I'm assuming that you have set the datacube up (test that with datacube system check). Otherwise, get started with the following doc, cross-checking whether you've completed all the steps mentioned in it! CEOS-SEO - Get Started
Step 1 :- Download Satellite images. Choose a dataset. e.g. Landsat 8 level 1. It can be downloaded from USGS Earth Explorer. extract them within /datacube/original_data/Folder_Name_based_on_Instrument_Path_row_acquisition_date.
Step 2 :- Add the Landsat 8 level 1 product using the following command :-
datacube product add ~/Datacube/datacube-core/docs/config_samples/dataset_types/ls_usgs.yaml
Step 3 :- Prepare the metadata file for the image you downloaded.
python ~/Datacube/datacube-core/utils/ls_usgs_prepare.py --output /datacube/original_data/folder_containing_satellite_images/ls8_usgs_lv1.yaml /datacube/original_data/folder_containing_satellite_images/
P.S:- you can use wildcard, for example, look up the guide added below as reference. this will create ls8_usgs_lv1.yaml in the folder which contains the satellite images. this can be any other filename too, and is datacube-metadata.yaml in the guide and the script mentioned works for Landsat 7 level 2 data.
Step 4 :- index the metadata file created just now
datacube -v dataset add /datacube/original_data/Folder1/ls8_usgs_lv1.yaml
Step 5:- Prepare an ingest script for your dataset. there are some entries which should match the dataset / product you added.
Instructions on preparing the script can be found in the following section :-
CEOS - Ingestion guide
ingest the script you do create with the command :-
datacube -v ingest -c ~/Folder1/.../ingest_script_created.yaml
References :-