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Problem with loading OSM planet into PostgreSQL

I try download OSM planet into PostgreSQL database. I do all steps from instruction I also modify string "kernel.shmmax" ...
novicegis's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

osm2pgsql --hstore

I'm working with PostgreSQL 8.$ and PostGIS and I need to import an OSM file to the database. I tried it with the utility osm2pgsql, but I have problem with the hstore extension. Does anyone know ...
user22899's user avatar
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2 answers

osm2pgsql loses connection at end of import for large PBF, north-america-latest.osm.pbf

I just wanted to check and see if anybody else out there encountered this issue before I started diving into the code. I'm using osm2pgsql to import OSM data into my Postgres database. I encounter the ...
Jason Huntley's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Cutting OSM roads in sections using PostGIS

I define a section by a part of a road that has no intersection. See image below: I'd like to extract all sections from all the roads of my PostGIS database. This GIS database was created with ...
Mermoz's user avatar
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Adding osm data to Postgres via Osm2pgsql : duplicate key value violates unique constraint

I'm trying to import osm global world data into a database created in postgreSQL but after a while of processing, I've got this error : Reading in file: E:\planet-latest.osm\planet-latest.osm ...
So4ne's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Why is sum of st_length() of segments 20% too big?

I'm running a query to return the total length of some bike paths, from OpenStreetMap. Compared to the known actual length of these paths, they're all a bit too big - something like 10-30%. I know it ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
1 vote
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OSM data on MapServer

I'm making an evaluation to replace the TomTom commercial Database (ex TeleAtlas) with Open Street Map data. What I need to do is use the street map as a base layer for my WebGIS applications. I use ...
Cheshire Cat's user avatar
4 votes
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osm2pgsql Error: operator class "gist_geometry_ops" does not exist for access method "gist"

When using osm2pgsql to import massachusetts-latest.osm.bz2 into PostGIS 2.0.1 database osm (running on PostgreSQL 9.1 on an Ubuntu 12.04), I get the error failed: ERROR: operator class "...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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Geoserver, PostGIS and KML: Creating clickable nodes from OSM data

I have a PostGIS database that has OSM data imported into it using osm2pgsql and I'm using GeoServer to plot the points into a networked KML file for Google Earth. What I'd like to do is make the ...
webo's user avatar
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1 answer

Updating routing graph based on GIS changes in DB

I am using Osm2PO for route finding which reads a graph file created from a pbf file downloaded from OpenStreetMap. I have my own GIS database where updates may be applied to the data. I would like ...
sam's user avatar
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3 answers

Slow import via osm2pgsql to PostgreSQL database

I try to import berlin.osm (33Mb) into the PostgreSQL database 9.1 via osm2pgsql. My desktop is mem 2Gb,proc 2Ghz,hdd 60Gb, RHEL6u2x64. This process is so slowly in particular when I'm going over ...
Andrey Maraev's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating osm2pgsql tables in PostGIS database

I managed to partially setup osm2psql to work with my PostGIS DB. My DB contains now the following tables: Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+-------------------+-------+------- ...
Heisenbug's user avatar
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Howto setup osm2psql

I'm following these instructions to setup osm2psql . I need it to import osm data file inside a PostGIS DB. The following steps worked fine: createdb -E UTF8 -O user mydb createlang plpgsql mydb I ...
Heisenbug's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to find out what features /tags are included in an .osm or .pbf file?

I would like to load osm data into a postgis (postgresql) database. In How to load OSM data into PostGIS preserving all Tags? there has been a solution posted: Download the OSM files (in .osm format)...
AnalyGis's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to import OSM data into Postgres DB using osm2pgsql in Linux?

I'm using the following command to import an osm file into a Postgres DB using Linux: osm2pgsql -v -a -U user -S -d routing myfile.osm I got the following error: Setting up table: ...
Heisenbug's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

In osm2pgsql how is the planet_osm_roads table populated?

I'm using osm2pgsql to populate a North America OSM database from planet.osm. I like how simple the resulting PostGIS schema is, but I'm a bit confused by its contents. I have the two tables ...
tomfumb's user avatar
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5 votes
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What is the bare minimum data I would need to import from an OSM data file in order to geocode an address?

I'm using osm2pgsql to import an extract of OpenStreetMap's data so I can geocode an address to a lat/lng. But I'm new to OSM and mapping so I'm having trouble figuring out what data is relevant and ...
Brandon Weiss's user avatar
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How to draw parallel or curved labels for OSM data in QGIS?

I'm trying to recreate a Google style map using OpenStreetMap data and QGIS. I've been following underdarks many wonderful guides but am getting stuck at the labels. The OSM data was taken from ...
T_9er's user avatar
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1 answer

osm2pgsql import crashed!

I am currently importing a bz2 country file into PostgreSQL 9.1 database for Nominatim 2 using its setup.php that runs osm2pgsql. After processing the nodes. it seems to be stuck at a certain spot ...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Problem processing OSM file with osm2pgsql

I have an OSM file and when I want to import it in my PostGIS base using osm2pgsql, I get the following error: Processing: Node(130k 8.7k/s) Way(0k 0.00k/s) Relation(0 0.00/s)Assertion failed: (xlon),...
M-Rick's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Conflate (merge) private shapefile data with OSM data

Background Downloaded Alberta OSM data from Geofabrik and have it running on a private Linux server using PostgreSQL 9.1, PostGIS 2.0, Mapnik 2.1.0, osm2pgsql, Apache 2, mod_tile, renderd, and ...
Dave Jarvis's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

OSM To Postgis & WGS84 problems

I’m trying to import OpenStreetMap (OSM) data into postGIS it doesn’t appear to be working in that features do not appear to be in the correct place.. Using the QGIS OSM add in and a coastal shape ...
Holly's user avatar
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