I generated random points within my map in QGIS. Then I created a buffer zone of 5km around each point because it is necessary for my analysis.

However, now the buffer zone crosses over the layer boundaries which I don't want to happen. Is there any way to avoid this? I want the buffer zones to not intersect with the layer boundaries.

See the problem in the screenshot below.

  • clip you buffers with the layer boundaries.
    – Erik
    Commented Jul 30, 2021 at 8:52
  • After creating the buffers, can you cut them using the boundary (Vector > Geoprocessing Tools > Clip)?
    – gvanhavre
    Commented Jul 30, 2021 at 8:52
  • Please, do not forget about "What should I do when someone answers my question?"
    – Taras
    Commented Aug 30, 2021 at 5:49

3 Answers 3


This would be a two step process.

Once you have generated the buffers you can clip them to the boundary.

This can be done with:

Vector > Geoprocessing Tools > Clip

This is a combination of the "Buffer" and "Intersection" within the "Geometry by expression" from the Processing Toolbox (Ctrl+Alt+T).

Let's assume we have five features in 'poly_test' (purplish) and ten in 'random_points_test' (orange) accordingly, see image below.


In the "Geometry by expression" window use this formula in the 'Geometry expression' field:

                    overlay_intersects(layer:='poly_test', expression:=geom_to_wkt($geometry))
             buffer($geometry, 150000, 50)


for creating buffers that do not exceed the boundary of polygons .

Press Run and get the output



There is a possibility using a "Virtual Layer" through Layer > Add Layer > Add/Edit Virtual Layer...

Let's assume we have five features in 'poly_test' (purplish) and ten in 'random_points_test' (orange) accordingly, see image below.


With the following query, it is possible to create buffers that do not exceed the boundary of some polygons.

SELECT poi.id,
       st_intersection(st_buffer(poi.geometry, 150000), poly.geometry) AS geom
FROM "random_points_test" AS poi
INNER JOIN "poly_test" AS poly ON st_within(poi.geometry, poly.geometry)

The output polygon layer (orange) with its attribute table will look like


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