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Questions tagged [collada]

COLLADA is a royalty-free XML schema that enables digital asset exchange within the interactive 3D industry.

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Linking 3D models (Collada) with Shapefile (point feature)

Is it possible to import 3D models in COLLADA format (.dae) into QGIS, positioning them based on a shapefile (point feature)? Here's a brief description of the issue: There is a 3D library of building ...
BERKOF's user avatar
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qgis2threejs 2d instead of 3d view

I want only display a simple cube within qgis2threejs as a collada dae file. I have this cube created with blender. But the result of the cubes within qgis2threejs are only in 2D. The file is OK, I ...
juko's user avatar
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Importing georeferenced 3D objects (Collada DAE) into ArcScene?

I need to import 3D objects created with Agisoft Photoscan into ArcGis Desktop 10.4.1 (specifically ArcScene). I know how to use the "Import 3D" function to import Collada files as Multipatch files in ...
Matt's user avatar
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Collada file mirrored when created with qgis2threejs in QGIS 2.18

When I export a Collada file from QGIS 2.18.23 using the amazing QGIS2threejs plugin version 1.4.2, my Collada file comes into Blender and Sketchup with the East West mirrored. This is not the case in ...
Baswein's user avatar
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Multi patch to Collada - 3D Buildings

I have extruded building footprints using the height of each building in ArcScene. I have converted them into multi patch using Layer 3D to Feature Class and now i want to apply textures on those ...
Bill Kay's user avatar
5 votes
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Importing COLLADA Models into QGIS

QGIS 2.18.5 I'm using Qgis2threejs to put this COLLADA model ontop of a point (open in IE, not chrome). You see how the web-preview animates perfectly and the blades are centred on the hub. When ...
James B's user avatar
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COLLADA files and geographic coordinates

I am failing to understand something here, from the arcgis help page: "The Multipatch To COLLADA tool can be used to export multipatches to COLLADA files on disk. COLLADA is a 3D model format ...
Posad's user avatar
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Exporting georeferenced collada from ArcGIS Pro to Sketchup

Using the Multipatch to Collada conversion tool on ArcGIS Pro I have been able to export 3D models and open them in Sketchup maintaining their 3D features, however they lose their spatial reference ...
Posad's user avatar
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Open source solution to convert terrain data to collada?

I am exploring how to convert terrain information (DTED, SRTM, etc) to a 3D mesh file. Collada is preferrable as it is very compatible. I have read this: Converting dem and geotiff to collada model ...
auslander's user avatar
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Textures on COLLADA models in QGIS 3D

Currently using COLLADA models in QGIS 2.14 and these appear to be black when I create a 3D model. I am aware that on the tool it says it is experimental. Is there a way that the textures of the ...
Marcus Humphrey's user avatar
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Creating vector datasets from 3D models

I'm an archaeologist and have been using photogrammetry to record rock art sites in northern Australia. That is working very well (we're using Agisoft Photoscan, it's fantastic). My question relates ...
Mick Morrison's user avatar
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Converting dem and geotiff to collada model with texture?

I have a digital elevation model (dem) file with corresponding orthophoto in geotiff format. What I need to do is to create a 3D model of the terrain with textures (preferably in collada file)? I ...
Zoran Petrović's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro crashes when importing photogrammetric multipatch? [closed]

I am new to the ArcGIS platform, so please bear with me. I have run some tests on both ArcScene and ArcGIS Pro before my jobs decides with program to buy. ArcScene imports 3d models exported from ...
Theis Jensen's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

No texture after Importing .dae COLLADA to ArcScene?

I'm attempting to export a .dae collada file from Photoscan to ArcScene 10.1. I've followed instructions from a couple of sources, created the file geodatabase, imported the file as a multipoint ...
MuckaG's user avatar
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Multipatch to collada says Background processing has encountered a serious error and is unable to continue?

I was trying to convert a 2D shapefile of building footprint to 3D SketchUp-readable file. I first opened the shapefile in ArcGlobe, and in properties set building height as extrusion parameter. ...
Stefanie's user avatar
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Tutorials related to the transformation of building geometries from CityGML to KML/Collada?

I have some 3D building geometries in CityGML that I want to transform into KML/KMZ. Apparently the way KML works is to build the geometry in Collada and do the georeferencing in the actual KML file. ...
Simon Fromme's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does Collada allow to georeference the 3D coordinates within a DAE file?

Can I assign lat/long/height values to each vertice of a Collada 3D model?
Simon Fromme's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to export from a vector format to Collada .dae?

I am curious if there is a way to export from a vector format (ie: shapefile for PostGIS table) to Collada (.dae). ogr2ogr will do to GML and KML, but not Collada. My preference is to use open ...
Ryan Garnett's user avatar
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