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Use the EucDistance function of ArcPy in PyCharm

I failed to calculate the Euclidean distance with the EucDistance function in the PyCharm. The codes are as follows. import arcpy from arcpy import env from import * arcpy.env.overwriteOutput ...
zongxu li's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro - Raster Calculator Percentiles - conditional

I want to 'cap' the values of a raster if it exceeds the percentile value. For example if the 95th percentile value of the raster was 10000, then anything at or above that value would be assigned a ...
Daniel Sim's user avatar
-1 votes
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Calculating bamboo index

I am working on my project on bamboo distribution using RS. As per the literature, I found that bamboo indices is calculated as: BI = (NDVI-SI)/(NDVI+SI); Where NDVI is vegetation index and SI as soil ...
Walker's user avatar
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Find the area of a raster created from drone data

I am trying to find the areas for a series of drone captured mosaic tiff data using ArcMap 10.8 which are irregular in shape. I have tried using Raster Calculator and multiplying by 0 to then use the ...
Karyssa's user avatar
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Moderate raster values based on another raster

I am trying to make a soil erosion risk model using raster overlay in ArcGIS Pro. I have calculated soil erosion risk in raster calculator by combining the following risk factor rasters: slope ...
Bill's user avatar
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Areas don't add up using Raster Calculator & and Tabulate Area

I'm using & (AND) in Raster Calculator for two rasters and then using Tabulate area to work out the area of each in a polygon layer. But the amount in the resulting table is more than the amount ...
rowan eisner's user avatar
3 votes
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Reset the NODATA to negative value error

I have a requirement for converting NODATA to value -3 with my floating point data. I have tried to reset NODATA by using Raster Calculator with the formula of Con(IsNull("tif"),-3,"tif&...
JENN's user avatar
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How do I create a polygon layer of high slope (>58%) area from a DEM in ArcGIS Pro

I am hoping to get from a slope raster (calculated from a 10m resolution DEM) to a polygon of areas above a certain grade (58%). I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.1. I have used the Raster Calculator tool to ...
Andrew Muloford's user avatar
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Get the pixel value of a raster object using Python and ArcPy

I used the following code to get the pixel value of specific location of a DEM image (in GRID format): import arcpy from import * inRaster="C:\\data\\dem" slop_temp=Slope(inRaster) ...
GIS2000's user avatar
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ENDISI calculate

I'm new to ArcGIS. Can someone tell me why my ENDISI always equal to 1? My algorithms: ("band02.tif" - 16170.19 * (("band06.tif" / "band07.tif") + "mndwi.tif" ^ ...
Duy's user avatar
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How to change the order or sequence of land types in ArcGIS

I am trying to use the raster calculator to compute the landuse land change and to that the raster sequence has the to be the same but what it looks like currently is the following: These maps are ...
findingnemo's user avatar
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Raster calculator multiple expressions

i have the following rasters: soilrisk, slope, rainfall How can I create an expression that meets the following conditions? (Soil risk = 1 and Slope > 7 and Rainfall < 800) OR (Soil risk = 1 and ...
Bill's user avatar
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Why does the Least Cost Intelligence path tool work on another computer but not mine?

For my final project in my GIS class, I am creating a least-cost path pipeline from a start point to an endpoint within a study area boundary (that being a park polygon). This tool takes a total cost ...
Justin Pan's user avatar
-4 votes
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Extract raster attribute other than value to points in ArcGIS Pro using ArcPy

I have a raster with two attributes, Value and Category. I would like to extract the Category to points. I am using Extract Multi Values to Points, but this always defaults to the Value attribute. Is ...
user222975's user avatar
2 votes
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Iterate over a list of raster with Arcpy and apply Con() to each raster

I would like to iterate a list of raster objects and apply Con() to each raster. The rasters are in a specific order in the list. That's important. All I want to do is to write the value of the ...
Gero's user avatar
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Zonal Statistics not executing in arcpy

I'm trying to run code to automate getting zonal statistics from a folder with almost 50 shapefiles and 6 rasters from another folder. So, each shapefile needs to do the zonal statistics on each ...
brubis's user avatar
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Merging or dissolving smaller features completely within in ArcGIS Pro

