I am attempting to create a GIS Project with multiple Brazilian cities. I have been collecting, and am interested in, shapefiles that delineate the neighborhood boundaries of said cities.
One city's shape file that I have acquired is for Curitiba, Paraná (PR), Brazil. I obtained the city-neighborhood shape file from here: Institute of Research and Urban Planning: Curitiba. You will find the file under "Divisa de Bairros" (Neighborhood Divisions).
I am using Quantum GIS to overlay these city shape files over Google Maps, because ultimately I may need to incorporate street or highway information in to my analysis. I am ambivalent ultimately about which source I use, and am open to solutions using Open Streets if possible.
I have read the GIS help files and followed the process to view the metadata in ArcMap to see what the coordinate system and/or projection system is for this shapefile. However, on reviewing the metadata it says that the coordinates have "No Z Values" and "No measures" and there is not defined coordinate system.
My question is: How can I fix this coordinate/measurement issue so that I can correctly project the location of the Curitiba city shapefile on either the Google Maps or Open Streets projections so that I may move forward with my project?
Note: I have already contacted the creator(s) of the files and asked if they may provide any additional information. I will post or answer my own question as need be.