I have OpenStreetMap data and a database with the postgis extension, on a supercomputer (precisely Jean Zay, French cluster). In order to use JZ and install all the programs, packages etc I need on JZ, I use a conda environment.
I would like to populate my database using osm2pgsql (this is what I did on my local machine). Unfortunately, conda install -c conda-forge osm2pgsql
shoots me the error PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels
I have tried anaconda instead of conda-forge, same result. Had no problem installing postgresql with this method. I haven't found any solution on SO nor on the manuals of conda and osm2pgsql. Given that this community uses osm2pgsql I think I have better chances at an answer than on StackOverflow.
How can I install osm2pgsql on a conda environment?