It's a fast fix:
The basic idea is to convert your points to a WKT Well-known text representation of geometry in EXCEL and export it as CSV data into QGIS. Therefore we create a new field (column) in EXCEL and call it geometry and construct a WKT LineString as Textthat can be read in qgis csv import.
In WKT two point coordinates (x,y) a seperated by a whitespace and the next point is seperated by a comma ",".
We can use:
POINT (30 10)
LINESTRING (30 10, 10 30, 40 40)
POLYGON ((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))
and some other options.
So we can construct a WKT for each row with the function TEXTJOIN in EXCEL.
In EXCEL use:
="LINESTRING(" & TEXTJOIN(" ";TRUE;A2;B2) & "," & TEXTJOIN(" ";TRUE;C2;D2) & ")"
Now you have a column called geometry
Important hint
As you live in a country with a comma as decimal sepertaor you must convert your coordinates to a format with "." instead of ",".
Save your file as CSV in EXCEL.
Now in qgis import your CSV from menu --> Layer --> Add delimated Text Layer.
Your geometry defintion is WKT and your geometry field is the geometry field you created in EXCEL. Choose Line as geometry type and your CRS.
Now you have a regular line layer with your fields and attributes in qgis and you can calculate what ever you want. Perhaps you must reproject your layer to get the length in km.