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Auto-Create polygons from Geo-referenced PDF

Is it possible to automatically create polygons/features from a georeferenced PDF? I'd like to geo-reference an expanded view of the below linked pdf, and then have each of the tracts created ...
Michael E's user avatar
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Can't put a basemap in its Precise location [duplicate]

I am a total beginner with ArcGIS. ( My software info: ArcGIS Desktop Version 10.1 ) (Windows 8.1 Pro). I want to use a raster as a Basemap for my city, I know the coordinates of my city. my ...
Kurama's user avatar
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Georeferencing a CAD file and converting to SHP in ArcGIS without distance distortion

i have a land parcels dwg file in an unknown co-ordinate system and i want to georeference the file in ArcMAp and convert it to shapefile but the problem is that whenever i georef the cad drawings ...
Rehan's user avatar
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Why does raster's cell size change due to rotate and georeference using Georeference toolbar?

I just found out that the cell size of raster change after I rotate or georeference it with Georeference. Is there any explanation why it works that way?
P. Anisa's user avatar
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Aligning shapefile to satellite imagery

I have a line shapefile in ArcGIS 10.1 (road shapefile) in WGS datum but they are not exactly placed as in the Satellite image. Is there a way to adjust all those lines to places on Arial image?
user3503064's user avatar
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Batch Georeferencing in arcGIS 10.1.2 [duplicate]

I work for a government utility company. Our maps are broken down into 500x500 square meter grids. We have scanned images (TIFF) of these maps that we need to overlay and digize. The maps and the ...
Amon A's user avatar
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Building a Mosaic Dataset with rasters that are not georeferenced. Whats the workflow?

I have 68 aerial jpegs that I would like to use in a Mosaic Dataset. They have not been georeferenced. My question is in regards to whether I should georeference them and then rectify and save them in ...
Nicholaus Mueller's user avatar
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Georeferencing Image using saved Link Table from another Image?

I had a scanned map that I did did a georeferenced a few weeks ago and saved the link table. Now I have two more scanned map that need to do the same thing. It is the same area and one of them I did ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Georeferencing CAD Files and Creating Geodatabase

I'm hoping this is an easy question to answer. I have georefrenced a CAD data set to an orthophoto that was projected in NAD 83, and turned it into a GDB. Even though the GDB is not projected, is ...
user26133's user avatar
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Flattening projected vector dataset to georeference historic map to it using ArcMap

So I have vector data for quad lines, township/range lines and section lines for this area. The data is already projected into NAD83 UTM zone 10N and the lines are no longer straight. They warp ...
Setesh42's user avatar
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Georeference in ArcGIS to a known scale?

If I'm georefencing an engineer's drawing and the scale is 1:250 is there anyway I can input this into ArcGIS for accuracy once I've selected a few points to georeference?
GISHuman's user avatar
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Automate Add Layer in ESRI ArcMap 10.1 [duplicate]

Using ArcGIS Desktop v10.1 with an Advanced level license we have georeferenced our engineering drawings in PNG format. Next we have created a polygon layer for every single drawing to see the Area of ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Adding online basemap in ArcMap [closed]

How can I add an external online map in ArcMap by inserting the http address, to use as a basemap in order to georeference multiple aerial photos? I don't really care about the precision of the ...
Nikos's user avatar
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Align and georeference GIS layers exported from CAD

I have two separate CAD files of the same locale. The first one has surface data like street curbs, building footprints, etc. It is not georeferenced, but when I add it to other items in a projected (...
SpiffyFuture's user avatar
4 votes
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Creating georeferenced and projected data from hand-drawn map using ArcGIS Desktop?

I am preparing datasets for students in a spatial statistics course for a module on spatial autoregressive models. We will use ArcGIS 10.1. The first dataset will correspond to a mythical pre-...
rabidotter's user avatar
12 votes
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Georeferencing shapefile using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have a shapefile with some polygons that I would like to superimpose to a raster image, but unfortunately they don't match perfectly due to the reference system the shp has been created with. So, I ...
umbe1987's user avatar
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