I've got a shapefile dataset shown below. I want to merge feature classes completely within larger ones, for example merge 325 with 314, and keep the row data of the larger feature (314). I've tried ...
Daniel Sim's user avatar
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Creating ArcGIS toolbox that gives minimum number of points that can observe road

I am using ArcGIS Pro. for value in fcVertexList: x =, in_observer_features=value) #Raster Calculator Visibi_raster = (...
Andrei Tudor's user avatar
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Excluding NoData zones in zonal statistics as table in ArcGIS Pro

I'm trying to calculate mean values of a raster within buffer zones. In the zonal statistics as table tool window, I unchecked 'Ignore NoData in Calculations' so that there is no mean calculated for ...
Salman's user avatar
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Zonal Statistics loop using ArcPy

I am trying to loop the to calculate the mean of multiple raster files. When I'm trying the code for single file it's working perfectly fine. But when I try to loop it. ArcPy ...
Atul Kumar's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro RasterCalculator python code is very confusing and I have no reference because history "copy as python command" paste just does not work

The code that "copy as python command" copies: output_raster = arcpy.ia.RasterCalculator('Con(IsNull("OMUVBd_003_UVindex_Layer1"), FocalStatistics("OMUVBd_003_UVindex_Layer1&...
highschoolstudent's user avatar
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Invalid parameters in arcpy Extract by Mask

I get the following error when I try to extract by mask within a function in my script. When I run the same script separately outside of the function it runs fine. The output is just an intermediate ...
Chelsea_VictoriaS's user avatar
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Remove pixels from one raster to another

In the following images, the first one has only 2 classes of pixels. I would like to remove Image's 1, class 1 (white pixels) completely from Image 2. As a result, Image 2 will have null values in the ...
Chris's user avatar
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Opening images layer stacked on ArcMap into ERDAS

I noticed that ArcMap can open almost anything but if I do a band combination or a supervised or unsupervised classification on ArcMap I cannot open it on ERDAS. Is there a way around it?
user217233's user avatar
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637 views tells me the input raster is invalid when I use a complicated python expression

Some brief background: I am dealing with a raster band whose data consists of a 16-bit unsigned integer. Each of the bits of this integer conveys separate pieces of information about the quality of ...
teakayist's user avatar
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How to identify tracts that share a boundary or node?

I'm trying to identify the tracts (from a selection of 1,198 tracts) that share either a boundary or a node to maximize the total number of tracts (statewide) that meet this criteria. The output ...
Ashley's user avatar
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Issues using random raster, possibly mismatched extent [closed]

I am very much a beginner in using ArcGIS Pro. I have two rasters, call them Col1.tif and Col2.tif. I want to create a new raster that randomly chooses either the value from Col1 or Col2 with 50% ...
user434180's user avatar
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Extracting pixels in color range from georeferenced image using ArcMap and Spatial Analyst

I have a raster map that has red areas in it. I want to extract the red areas as a polygon FC for spatial analysis purposes (find where red polygons overlap a different polygon FC). Unfortunately, the ...
User1974's user avatar
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Identify what parcels would be protected by seawalls

I have a shapefile for land parcels near the coast. I have a shapefile with polylines that represent seawalls. Here is what I would like to do: Spatial join seawalls with my parcels data. This is ...
MathNoob205's user avatar
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Python Toolbox can't match input parameter to dictionary key in dictionary.get() function

I am writing a Python Toolbox for a parcel prioritization tool. My input data (a set of 11 rasters) is organized into a dictionary, raster_dict, where keys are raster names (i.e. 'Important Bird Areas'...
Tory Elmore's user avatar
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4 answers

Most efficient way to perform rastercalculations with GeoTIFF and/or ErdasImagine files greater than 100gb

I have many GeoTIFFs ranging from 50-300gb and expect I'll have some even larger in the near future. I running a simple subtraction on a pair 77gb 1-band files, but I will also have similar 6-band ...
kpierce8's user avatar
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Getting watershed area corresponding to each erosion severity class for each slope class in ArcMap

I’m new to this. I have two (watershed) rasters: soil loss (erosion) by severity; and slope. For each erosion severity class (listed below), I would like to obtain the watershed area that falls under ...
Kevin Durant's user avatar
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Multiple rasters into weighted overlay using ArcPy

