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Questions tagged [utility-network]

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FME Data migration for Feature class with Attachments: GN to UN

I am currently trying to migrate my Geometric Network (GN) system data to the Utility Network (UN) and would like to include attachments in the FME workbench. Currently, I have a workbench that ...
GISMapper's user avatar
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How can I associate different fields in the Device feature class of a domain network

The Device feature class in a domain network of UN is common for transformers and switches. But they should be particular fields for transformer like Power Kva and particular fields for switch like ...
Menachem's user avatar
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How to list/delete utility networks in a feature dataset

I have a Utility network inside a geodatabase that I'm trying to delete using arcpy. I've managed to use the list functions to identify feature datasets, tables and feature classes but I can't seem ...
Sam A's user avatar
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Accessing filter value list names inside ArcGIS Pro script tool using script [closed]

I am using ArcGIS Pro. I want to access the the name parameter defined under the condition barrier parameter using the Python script to add some custom values. How can I access the value list table ...
Kumar Prince's user avatar
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Creating a utility network

I want to create a utility network in ArcGIS Pro. I am using the Create Utility Network tool and the tool wants me to Specify a polygon feature class that is necessarily Z- and M- enabled for the ...
Shahrzad Sarabi's user avatar
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Create an ArcPy script to open a pop up window with some exporting functionality just after running trace tool from utility networks runs successfully [closed]

I am new to ArcPy. Suppose I ran the Trace Tool from utility network toolset using ArcGIS Pro successfully, and I need to immediately a pop up window comes up with the export functionality to export ...
Kumar Prince's user avatar
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Rotating symbol layers based on attribute values and direction of connected services

I'm working with ArcGIS Utility Network and I would like to rotate my taps to align with the direction of the service lines. Here is an example of what they look like initially: As you can see, the ...
DSGoldsboro's user avatar
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Cannot edit annotations in ArcGIS Pro

I am trying to edit the symbology and make some other changes to an annotation feature class I just made. However, I cannot make any changes to the annotation feature class. Any time I click apply, or ...
a_uly0003's user avatar
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k number and distance for automating mesh network of electric service poles

I'm using QGIS to try to make an analysis for placing electric utilities poles for the first time. I've imported building and road info from OpenStreetMap and have tried some things with nearest hub ...
boydo's user avatar
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What Are ABCD Prefixes Before Utility Network Package Asset Package

Can you please let me know what are the What Are A,B,C, and D Prefixes before the Utility Network Package Asset Package? I couldn't find any thing on esri documentation for the purpose of this naming ...
user1106951's user avatar
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Alternatives to Network Analyst in ArcGIS for utility network tracing

I have feature classes of lines (roads) and two types of point feature classes (let’s call them “sources” and “sinks”; there are many sinks for every source). For every source, I need to trace the ...
Borillar0821's user avatar
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Migrating geometric network data to UPDM (2019) without linear referencing

I have two databases storing pipeline data. One is spatial and the other is non-spatial. The spatial has one geometric network and other simple feature classes. I need to perform migration from those ...
Ayaz49's user avatar
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How to display the Radial type of pattern associated with electric consumers

I have a point dataset of electrical poles (feature data set under FGDB) and also i have the consumers data in non-spatial format (excel sheet), the excel sheet having a pole ID field which is the ...
rajesh kumar's user avatar
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Seeking alternative to ArcGIS Water Utility Tools to create lateral lines?

I need to automatically create perpendicular lines from a point to a line (curb box to water main) and also create perpendicular lines from a point to a line or polygon (curb box to building footprint)...
Tammy C's user avatar
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Utility and Pipeline Data Model 2016 Valves Layer

In the UPDM2016 data model we have a single Valve layer. Do I need to store both inline valves for mainlines and curb valves for services in the Valve layer together or is there another layer? UPDM ...
aa2zz6's user avatar
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Modelling fiber optic network using free solution in GIS? [closed]

I am a beginner to GIS software and currently I have been given a task to model a telecom network. Most of the solutions that I came across are proprietary. I want to know which open source software ...
Aaqib Khan's user avatar
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Place trace flags in bulk on selected features [closed]

I'm working on our company's geometric network looking for disconnected features. I have 102 purchase stations that I'm needing to trace from and was wondering if there was a quick way to select all ...
j.stanfield's user avatar
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ArcPy Utility Network Trace Not Returning Any Result

Using ESRI Tutorial Data for Utility Network Tracing (Montgomery.gdb) which is a File Geodatabase and following Arcpy script I am not getting any erro on running the script to find the path between ...
user1106951's user avatar
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Setting flow to road network using Utility Network Analyst of ArcGIS Desktop?

