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Questions tagged [workspace]

The location on a hard drive, network, or other media in which an analysis operation or processing task is conducted. It can often be set as a folder on a physical drive or in the local computer memory. It is this location the GIS software will often use to perform and output tasks unless otherwise specified.

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1 answer

Create user-specified output path parameters when publishing ArcGIS model as a web tool

I have a model saved in ArcGIS Pro that I'm trying to publish as a web tool, but I'm struggling to create a parameter that allows users to specify the workspace location where the output feature ...
Mutor13's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro - ERROR 010167: Could not open workspace <undefined>

I'm trying to run the Extract by Mask tool in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2 to extract areas of a raster overlain by a polygon layer. I keep getting: ERROR 010167: Could not open workspace . I have tried ...
Luanita Snyman-van der Walt's user avatar
0 votes
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GeoServer: Unable to publish a PostGIS table successfully via REST or WebUI

I have a GeoServer Version 2.21-CLOUD. Data is a RDS instance flowing through JDBCStore. Tring to publish a Layer using a REST interface, but I keep getting the below error : /workspaces/gis-data-...
shailesh gavathe's user avatar
1 vote
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Work (see) in the workspace with the exact elements in a print layout in QGIS 3

Is there any possibility to see (to work with) exactly what you get in a print layout in QGIS 3? I have an A3 layout, at 1:45000 scale, but i cannot arrange all elements because I get a different ...
Razvan Dumbrava's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

List datasets in the memory workspace in ArcPy

I have some sensitive data which I would prefer to only exist in memory that I wish to use in ArcGIS Pro. Loading the data into the "memory" workspace is no problem, and so is deleting it, ...
Alex's user avatar
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0 answers

Getting started with deegree using Docker [closed]

I'm trying to do the Getting Started tutorial using docker, but I can not import any workspaces (in tutorial step 3.1.1) I installed the deegree server by the following steps: Installed Docker for ...
tkuro's user avatar
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1 answer

Setting workspace environment for hosted feature layers

I have a simple script that I want to use to export multiple hosted feature layers at once. This is my code: import arcpy fcList = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) #input hosted feature layers ...
sparky's user avatar
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Modelbuilder tool referencing old filepath when run

I built a ModelBuilder project for a client and am experiencing several issues related to the file paths. Plainly put, when I relocate the geodatabase to a different file/drive SOME (but not all) ...
Ian's user avatar
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Use ModelBuilder to project rasters from 600 folders into subfolders in each folder [closed]

I have 600 folders, each folder contains a raster (IMG) and I want to project each raster from one coordinate system to another and generate new folder in the source folder to contain the projected ...
Abdulrahman Ismaiel's user avatar
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Set a workspace inside a multiprocessing function inside a toolbox in ArcGIS Pro

I am trying to set a workspace inside a multiprocessing function of an ArcGIS Pro toolbox. It works perfectly in standalone script, but when I use it in a toolbox I get this error message: ...
Philippe Leblanc's user avatar
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1 answer

Using multiple workspaces in ArcPy

I'm a beginner in using arcpy, and having trouble with the following code. I have 2 different input feature layers in different folder. I would like to create a new gdb in the output_folder (this ...
GisT's user avatar
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1 answer

Defining two workspaces in ArcPy

I need to first define the workspace where I can call my inputs from. I then need to define a geodatabase so all the outputs run from the tools are stored in that geodatabase. Any ideas? import arcpy ...
Elly's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Add layer to GeoServer workspace which is not default

Adding a layer to GeoServer in the default workspace, I do it this way: Layers> "Add a new layer" In the "Add layers from" menu, select the source Click the "Configure new ...
ncica's user avatar
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UpdateCursor by unique values from another Field

I am trying to update a field in an attribute table in a feature Layer with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor. I am running the Python script as part of a model in ArcGIS 10.6. But I am lacking some of the basic ...
radfael's user avatar
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1 answer

Export Features to Geodatabase Created in same Python Script

I am new to learning Python for GIS. I am currently trying to create a script which creates a new geodatabase, then using a list, iterates through the features of an existing geodatabase and exports ...
MANUEL SOLANO's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Extracting Colour (Brush) information from MapInfo Workspace

I have some MapInfo Tables with an associated Workspace. I do not have access to MapInfo and wish to use the TAB files in QGIS (I also have the equivalent SHP files). The TAB/SHP files have polygons ...
Peter Caristo's user avatar
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1 answer

