I'm using QGIS 3.8 with GRASS 7.6.1
I want to add only the names of my vertices (from line intersection, duplicates deleted) to the attributtable of my lines (like start and end node). Every line has only two vertices.
What I tried:
--> gives me the coordinates (I need the name) of my real nodes not of the vertices"add by position" only transfers the name of one vertices (but I need both)
use attribute of first feature (one to one)
when joining attributes by position. If you chooseone to many
you will get two lines which overlap. Workaround: Divide your vertices into start- and endpoints. First join the start-, then join the endpoints to your lines. The problem is, that the name-column is the same for both points, and only one attribute of the same column can be attached to another feature/layer.