I'm editing the freeway network of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area for 2013. Currently, I am trying to establish the flows of the freeways and their accesses using the Utility Network Analyst but I can't ...
Marcos Correia's user avatar
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Getting point data (structure names) onto line segments and create to/from attribute in line segment?

I have two shapefiles, one being line segments (gravity sewer) and another being points (manholes). I want to be able to show to and from in the line attribute table. Is there an easy work around to ...
Daniel's user avatar
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flag problem in network trace in arcmap

i want to trace using a weight filter but we i have the case, that 2 edges are overlapping and they share the same 2 junctions. Now if you want to set a flag, you won't be asked if you want to select ...
webrider43's user avatar
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Update geometry in ArcGIS Relationship class between point and lines

I have set up two relationship classes with a pipe (storm_pipe) and its structures (storm_struc). Each pipe has a from_struc_id and a to_struc_id, both of which point to a id in the storm_struc layer. ...
twoLeftFeet's user avatar
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Gas Utility Routing software in open source or algorithm [closed]

objectives : To make a web application for gas utility that can perform upstream and downstream I have googled a lot but cannot find any Gas utility routing in open source. what i have is data for ...
Abhijit Gujar's user avatar
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Utility Profiles --- ArcGIS

I am currently working to convert our cities storm and sanitary sewers from 2D to 3D. Currently, we create profile views in CAD which means a lot of manual work anytime anything changes. We have a ...
Killy's user avatar
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Identifying flow of a Wastewater Network

I am trying to identify the flow path of a wastewater system. I am using Arcgis 10.3 and I have set up a geometric network system and identified the sources and the sink (sources = blue dots, sink = ...
N. Begg's user avatar
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How to get FeatureClass or FeatureLayer from FeatureClassID?

I did a network analysis with ITraceFlowSolverGEN and the method FindFlowElements(). Then I did a queryId's with INetElements which returns the FeatureClassId and OID. Now I want to get the ...
Arvin Sanaei's user avatar
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Wireline internet (cable, dsl) availability data source

I'm looking for data on spatial availability of cable, dsl, etc. internet service in Washington State, USA. Mainly interested in the big telco providers Comcast, ATT, etc.
Heron's user avatar
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Calculate upstream path

I have a river geometric network built that is fully operational with flow direction working. In ArcMAP when I trace upstream I get a selected feature that I can convert into a feature class (Data > ...
If you do not know- just GIS's user avatar
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Pipeline and electric power grid data for Southern California?

Does anyone know where I can find GIS shapefile or other data for the electric transmission line system as well as water/natural gas and other pipeline systems for Southern California? Notably San ...
user32882's user avatar
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Find connected features by type in utility network?

I have a storm drain geodatabase with digitized direction flow. I am trying to find catch basins (upstream) that drain to other catchbasins (downstream) as opposed to a junction structure or an ...
Tomsriv's user avatar
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Where can I find a shapefile of the UK electricity grid network?

Does anyone know where can I download a shapefile with the UK electricity grid network?
Ana's user avatar
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Looking for examples on how GIS techniques facilitate utility surveying and management [closed]

Anyone get some ideas about the interface between underground utility and GIS? Utility surveying is quite a new topic to me and I want some examples on how GIS techniques facilitate utility surveying ...
3 votes
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Assigning Sink ID to upstream features in ArcGIS geometric network?

Looking for a way to automatically assign an 8-character Sink ID to every upstream feature in a geometric network. There are over 500 sinks and about 5000 points and lines upstream from those sinks. ...
Rayner's user avatar
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Offseting lines with same symbology in ArcGIS Desktop? [duplicate]

I'm working in ArcMap 10 and have been tossed an electrical system map drawn in CAD to recreate in ArcMap. In several sections, different line numbers share the same structures for long stretches. ...
MaryBeth's user avatar
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