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Questions tagged [utility-network-analyst]

Use for questions involving the Utility Network Analyst toolbar of ArcGIS Desktop

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0 votes
3 answers

Tracing Upstream Accumulation from a polygon start

I am new to ESRI products (I typically use QGIS), but am using it in order to analyze upstream/downstream flowlines with the National Hydrography Dataset (specifically, HUC-4 mapping units for NHDPLUS ...
7 votes
2 answers

Tracing up stream network & tabulating attributes of polygons it passes through

I am using ArcMap and I am somewhat inexperienced when it comes to dealing with network analysis. I have a stream network covering a very large area & some census data. My problem is: I want to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Migrating geometric network data to UPDM (2019) without linear referencing

I have two databases storing pipeline data. One is spatial and the other is non-spatial. The spatial has one geometric network and other simple feature classes. I need to perform migration from those ...
2 votes
1 answer

Storm water Geometric Network Tracing Catch Basins

I am using ArcGis 10.3 and am trying to trace a geometric network from a catch basin to a catch basin lead to a mainline ultimately to a storm pond. Flow direction is set correctly using digitized ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why is Utility Network Analyst toolbar grayed out?

When I pull up my Utility Network Analyst toolbar I cannot use it because its grayed out. My method for pulling it up is Customize > Toolbars > Utility Network Analyst. I am not able to use any of the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Utility Network Analyst [closed]

I want to write C# code for utility network analyst (downstream trace task). My code is: IUtilityNetworkAnalysisExt m_utilNetExt = new UtilityNetworkAnalysisExtClass(); ITraceFlowSolverGEN tfs = (...
3 votes
2 answers

Trace Downstream task: which ArcObject interface and method?

Does anyone know what ArcObjects interface and method the Trace Downstream trace task on Arcmap's Utility Network Analyst toolbar calls?
5 votes
0 answers

Geometric Network for Electric Utilities? [closed]

I'm not expert in the use of geometric networks nor in Python scripting and I need help with the following problem. I'm using ArcGIS 10.0. I have defined a geometric network for an electric ...
9 votes
1 answer

Analyzing Flow direction in Geometric Networks in ArcGIS

I have a task in ArcGIS which involves using Geometric Network and right now I am experimenting with Set Flow direction function from Utility Network Analyst toolbar in ArcMap. I've read section Flow ...
1 vote
0 answers

Utility Network analyst - C# [closed]

This is related to Utility Network Analyst tool. I would like to build a button to accomplish the following: A Utility Network Analyst solve-function for downstream with flagging. Ofcourse, the user ...