chamizo de Castro's user avatar
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Create an atlas for each polygon in diferent time interval

I need a create an atlas were each polygon have various dates. For exemplo atlas of properties each properties in January, February, March, and April. I know if I copy the same polygon of properties ...
Newton Monteiro's user avatar
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QGIS Atlas - show child features of adjacent parents

In my QGIS project, I want to create an atlas layout. I have a 1:n relation set up (both layers have an index1 field which acts as primary/foreign key) between my parcel and my owner table. The layout ...
sn1ks's user avatar
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QGIS extremely slow after adding a key map

I am currently working on an atlas export project and I needed to add a key map. I created a new map theme for keymap and added open topo map only and created a 2nd map in the layout. But the problem ...
Alperen İşcan's user avatar
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How to automate the design and production of 5 thematic maps in a single layout in QGIS

I am currently working on a project to map cleanliness incidents in all 19 boroughs of the City of Montreal. I must represent 5 variables out of 7 of the top 5 cleanliness incidents reported by ...
ttamba's user avatar
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Add multiple attributes in QGIS composer legend

I have a layer to make simple plans for planting forests. In this layer I have a field to indicate a zone for planting shrubs and a field to mark wich species should be planted there. In the print ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Cannot Generate Map Atlas

I am following a tutorial for using the map atlas feature in QGIS for the first time and I am encountering a problem. I believe I have everything specified I need to in order to generate an atlas, but ...
CaptainFishboy's user avatar