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Ture Pålsson's user avatar
Ture Pålsson's user avatar
Ture Pålsson
  • Member for 9 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
8 votes

EPSG code for UTM zone

7 votes

Getting coordinates across one road

5 votes

Test if a spatial query contains another

4 votes

What are "degrees" in SRID 4326 and why can't they use meters?

3 votes

Error 502 with OpenStreetMap Geocoding

3 votes

How to convert Latitude Longitude to UTM - conflicting UTM Zone codes

2 votes

GDAL geographic coordinate to pixel coordinate

2 votes

Ordnance Survey coordinates mismatch when converting from Lat/Lon

1 vote

Split point track based on time

1 vote

Are these glitches in my map rendering caused by not projecting WGS84 coordinates to Cartesian?

1 vote

Difference between nodes and waypoints OpenStreetMap

1 vote

Why are my circles plotted on maps, using buffer data from GeoPandas, not the same size as if I plot on Google Earth?

1 vote

What coordinate system is this?

1 vote

How to calculate azimuth from the south, latitude, departure with two points?

1 vote

Alpha-channel PNG from gdaldem

0 votes

SQLite spatial function

0 votes

Keeping node ids of a OSM data even after converting it into GeoJSON