GeoServer REST API: How to get list of workspaces by username

Is it possible to get list of available workspaces and list of data stores in some workspace for some specific user with GeoServer REST API by sending request with admin user credentials?
Stranger_tm's user avatar
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Copy feature class from multiple gdb to a single gdb

I need to write a Python script that is copying. I want to copy a common feature class of these gdb to a single gdb import os import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = ("D:/Planchas") workspaces = arcpy....
sergio navarro's user avatar
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Unsuccessful migration of my_worspace from GeoServer 15.2 to GeoServer 16.0

What I have to do for migration of my workspace from one GeoServer to another (from 15.2 on server#1 to 16.2 on server#2)? What I do: -replace directory tomcat/webapps/geoserver/data/my_workspace_dir -...
Tyomik_mnemonic's user avatar
3 votes
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Storing points from multiple GDBs as object

I often download data that comes in 30 minutes to 1-hour windows and then have to compile that data manually into one feature class, from multiple GDBs. I am trying to iterate through the separate ...
cameron's user avatar
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1 answer

Iterating through 2 different Geodatabases at same time using ArcPy?

I have 2 gdb's; one that contains a polygon feature class of census blocks(cb), and one that contains centroids that may lie within those census blocks. They are organized by state. Ex: FL_cb = ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Deleting temporary files from geoprocessing tools using ArcPy

As is not possible formulate, or add a solution to question: Delete temporary files from geoprocessing in ArcGIS 10 and above , because is [closed] I would like to make this question with same ...
Alx's user avatar
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Why does opening SDE Workspace Factory ask for credentials again? ArcObjects C#

I'm trying to open SDE Workspace Factory using IWorkspaceFactory.Open I give the complete Property set in the code to open. ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet propertySet = new ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem....
Tayyab Mir's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Accessing Home directory of ArcMap using ArcPy?

I want to access to a directory and set that as a arcpy.env.workspace in my Python Script Tool. However, this workspace depends on users so I cannot just use my own folders. Is there a way to access ...
Tim's user avatar
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2 answers

Split By Attributes tool not recognizing Feature Dataset as Target Workspace?

Using ArcGIS Desktop 10.5.1, I have a FGDB that contains a feature dataset. I would like the output from the "Split By Attributes" tool to go inside this feature dataset. However, the tool does not ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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1 answer

Deleting shapefiles and rasters using arcpy

I am trying to delete a series of files from a gdb and I am encountering suprising difficulties doing so. When I test my procedure in one of the files, let's call it 'yy.shp'This is what I do: from ...
Doon_Bogan's user avatar
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1 answer

python Get current workspace and then re-source to new SDE

I am trying to write some code that will get the current workspace name and if it matches a particular datasource path, it will re-path the SDE layers to the new database. Initially I had the code ...
Daz's user avatar
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TableView has no workspacePath in ArcPy?

One of my colleagues is running a script which includes the following Python in ArcMap... oTble = arcpy.mapping.TableView(tbleName) Workspace = oTble.workspacePath print "oTble: '{}'".format(oTble) ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
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2 answers

Conversion of workspace to ordinary .tab

Does anyone know a way for converting a wokspace (*wor., *.mvs) to an ordinary MapInfo table (.tab)? I have worked in workspace with a high number of GPS-field registrations. I have made changes (...
asger meulengracht olsen's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Using ArcGIS workspace defined as version in ArcPy?

I am trying to define my workspace as the current version that I am connected to. The Python tool that I am running utilizes the arcpy.da.Editor() function, and I used a workspace variable that is ...
C. Potts's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Error when path contain spaces - Arcpy Integrate

I'm using a simple script to run Integrate tool in a default gdb and feature class, where user can indicate the path where this gdb is located. This script works well when path indicated by user don'...
avrechi's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

ArcObjects Convert GxDialog to Workspace

ArcGIS 10.1 with VB2010 I am using the GxDialog to get the users option to save a feature class. The target can be a shapefile, geodatabase, or Dataset inside a geodatabase. I can’t wrap my head ...
sinDizzy's user avatar
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MakeRouteEventLayer_lr Vs Display Route Events

I've two script tools. The first one prepares data for the second script to work. The first tool routes a table along a line using MakeRouteEventLayer_lr. The second script tool reads the selection ...
SKhar's user avatar
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2 answers

Persistence in QGIS under Oracle workspace

I'm using QGIS 2.18.9 to edit my spatial data, my data is saved in Oracle's database. When I'm editing a spatial layer I can create, edit and delete features without problems, but my database needs ...
rbarbalho's user avatar
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1 answer

Arcpy ListDatasets function to specific directories instead of workspace [duplicate]

Are there any alternatives to the arcpy list functions (ListDatasets, etc.) where the directory can be specified rather than using the env.workspace? For example, what if I would like to get a list ...
Rex's user avatar
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1 answer

How disable login prompt when asking for featuretypes?

