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5 votes

Is there "label wrap on character" option in GeoServer GeoCSS?

I don't think this is currently possible in GeoServer, there is an autoWrap vendor option that allows you to specify a maximum width in pixels for a label but that breaks on white space not a ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
5 votes

Combine attribute and zoom based style in GeoServer using CSS styling

Staying close to your current attempt, this seems to work: * { label: [No]; mark: symbol(circle); [@sd >0][@sd <=6000]{ mark-size: 50m; font-size: 25;}; [@sd > 6000] [@...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
4 votes

Installing GeoServer extensions via pom file?

The querylayer jar is self contained, the css one has a number of other jars it depends onto (parboiled, asm, and so on), that is probably the reason why one works and the other does not.
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
4 votes

Geoserver CSS line with different colors

The trick is to draw three dashed lines offset from each other so that a complete line is drawn. So first you draw a red dashed line with 3 pixel dashes and 6 pixel spaces, then an blue line with a 3 ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
4 votes

New line in Label ,CSS Geoserver

I've never tried it in CSS but in SLD you would use a CDATA block containing the new line: <ogc:PropertyName>Name_1</ogc:PropertyName><![CDATA[ ]]><ogc:PropertyName>Name_2&...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
3 votes

Dynamic CSS Style (CSS sld) to pass environment and property name variable

There is a filter function called "property" that can resolve a property based on the name it has been provided. So something like this may work: [ FEATURECLA = env('X', 'temp_min_deg_c) ] &...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

GeoServer CSS Styling should be able to filter by type?

I believe this has little to do with CSS per se, it's just that the attribute checking happens before the FTS are selected out and it's not even considering that the rule would not actually apply to ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

How to show single title for double CSS stroke in map legend

At the moment there is no way to show a single title, two SLD feature type styles with two rules are going to be generated no matter what language you use (CSS, ySLD and so on, all translate back to ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

Geoserver linestring fill based on attribute value

You can, I would suggest removing the brackets from the [color] with the code as below; [userid = 1] { stroke: color; stroke-width: 3px; stroke-linecap: round; z-index: 0, 1; } This ...
whyzar's user avatar
  • 12.1k
2 votes

Geoserver dashed line Styling

The CSS Cookbook shows an example of this * { stroke: blue; stroke-width: 3px; stroke-dasharray: 5 2; }
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
2 votes

geoserver CSS-Styling call WPS function

The CSS syntax does not allow to use functions with a colon in the middle of the name. Instead of building it as a WPS process, built it as a filter function instead, and you'll be able to give it a ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

CSS plugin triggers an error on Geoserver

This happened: The ticket has been solved, but in the meantime, you can just remove the old asm 3.1 that was contained in it and it should be back ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

Legend in Geoserver generates wrong image

CSS is "cascading", so the rules are getting mixed with each other, generating two rules with the same title: First rule covers 1:1 to 1:15k, and has the label and the stroke Second rule activates ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

Geoserver's CSS Styling: using feature id

id is a keyword in CQL, you cannot use it like that. If you have a "id" attribute in your data, and it's visible in GeoServer layer page (e.g., it's not actually the primary key in a database, or you ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

Does anyone know how to make OSM national_park style using GeoServer GeoCSS?

Try using stroke-offset, that can be sized in pixels, e.g.: stroke: gray, green; stroke-offset: 0, 2; stroke-width: 1, 2;
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

Using GeoServer CSS styling, can you switch off transformation at a certain zoom scale?

CSS eventually gets transformed to SLD, where transformations happen at the FeatureTypeStyle level. So you need to force two separate FeatureTypeStyles. The translation code does not do it for you, ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

Geoserver 2.14.0 CSS styling - how to force label rendering similar to VendorOption "partials"

It seems not to be implemented in the CSS parser so if you wanted to you could (or sponsor someone else to) provide a pull request to implement it. Update This is now implemented in GeoTools 26.5 and ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
2 votes

Label Lower Left Corner Of Square Polygon SLD and Geoserver

If you can make sure during preprocessing/querying your data that the lower left corner is always the n-th (e.g. first) point in the geometry data, you could use the pointN function to get this point ...
Mesa's user avatar
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2 votes

GeoServer CSS Generic Styles

No guarantees, but try to replace "geometry" with the empty string (the empty string indicates the default geometry, whatever its name is, while "geometry" means the actual ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

GeoServer flips the WMS v1.3.0 image when applying a heatmap style on a layer with a CRS EPSG:4326

This is intended behaviour, and is required for WMS 1.3.0. Its documented as I would stick with WMS 1.1 unless you need ...
BradHards's user avatar
  • 12.9k
2 votes

CSS style option equivalent to <VendorOption name=”inclusion”>mapOnly</VendorOption> in GeoServer

Correct, it still needs implementation. Pull requests welcomed ;-)
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
1 vote

Polygon label parallel to line but inside polygon

You can get something pretty close using a negative buffer on the boundary of the polygon. Here it is in SLD (as I don't have CSS installed currently): <TextSymbolizer> <Geometry&...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
1 vote

Geoserver 2.14.0 CSS styling - how to force label rendering similar to VendorOption "partials"

In the meantime, support for it has been added (around May 2022). The property is called "label-partials".
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
1 vote

Geoserver 2.14.0 CSS styling - how to force label rendering similar to VendorOption "partials"

The Geoserver CSS code for VendorOption "partials" for labels is label-partials: false; The VendorOptions are available in newer Geoserver versions that utilized newer implementation of ...
mapperx's user avatar
  • 1,467
1 vote

Does anyone know how to make OSM national_park style using GeoServer GeoCSS?

Assuming you want just the tiny one sided buffer you were very close, what you were missing was the difference function: fill-geometry: [difference(geom,buffer(geom, -200))]; This should work for you,...
Dror Bogin's user avatar
  • 3,595
1 vote

GeoServer CSS how to force labels onto map where boundaries are tight or narrow

Check out the label-fit-goodness property, should help:
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
1 vote

GeoServer 2.18. Setting Min & Max Scales

When in doubt check the CSS Styling Cookbook - simply you use the "magic" scale denominator variable (@sd) in a filter. * { mark: symbol(circle); } :mark { fill: #CC3300; } [@sd ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
1 vote

Hilight object on mouse hover or mouse click events in Geoserver css style

No, it is not possible GeoServer's CSS is for styling the features in a WMS only, so the output is an image and there is no support for :hover.
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
1 vote

GeoServer CSS Styling variable

* { fill: [recode(strTrim(name), 'Akmola Region', env('color_Akmola','#6495ED'), 'Aktobe Region', env('color_Aktobe','#B0C4DE'))]; fill-opacity:0.4; stroke: ...
Cold Pol's user avatar
1 vote

Creating group style file

The SLD can contain multiple < NamedLayer > allowing you to have multiple styles for multiple layers in a single SLD. In Geoserver you can apply a "Style Group" from within the "...
Neil's user avatar
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