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Using HTML Popup to show multiple image attachments in ArcMap?

I have figured out a solution. The xsl code is correct, the problem is that the ArcGIS didn't download the attachment files to a local temp folder.You can make sure that ArcGIS downloads those files ...
John_Doe's user avatar
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What is the difference between metadata generated by the ArcCatalog/ArcGIS Desktop and the tool XSLT Transform?

The XSLT conversion tool will use different tags for storing metadata. You would use it to convert existing ESRI-generated metadata to FGDC or ISO, for instance. I would be cautious about using this ...
Hélène's user avatar
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WMS GetFeatureInfo html popup

XSL transformation is the only way to handle your purpose. ArcGIS Server offers some templates to conduct this BUT when you use the ArcGIS Server xslt templates and modify them so that only some ...
JakobT's user avatar
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