I want to load ECW maps in QGIS 3.22 In ubuntu 22.04
I ran the latest version (master repo) of the code with Qt 5.15 and also tried it by installing it ( QGIS 3.22.4-Białowieża)
In both ways, I can't load .ecw maps
I also tried StackOverflow questions said like this or this GitHub repo but the problem is that these ways are too old and they didn't work.
Invalid Data Source: /home/parisa/Downloads/apps/BlueMarble/ttMaps/Maps/BlueMarble/01.ecw is not a valid or recognized data source.
QGIS 3.22.4-Białowieża
QGIS 3.28 and the latest version under development (master branch)
gdalinfo --formats | grep ECW
shows nothing and I can't open ECW Map inside QGIS. I getECWJP2SDKSetup_5.5.0.2268-Update4-Linux
because I didn't find 5.4.0 andgdal-3.4.1
. But I cant understand why QGIS didn't support this in Linux versions.I have no problem in Windows and I can see ECW Maps without need to install other things. Please help me I don't know what should I do.