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Converting Add-in file in ModelBuilder or ArcPy from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro [closed]

We have an ArcMap Add-in file and we would like to open it, to see how it works to convert it to ArcGIS Pro.
Margarida Silva's user avatar
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Opening .img file created in Erdas Imagine 2023 in Erdas Imagine 2022

I am having an issue working with a file created in Erdas Imagine 2023 in Erdas Imagine 2022. I ran a tool with the output .img. However, the .img format seems to be different in Erdas 2023 vs Erdas ...
Jess's user avatar
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What data does clustering use from multiple raster files?

I currently have a series of rasters of the same area across different times. The data is categorical: the product of a supervised classification used on LANDSAT data run on ERDAS Imagine. Each ...
Phil's user avatar
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OS MasterMap layers being affected when editing other shapefiles using ArcMap

We use ArcGIS 10.2 to draw and edit simple grounds maintenance plans for Estates that we manage. I've done this for years, using OS MasterMap as the base. I've now got an issue that when creating or ...
Rob's user avatar
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Change select color in a raster in QGIS using Serval or Value tool

Is it possible to edit the table view of a raster that you see in the Value tool? Alternatively Using Serval, once we have a selection polygon can we choose a specific range of raster values within ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Does QGIS have a functionality similar to Flicker in Erdas Imagine?

I am trying to replace an Erdas Imagine workflow with QGIS and I have got most of it working but can't find a solution for fliker. We have it set to turn an image on and off every few seconds to ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Erdas - Export LUT Instead Of Real Values

I am using Erdas 2022. I have NDVI index of an imaging, and after creating it, the view shows a LUT which is not the original pixels, which is essentially the automatic stretching of the program. I ...
Guy Yafe's user avatar
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Get geometry from a <geoprocessing describe geometry object object at 0x000001A9F576D120>

I am trying to use arcpy and pandas to build a line geometry from 2 point geometry columns in a pandas dataframe. I create the dataframe by loading in the featureclass using the GeoAccessor from ...
MrKingsley's user avatar
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Excluding 'No Data' Pixels When Counting number of pixels in an AOI with ERDAS IMAGINE

I'm working with Landsat imagery in ERDAS IMAGINE 2014 and have encountered an issue with 'no data' pixels within my Area of Interest (AOI). The AOI includes unwanted 'no data' pixels that are ...
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What does the metadata tell you about an image and its sensor?

I'm using a software called ERDAS and my tutor says that the Metadata can be used to detect which sensor your image came from. Is there anything you can tell me that links the metadata to the sensor? ...
Peter Watson's user avatar
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Merging Subswaths with ERDAS Imagine

Does anyone have experience with merging subswaths of a SLC Sentinel 1 image in ERDAS Imagine? I cannot find the right function for it.
Gabriela Spriestersbach's user avatar
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ArcGIS is not coloring when read from KML file

Here is the beginning of my KML file. When I imported this file into ArcGIS Maps SDK, the points are not being colored with given color. It works perfectly okay on Google Earth. How can I address this ...
Uuganbayar's user avatar
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Unexpected Output Using GridIndexFeatures in ArcObjects [closed]

I am using ArcObjects 10.2 to generate grid index features programmatically. I can get the correct output using the built in GUI geoprocessing tools, and with ArcPy. Furthermore, when I copy the ...
amasephy's user avatar
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Exporting with ArcMap over 2000 dpi

I am a geology student trying to export a map I produced in very high resolution so I can zoom in and across the ground with speed and still be able to see all the detail. My base map is 5cm ...
Xiopop's user avatar
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Huge layer takes too long to load and it's hindering my workflow

I have a huge point shapefile of InSAR data, on the heighs of 300k+ points in a single shapefile, over a large area. My workflow consists in manually checking and ensuring the quality of some points; ...
user218084's user avatar
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Opening images layer stacked on ArcMap into ERDAS

I noticed that ArcMap can open almost anything but if I do a band combination or a supervised or unsupervised classification on ArcMap I cannot open it on ERDAS. Is there a way around it?
user217233's user avatar
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4 answers

Most efficient way to perform rastercalculations with GeoTIFF and/or ErdasImagine files greater than 100gb

