I think I've managed to bust GDAL after (I think) installing Grass7. I had previously built GDAL (1.10) from source with a bunch of additional drivers. When installing Grass7 GDAL 1.11 was installed. QGIS threw a bunch of errors when loading plugins I assume because I built QGIS against Gdal 1.10. I tried to downgrade GDAL in synaptic package manager from 1.11 to 1.10 (gdal-bin; libgdal-dev; libgdal1h) which has allowed me to run QGIS without errors.
However, all sorts of strange behaviour now from QGIS/GDAL now. For example, when attempting to import a shapefile to postgis using the processing toolbox - the application crashes. When attempting to import the shapefile via ogr2ogr from the command line - the driver throws the following error:
Warning 1: Geometry to be inserted is of type Multi Line String, whereas the layer geometry type is Line String.
Insertion is likely to fail ERROR 1: INSERT command for new feature failed. ERROR: Geometry type (MultiLineString) does not match column type (LineString)
All seems to point to broken GDAL - I seem to remember managing to do this once before and having to rebuild gdal and qgis from scratch. This is something I want to avoid, so wondered if there are any quick fixes? That said, I should probably upgrade gdal to 1.11 (but with driver support for kml, mrsid, ecw, etc) and build QGIS against this library - does anyone have a script or link to a script to achieve this without to much headache?
How do you keep on top of version changes of GDAL/QGIS when you've built from source?
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS QGIS 2.10 Pisa GDAL 1.10