I am trying to organize my files by creating geodatabase and importing shapefiles into it. I have created a feature dataset for my vectors which includes a few polygon layers, a line layer and points collected with a GPS. Before importing the files I have projected all of them to Ky state plane. Except point data everything looks fine. point data was collected originally with WGS84. I do not know if it was the reason. My point data missing table and when I try to load features on it I get this error. Any idea why?
Warning 594 says
Description These specific input features require attention. This often occurs when features are positioned outside the current XY Domain environment. The XY Domain environment sets the allowable coordinate range for x,y coordinates. If a feature falls outside this range, it cannot be added to the output. In addition, with some tools such as Append, which have a target dataset, if the features of the input fall outside the XY Domain of the target, they also will not be added. Similarly, the M Domain and Z Domain limit the coordinate range for m- and z-coordinates.
Solution Check the XY Domain, M Domain, and Z Domain environments, and reset them to Same as Input' if they are too restrictive for your inputs. When using a tool like Append, check the coordinate system of the target dataset, and if unknown, define a coordinate system for the feature class. Also, consider creating a new feature class with a broader x,y domain if the current x,y domain is too restrictive.
I have checked domain it looks like the points within the boundary.