I am building a Python tool to automate a least cost path analysis. For this I need to iterate over layers and values in order to add them into the weighted overlay geoprocessing tool. Example: User ...
Amidaz's user avatar
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Interpolation with 10 data points

I have 9 data points showing groundwater level. The points are located in an approximately rectangular grid. The distance between the points is around 200-250 meters. Below you find a map of the ...
Lies's user avatar
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Unsupported compression type in ERDAS imagine Software

Am trying to load a Landsat band but I keep getting the error of unsupported compression type, what might be the problem?
Kigia's user avatar
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Determine if a camera is observing a particular polygon

Does anyone have any ideas on how we could determine if a camera is observing a particular polygon? I only have the below parameters from the camera. Camera Focal Length (Milimiteres) Camera Angle (...
Negin Zarbakhsh's user avatar
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Combinatorial And

How do you enter a Combinatorial And in Raster Calculator in ArcMap 10.8.2? The old information say is a "CAND" which I can not figure out how to do it.
Paul Buck's user avatar
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"NameError: name 'SetNull' is not defined" error in ArcPy script? [closed]

I am trying to set a flood raster to a null value whenever it is less than 0.1 feet, but I am getting a NameError. I think I am following the SetNull documentation correctly, but can't figure out why ...
jcholly's user avatar
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Loop through raster names in two folders, perform Con (Spatial Analyst tool) if the dates match

I cannot perform the Con tool over all the raster images with same date in two folders. This is the script I have worked upon so far. import arcpy, os from import * # Set the current ...
vasudha chaturvedi's user avatar
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Getting Focal Stastics to ignore NoData using ArcPy with Multiband Raster

In ArcPy, I am running the Focal Statistics tool to calculate the mean value of a raster within a 20 pixel buffer. I would like to ignore no data so that a value can be calculated even in locations ...
nrp1000's user avatar
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NoData values change after saving in ArcGIS Pro

I'm using ArcGIS Pro 3.0 to process a series of .tif files. I'm going to process these images in a program that requires NoData and nan values to be set to a numerical value, like -3. I have code to ...
Beck's user avatar
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ArcGIS Raster Calculator

I am working to generate a climate classification map of Pakistan (Based on Koppen Geiger Technique), so in order to map one of the climatic zone. I want to apply the condition "1<=Tmon10<4&...
Fizza Hafeez's user avatar
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Doing Layer stack in ERDAS Imagine

I am trying to do "Layer Stack" of Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance image in ERDAS Imagine 2015 but every time i get output as black and white image. Though pixels have RGB values but still ...
Kiran Choudhary's user avatar
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Looping ArcPy function through each point in shapefile

I have been trying to create a geoprocessing tool to delineate watershed basins for each point in a shapefile (parameter 1; CROSSING). The code below returns three 'basins', but they are all identical ...
Jack's user avatar
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Modulus in ArcGIS Raster Calculator

How to apply modulus operations (|) in ArcGIS? For example like in: |x-y|/|x+y|
Kumar's user avatar
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Using different Raster field when is not "Field" parameter for "input value raster" with

I want to get the Histogram of a Raster using the "Value" field in the raster attribute table. The "feature zone data" is a shapefile and the "Input Value Raster" a 32Bit ...
noNameDije's user avatar
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Using selection from multivalue input to perform clip with ArcPy

I am trying to build a script tool for my job that takes any vector feature (roads, rails, land cover, water polygons etc) and clips it to selected geocells. The geocells are one feature with a field (...
Ferenczi's user avatar
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Filter raster data by year

I need exclude a number of years from a deforestation raster layer. I have 2000-2019 deforestation data and I only require 2011-2015 data for my project. I have tried using raster calculator, but each ...
Rachel's user avatar
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Calculating Raster Cover in Polygon - ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro. I need to work out how much tree cover is in a polygon. The tree/vegetation layer is a raster with non-integer values for height (the Environment Agency VOM data if anyone's ...
obrunt's user avatar
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Union three rasters using raster calculator of ArcGIS Pro

I want to combine 3 rasters (land use, water bodies and airports) into on raster with only two values 0 and 1 where the places of land use, wetlands and airports are = 0, otherwise = 1 I used raster ...
Lama S's user avatar
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