I have many GeoTIFFs ranging from 50-300gb and expect I'll have some even larger in the near future. I running a simple subtraction on a pair 77gb 1-band files, but I will also have similar 6-band ...
kpierce8's user avatar
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Cannot open enterprise geodatabase table from workspace

I'm trying to create a REST Flask API to use instead of geoprocessing with the toolbox. Using the ArcGIS Python environment, I was able to make use of the libraries in Flask, but I'm facing a problem ...
Marco Antônio de Lima Costa's user avatar
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How to receive the toolbox's messages

I developed a toolbox that reads an Excel file and fills up a feature layer. The toolbox works fine I just want to receive the messages at the client side to add a messaging log for the user to follow ...
Michael Sodovski's user avatar
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Problem displaying Hebrew-language in Attribute tables (ArcMap 10.2)

Recently I migrated my ArcGIS project unto a new computer, both PCs using the ArcGIS Desktop ArcMap 10.2 software. The databases and projects are in Hebrew. However, when I came to open the attribute ...
R.M.'s user avatar
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Unsupported compression type in ERDAS imagine Software

Am trying to load a Landsat band but I keep getting the error of unsupported compression type, what might be the problem?
Kigia's user avatar
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Doing Layer stack in ERDAS Imagine

I am trying to do "Layer Stack" of Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance image in ERDAS Imagine 2015 but every time i get output as black and white image. Though pixels have RGB values but still ...
Kiran Choudhary's user avatar
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Creating polygons that follow the curvature of the Earth in ArcGIS JS

I am trying to divide a globe into equally sized squares and render them using ArcGIS JS where the rendered polygons follow the curvature of the earth. So far, I've made an algorithm to divide a ...
Rudi's user avatar
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How can I match the colors between the subset and the original image?

I have test subset using an AOI, and I have unchecked the "Ignore zeros in stats." option in the subset dialogue box. The difference in colors may have been cause by the histogram re-...
Shadi Abdelhadi's user avatar
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Opening ArcGIS Pro data with definition queries and symbology in ArcMap

I have a several datasets in ArcGIS Pro which I have queried and symbolised. I would like this exact same dataset with the same queries and symbology to be available in ArcMap as well. I was hoping to ...
ynxblx's user avatar
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HitTest with MapImageLayer not returning sublayers

I'm new in ArcGIS, and what am I doing is viewing MapImageLayer with all of sublayers. But, when clicking on point and running hitTest it returns 0 results. Below the code: <script> require([...
user199176's user avatar
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After sDNA integration analysis, the integration results of radius N and 500 are consistent, and the coordinate system is WGS84 Mercator projection

After sDNA integration analysis, the integration results of radius N and 500 are consistent, and the coordinate system is WGS84 Mercator projection
qyq's user avatar
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Creating extra reverse polyline in ArcMap

I want to create a piping network. When I import my AutoCAD file in ArcMap, the program creates an extra reverse polyline. For example if I have a polyline which is include 50 spot, the GIS draw a ...
Milad's user avatar
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Combining point feature classes with identical locations in ArcPy

I have 3 point feature classes made from rasters that have identical locations and "pointid". I want a single feature class that 1 point for each location but contains the "gridcode&...
Matthew Bova's user avatar
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Supervised classification in parts

I have an image from 1990 (res 30m, also clouds) for an area equal 2100km2 and when I performed the supervised classification, the software (ERDAS) confuses the classes that look similar. Is it ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Setting a .sde connection file as a default value in an ArcPy toolbox

I am building a tool to run some routine data maintenance on an Enterprise geodatabase with Python. I would like to set the default value for one of the parameters to database connection file on disk. ...
RicardoH's user avatar
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ArcGIS Python query syntax

I am struggling with running a simple piece of code using Python in ArcGIS field calculator. I suspect it could be a very simple error and need an extra set of eyes. For summer months (Dec-Feb) and ...
Maqsooda Mahomed's user avatar
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Sum of a attribute at different points with the same coordinate

I am quite new to ArcGIS. I want to know how can I sum the number of different assets at the same point in a table as follows. As a result, I want to have a table as follows:
amir t's user avatar
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Using ERDAS Imagine 2020 orthophotos

I am dealing with how to figure it out how to export an orthomosaic from my Agisoft Metashape because when I did the merge chunks there. When you merge there, it doesn't provide what I need because of ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Wrong Workspace Type Error with arcpy.ChangeVersion

When using arcpy.ChangeVersion_management() on a feature class inside of a feature dataset, I get ERROR 000301: Workspace is of the wrong type. Posts addressing the same error stemming from arcpy....
Question's user avatar
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What is difference between feature to raster, feature to polygon and polygon to raster?

