When trying to open vector files (.shp or .tab) in QGIS 2.18 and 2.18.3 on my desktop using either drag and drop or through Add Layer, I get the "qgis-bin.exe has stopped working" message and crashes. Otherwise QGIS appears to open without problems. If I open a raster file (.ecw or .tab) I can then open the vector and display it without a problem. Strange.
I have tried:
a) Reinstalling both 2.18 and 2.18.3 on the desktop
b) Using older version 2.14 on desktop - everything appears to work fine with same files
c) Checking 2.18.3 on my laptop - everything appears to work fine
2.18 was working well on the desktop until I upgraded to 2.18.3 however this version seems to be ok on the laptop so doesn't appear to be the programme. Have never had this issue before over the years of installing QGIS as usually installs seamlessly so has got me a bit baffled and annoyed. May be something obvious?
Further to this (64bit version, with or without GRASS):
1) Browser works fine
2) If I remove the raster and leave the vector, it crashes. If I have the raster and add 2 vectors, it's fine. If I remove 1 vector, it's fine, if I remove the other vector leaving the raster, it's fine. If I have 2 vectors and remove raster it's fine. If I then remove 1 vector leaving 1 vector it's fine. If I remove everything it's fine. If I then load vector again, it crashes.
Further comment. In the absence of any other suggestions (eg possible issues with plugins or anything else), that an uninstall/reinstall doesn't seems to fix it and the fact that 2.18.3 works fine on my 32bit laptop and on another available 64bit desktop, seems this will remain in the realm of the unexplained and may need to do a reformat of system to sort it. Not really my idea of an optimum solution but if all else fails....