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Questions tagged [error-999998]

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1 answer

Construct Sight Lines 999998 : Unexpected Error

My problem occurs when I want to produce Construct Sight Lines. When the process is completed I get an 999998 : Unexpected Error. I see the feature class in my geodatabase. But I can't see the Sight ...
user111776's user avatar
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2 answers

Merging multiple shapefiles using ArcPy

I have a list of paths of all the shapefiles (around 50) to be merged. All of them are at the same projection and none of them is sized more than 110MB (shp+dbf). The combined size of merge (shp+dbf) ...
pnkjmndhl's user avatar
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ArcGIS Extract Values to Table crashes

I am running the Extract Values to Table tool from the Geostatistical Analysis Toolbox in ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.1 on Windows 10. My inputs are a polygon layer with ~70.000 polygons and a raster layer ...
blabbath's user avatar
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Unexpected error merging three point shapefiles

I get the following error when I try to merge the files: The error says that there is an unexpected error. I have deleted the lock files and an empty ArcMap document. It still gives me this error.
Dilkushi de Alwis Pitts's user avatar
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Looping through two raster folders to perform raster calculation gives ERROR 999998?

Last week I asked Looping through two raster folders to perform raster calculation? about a script to loop through two geodatabases and perform a raster calculation by matching the two rasters up ...
seak23's user avatar
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Deleting temporary files from geoprocessing tools using ArcPy

As is not possible formulate, or add a solution to question: Delete temporary files from geoprocessing in ArcGIS 10 and above , because is [closed] I would like to make this question with same ...
Alx's user avatar
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Error 999998 Saving Raster with Arcpy

To start, I found a similar question posted on stack exchange here, but I am not using the zonal statistics tool, which the answer to that question is based on. With that out of the way, I'm ...
zippy's user avatar
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Deleting shapefiles and rasters using arcpy

I am trying to delete a series of files from a gdb and I am encountering suprising difficulties doing so. When I test my procedure in one of the files, let's call it 'yy.shp'This is what I do: from ...
Doon_Bogan's user avatar
2 votes
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arcpy add rasters using raster calculator [duplicate]

what I want to do is add multiple raster layers stored in FGDB together using the raster calculator in arcpy To start off I have seen this question Using Loop with Raster Calculator in ArcPy? this ...
ziggy's user avatar
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Error with CellStatistics arcpy python script

I have about 20 raster files in a directory. I want to sum all the rasters into one new raster. The code I wrote was: currentDir=os.getcwd() tempDir=currentDir+'\\tmp' arcpy.CheckOutExtension("...
Rui Neves's user avatar
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Error 99998 when running batch operations?

I'm running a fairly large script in batch. I've tried it two times now, at it crashes at about 4 hours in and chrashes maybe 20 min into the second batch, giving me the dreaded 99998 error. I've ...
birks's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Error 999998 when saving raster dataset after using any raster algebra functions in ArcPy?

I'm getting the following error without any documentation whenever I attempt to save a raster dataset after having used any algebraic functions (with any other raster or constant): Traceback (most ...
andresgmejiar's user avatar
4 votes
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Zonal statistics for millions of polygons

I have a shapefile with 31 million polygons and I want to extract statistics from a raster for each polygon. Whenever I use zonal statistics I get: ERROR 999998: Unexpected Error. Failed to execute (...
john doe's user avatar
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Obtaining length of non projected feature (gcs_wgs_84) in meters instead of decimal degrees?

I could not find a post which answered to my problem and I hope I didn't miss it, in case I did I apologize. I'm working with Arcgis 10 and I have a multiple lines feature with gcs_wgs_1984 ...
Michele Cordini's user avatar
-1 votes
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Running cluster and outlier analysis gives ERROR 999998?

I am attempting to run Cluster and Outlier Analysis on a Shapefile Feature Class. The geometry type is a line feature class. I am receiving the following error when attempting to use this tool: ...
R119's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Debugging Error 999998 in ArcPy?

I found an RuntimeError: ERROR 999998: Unexpected Error when lunching Arcpy in my ArcGis 10.1 such as this: Runtime error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 50, in File "c:\...
tom's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Scale raster in ArcGIS using raster calculator

I have a raster with values ranging from 0 to 8991130624. This raster is actually the result of a cost distance analysis. I want to scale the raster to range from 0 to 1 and take the inverse? so ...
Julie's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to reclassify a very large land cover dataset?

Consider the NLCD2001 Land Cover dataset for Alaska (download link). I need to reclassify this dataset so that only pixels of value 41, 42, and 43 are preserved; all other pixel values should become ...
DoggoDougal's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Splitting worldwide roads into multiple road datasets with less than threshold number of features?

I want to split a worldwide 'road dataset' into multiple grids/blocks-extents, depending on the amount of features resides in that block-extent. If the amount of features(inside that block) is still ...
user9794's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

ERROR 999998: Unexpected Error

I’m new with Arc 10, and I'm struggling alot. When using Geoprocessing I’m getting the same error or message again and again. "ERROR 999998: Unexpected Error" I have checked all the settings I can ...
user8130's user avatar