I saw in ArcMap under Conversion tools, feature to polygon, feature to raster, polygon to raster. Does feature mean vector?
Dr. YUVARAJ R M's user avatar
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Empirical Line Method (ELM) in ArcGIS Pro [closed]

My images from 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 from the same area, recorded in the same time of the year, all look different regarding colour brightness, likely caused by atmospheric circumstances. As I ...
Eva's user avatar
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RuntimeError : cannot open

I have the code below import arcpy, os from import * arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True fc = r'E:\my saves\finaldata.dbf\finaldataD' # Point feature class, needs to be in a file geodatabase (...
user181566's user avatar
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Finding the outer ends of lines in a line feature class

I have a polyline feature class and need to turn the ends of the lines into points. However, the lines are made up of segments that are not quite contiguous, with slight gaps between many of the ...
Borillar0821's user avatar
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Use and difference of "Routing and Analysis metric" and "Radial metric" in SDNA Integral Network

I want to know what it means to select Euclidean Metrics and Angular Metrics in SDNA Integral Network between "Routing and Analysis Metrics" and "Radial Metrics ".
user160881's user avatar
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Why did sDNA prepare report an error

I used sDNA Prepare to repair the road network in ArcGIS10.2, but the error was always reported. Could you tell me the reason?
user160881's user avatar
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Breaking up existing watershed polygons by flow to individual tributaries

I have an existing hydroshed dataset (HydroBASIN lev12 basins from the HydroSHED dataset) that I would like to split up further, so that each tributary has its own basin delineated (see below). I ...
Dana's user avatar
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Calculating zonal statistics as table for all attributes (columns) in raster using ArcGIS Desktop [closed]

I have a raster that has multiple columns in the attribute table that I can symbolize. I would like to calculate zonal statistics as a table for each of the columns in the raster attribute table ...
Steph's user avatar
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Extracting value from three different raster for same pixel/position as CSV or tabulated dataset using ArcMap

I have computed Hydrologic Sensitivity Index (HSI) as a raster for a region using slope, Hydraulic conductivity, Depth to the Restrictive Layer and Flow accumulation. All the files are in rasters of ...
Samrat's user avatar
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Is it possible to display a gray color GeoTIFF in ERDAS as it simply occurs in QGIS?

I have several GeoTIFFs (gray color) to be imported in ERDAS, however after googleing I could not find a way to display that color gradient as it occurs in QGIS. Below the GeoTIFF displayed in QGIS: ...
Gery's user avatar
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Do PNG files suffer performance for scaled read over ERDAS Imagine (.img) files?

So I have a 20 GB in size Raster Image in .img format. Though I will be examining the code, to find out why, I am AMAZED at how quickly QGIS renders the entire file in a scaled format, and prior to ...
John Sohn's user avatar
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Need pros and cons of performing a GeoTIFF from ERDAS img conversion

I have a 20GB ERDAS IMG file that I need to incorporate into my project. It's data covers the entire USA, indicating the thickness of satellite sensed tree canopy. What image format would provide me ...
Loki the great's user avatar
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Select features that share the same value in a certain column but also have different values in a different column

I have a dataset of plants, they are many different plant species that are given a numerical code in a column in the attribute table, but they are located in different land types which was also ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Representing clustered points above 80,000 in map using ArcGIS 10.2.1 in such a way that their labels and points themselves are clearly visible?

I have places of Pakistan which are 85949 in number, I want to display them on a static map in such a way that points and their labels are readable and they don't overlap or map doesn't look messy. I ...
sabahat ali's user avatar
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What are geodesic distance calculations used In ArcGIS Desktop

I'm working on a project where I need to calculate geodesic distances for millions of lat-long points. Just out of curiousity and in a search for better methods of geodesic distance calculation, I'm ...
MJT's user avatar
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