Linked Questions

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Changing central meridian in QGIS causes problems? [duplicate]

I want to change the central meridian of my world map (WGS84) in QGIS from 0 to -80. The problem is that this distorts the map every time I try it. This is what I do: go to Settings/Custom CRS and ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Creating a world map centered on another meridian in QGIS [duplicate]

I am trying to create a world map, but centered over the Pacific rather than the Prime Meridian. Recentering the projection (standard Mercator) on 180 degrees gives me a lot of ugly artifacts where ...
futuraprime's user avatar
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QGIS world map projection with solid Russia (10 degrees over) [duplicate]

I'm fairly new to QGIS. I have a world map, standard WGS84 with 10 degree graticules (see map). How do I "shift" the whole map over just 10 degrees to give me a complete world map with a solid (...
Daniel's user avatar
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Wrap CSV lat/long points around 180 meridian in QGIS [duplicate]

I have a CSV file with lat/long coordinates. I also have a custom CRS to center the map on the Indian Ocean. Is there a way for me to force the points to plot on the blank band of the map where the ...
srha's user avatar
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Lines on map when I change projection on QGIS [duplicate]

I changed the projection of my base to WGS 84 PDC but I get these lines on top. This also happens to a few other projections. I am trying to make the Pacific the center of the map.
Hannah Dormido's user avatar
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How to reproject data from [-180 180] to [0 360]? [duplicate]

I have both a GeoJSON and shapefile of volcanoes along the Pacific Ring of Fire. The area I want to render in the map is right around the antimeridian, so Leaflet cuts it in half. I initially tried to ...
vastava's user avatar
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Complete map of Oceania (physical, from satellite,...) to use as background [duplicate]

I need to use a map to show a cartographic output based on raster elaborations. Specifically, I want to use this map as background to overlay over it some cells of my rasters layers. The type of map ...
Marco's user avatar
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Recenter projection of world map in QGIS [duplicate]

I'm a beginner in QGIS. I would like to use world maps with different longitudes in the centre for my geography lessons. I am trying to create world maps centred on different longitudes (others than ...
Ole Joerss's user avatar
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Graphical error while reprojecting Shapefile with QGIS [duplicate]

I'm trying to retroject Natural Earth's Shapefile of the world (Admin 0 – Countries on this page: Here's the original Shapefile in ...
Lucien S.'s user avatar
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Ortho Projection produces artifacts

I`m trying to create a sphere-like view using qgis and the "world from space"-projection (essentialy an ortho-projection). ArcGIS wraps the shapes ...
user1523709's user avatar
7 votes
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Changing shapefile longitude from -180 - 180 to 0 - 360?

I have a shapefile of world countries, with longitude between -180° and 180°. How can I change the shapefile (eg. with ogr2ogr) for having longitude between 0 and 360°. Following OSGEO/Trac ...
Bruno von Paris's user avatar
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Lines on reprojected sp objects with Mollweide projection

I'm having an odd problem such that when I reproject maps to a Mollweide projection in R using sp, I get additional lines stretching across the globe. What is going on here, and do you have any ...
jebyrnes's user avatar
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How to render area that crosses 180°?

The problem is that the Chukotka Peninsula is located in the Western Hemisphere. So it is on the left side of Natural Earth Datasets. It needs to be moved to the right. I tried to use following srs(...
Andrey Yankin's user avatar
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Reprojecting over the Pacific Ocean with EPSG:3832 gives artefacts

I am trying to center the Natuarl Earth 10m on the Pacific. I have followed instructions from QGIS Tutorial: How to Change the Map Projection to be Centered Over the Pacific Ocean. When I change ...
Corpuscular's user avatar
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Transforming a shapefile from EPSG:3338 to EPSG:4326?

I'm trying to transform this shapefile from EPSG:3338 (Alaska Albers) to EPSG:4326. When I display the file in EPSG:3338 in QGIS it looks as you'd expect: But when I display it in EPSG:4326 I see ...
Richard's user avatar
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Escaping cut of western/eastern hemispheres in QGIS?

I am very new to QGIS and GIS in general, so I am struggling with the following: when I do a map of Russia, I get the part next to Alaska being drawn far left from Europe, as it lies behind 180o... I ...
Maria's user avatar
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Using azimuthal equidistant projection with buffers in QGIS?

I am a journalist. My goal: A globe that shows the range ok North Koreas ICBMs - the azimuthal equidistant projection centered on NK. My steps so far: Created Standard QGIS project (EPSG:4326) ...
der.hamburger's user avatar
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How to create polygon from my coastline in qgis? [duplicate]

I've downloaded the data from Natural Earth (coastline at a scale 50 million), I've cut the coastline into my study area, I wanted to clip other vector datasets as well, for this I wanted to convert ...
ndr's user avatar
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Dissolving reprojected features split into two parts by international dateline (180 degrees) in QGIS

I am trying to view the World EEZ polygon from Marine, but centered on the Pacific Ocean. To centre the EEZ map on the Pacific ocean I followed these steps. The custom CRS from this ...
Amroco's user avatar
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QGIS incorrectly saving polygon with custom CRS, while correctly projecting it on-the-fly

I'm splitting a land polygon up in order to shift the centering of the projection to the Pacific ocean. I manage to successfully cut up the original polygon on the 22 meridian, and it looks fine when ...
srha's user avatar
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Offset the extent of a map projection in QGIS

I got this dataset from Natural Earth which contains every country on Earth as a shapefile. When I load it into QGIS, the easternmost part of Russia is cut and find itself west of Alaska, and I would ...
user avatar
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Convert shapefiles from WGS84 to Miller Projection

I have some shapefiles of the world from Natural Earth at WGS84. I would like to convert them to the Miller Projection. I have ogr2ogr, but I'm not sure what the parameters for this conversion ...
calvillo's user avatar
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How to digitize a "ringed" topographic-style choropleth map?

I have a choropleth map of plankton distribution in the ocean that I am digitizing. However, as you can see, there are many features within features creating rings, almost like mountains on a ...
srha's user avatar
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How to update polygon longitude if negative?

I have a polygon, with longitude in [-180, 180], with 2 parts around the dateline. I want to make a map centered on the date line. My plane is to: 1./ update the longitude, so that if lon < 0 , lon=...
Bruno von Paris's user avatar
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QGIS map wraparound in WGS84

I am learning QGIS. I'm working with the 'Natural_Earth_quick_start' data set from the tutorials. The WGS84 projection gives me the view I want. However, this looks like a sheet of paper, and on the ...
Alex's user avatar
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Reprojecting a shapefile with ogr2ogr when a line is crossing the international date meridian

I have a line shapefile with a local transverse mercator projection ("+proj=tmerc +lat_0=50 +lon_0=172.5 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371000 +b=6371000 +units=m +no_defs") and I want to reproject it into EPSG:...
Andreampa's user avatar
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Connecting points located in opposite side of international date meridian using Python GDAL/OGR?

Given a list of coordinates, I need to create a line shapefile joining each of the point with a Python GDAL/OGR script. The procedure described here Convert XY points to a line? works fine in almost ...
Andreampa's user avatar
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Countries cutting off at the edges of Mollweide projection

I have a custom CRS centering on the Pacific ocean with the Mollweide projection: +proj=moll +lon_0=-158 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +lon_wrap=-158 My countries are split at the 22nd meridian, ...
srha's user avatar
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Joining 2 vector pieces of one country into one vector polygon using QGIS?

How to eliminate seam on meridian 168W. Seam is on Russia and Antarctica? I have done my projection in this way: QGIS display world country shape files centered on pacific ocean using Robinson, ...
Pe Pe's user avatar
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