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11 votes

How to generate WKT geometries from true type font glyphs (python)

1) You can use TTFQuery as in Retrieving bounding box and bezier curve data for all glyphs in a .ttf font file in python from ttfquery import describe from ttfquery import glyphquery import ttfquery....
gene's user avatar
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2 votes

Custom TTF fonts in QGIS input app on iPhone

Custom (TTF) fonts are not yet supported by InputApp, and the progress on this issue is tracked in the ticket (disclaimer: I am part of the ...
Peter Petrik's user avatar
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1 vote

Working with Geoserver ttf marks?

It is hard to answer a question like this without the data source. But here are some things to try: Does it work when you use "square" or "circle" in the WellKnownName tag? If so there is a font ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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