Is it possible somehow disable login prompt when requesting http://xxxxxxxx/geoserver/rest/workspaces/WORKSPACE_NAME/featuretypes.json?
user435421's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Set workspace to SDE version using ArcPy?

My company uses a versioned SDE database to perform edits, update features, etc. I am working on a script that would inevitably update features and would like to set the environment to a specific ...
Simon.y's user avatar
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FME Tester, Value does not equal

I have a workspace where I am writer multiple databases to a new file geodatabase with many tables. If there is a spelling error in a value I do not want it to go through. The issue is I have about 20 ...
Mattmann100101's user avatar
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Setting workspace as arcpy.GetParameterAsText function?

I'm somewhat new to Python and am working on automating some of the daily processes we do at my company. In this code example, I'm trying to automate pulling in data from a CSV file, creating buffers ...
arowl24's user avatar
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3 answers

Shortening code that provides a database description using ArcPy?

I need advice on how to reduce the length of the sample code below. I need to perform the same work on several more datasets. import arcpy, os arcpy.env.workspace = r"\\gis\Env.gdb\Water" datasets =...
reevesii's user avatar
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Invalid Output Workspace error when executing Slope_3d as WPS [closed]

I wrote a small toolbox that calculates the slope in degrees of a given .tif file, stores the ouput to a local folder on my computer and generates 2 by 2 tiles. The toolbox works fine, the publishing ...
ohnoinkimono's user avatar
1 vote
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Setting default gdb from ArcPy?

I created a new gdb by arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management('e:/Rstack', 'new.gdb') arcpy.env.workspace = 'e:/Rstack/new.gdb' But how to set this new gdb as my default gdb by arcpy, without opening ArcGIS ...
Ruby's user avatar
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Understanding QGIS project files [duplicate]

I'm a GIS software developer, I've been working predominantly with MapInfo over the last year or so but have now been tasked with assessing QGIS to see if we can perform the same tasks we've developed ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to save output in different file after clip

I am new to GIS. I have several rasters in one file location I am using clip tool to loop over several rasters in arcgis. When I start I am choosing workspace, which is the folder where my input ...
Bilalce's user avatar
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Overwriting files in geodatabase outside workspace environment using ArcPy?

I initially set the workspace environment to a directory and included the option, arcpy.env.overwriteOutput=True, but at some point in my script, I convert a shapefile in that directory to a ...
Kristen's user avatar
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Why is my ArcPy script deleting its workspace?

I wrote an ArcMap script to go through a feature layer, identify unique values in a given field, and output a feature class from each unique value to its own feature class or shapefile. As an exercise,...
Andy Bradford's user avatar
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The type 'ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.WorkspaceClass' has no constructors defined

I am using a map application (ArcGIS Engine). I am trying to start an edit session and i want to use IWorkSpace interface in the WorkSpaceClass. but i am getting "The type 'ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase....
Steve Homayooni's user avatar
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Unable to open IWorkspace using IWorkspaceFactory with operating system authentication

I'm trying to open a workspace from the IWorkspaceFactory interface. Here's what I'm trying at the moment: ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IFeatureLayer featureLayer = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IFeatureLayer)pLayer; ESRI....
Josh Ferrell's user avatar
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Selecting Workspace and Datasets from same dialog using ArcObjects?

I want to select the workspace and the dataset from the same dialog and this is my code for the workspace: private IWorkspace BrowseForWorkspace(int hwnd) { IGxDialog gxDlg = new ...
user59103's user avatar
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Persisting ArcObjects workspace

In a custom layer I have a workspace variable (File GDB or SDE) that I need to persist (save/load). Therefore, I need to persist the ConnectionProperties of the workspace. ConnectionProperties returns ...
Andy's user avatar
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