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Smoothing Lines in PostGIS

I want to smooth Lines in postgis, to be more specific, I want to smooth road data from OpenStreetMap. Basicly I thought of something like this scenario. This would be a possible road segment. I ...
XyZtobiXyZ's user avatar
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Creating consistent topology using PgRouting

I'm developing an application that needs routing information for certain cities. First, I downloaded a openstreetmap datafile (*.osm) and then I imported it into a PostgreSQL database using ...
Iñigo's user avatar
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Dealing with bridges over roads in PostGIS topology?

first time posting please ask for more details if not enough provided. I am using OSM road data and have created postgres topology for them. I am now cleaning up the data before exporting it for ...
cts's user avatar
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Weird (longer) route from using cost_s as cost in pgRouting?

I am currently developing application that want to use the fastest time to arrive as parameter for the routing. And i know that pgRouting has 'cost_s' column which calculated from length_m and ...
Ridho perdana's user avatar
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Postgres OSM planet reverse geocoding

i'm building function for reverse geocoding in Postgres using PostGIS function's. For now i was able to clean up all the data that was useless to me(rivers, buildings,etc.). I got 3 tables(...
Žiga Magajna's user avatar
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From pgRouting shortest_path back to osm node id

I'm successfully performing path finding queries like shortest_path on data imported with osm2pgrouting. The tables I have inside my pgrouting DB are the following: List of relations ...
Heisenbug's user avatar
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Detect intersection nodes between different highway types

I have a postgres database with OSM data imported in it using osmosis. The import process created a ways table that has the following columns: id | version | user_id | tstamp | changeset_id | tags | ...
Miflo's user avatar
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Combine LiDAR data with OpenStreetMap

I have already built Ubuntu for OpenStreetMap and I have some LiDAR data file in LAS/LAZ format. Is it possible to make LiDAR data appear in 2D and be a part of OpenStreetMap? If it is, how? I have ...
nguyenthanhdat's user avatar
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Combine data of OSM roads into longer lines using PostGIS

For my vector map I'd love to display highways at a quite early zoom level. The problem is that this data would be quite big, so I thought I simply ST_Simplify it. The problem though is that the OSM ...
Georg's user avatar
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Convert OSM data to PostGIS polygons in .net?

I'm trying to obtain data from OSM and store it to a PostgreSQL + PostGIS database, with certain modifications to adapt to our tables. Is there any built way to convert OSM relations/ways/nodes into ...
xecollons's user avatar
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import *.osm.bz2 to postgresql using OSMOSIS causes errors

I am trying to import osm.bz2 flie from I think I am almost there though somehow my CMD returns error messages I downloaded osmosis-latest file from
Pil Kwon's user avatar
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Merge ("dissolve") OSM LineStrings from GeoJSON with ST_UNION

I would like to merge the continuous LineStrings from a GeoJSON export of an OpenStreetMap relation (get from Overpass Turbo): "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ In ...
Peter Pfanne's user avatar
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Import only planet_osm_polygon osm2pgsql

My purpose its to only use queries with the ST_Contains function, so for me to have only the planet_osm_polygon its enough i think. How can i tune the osm2pgsl cli command or the style file to import ...
Imnl's user avatar
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Routing for specific subjects (cars, pedestrians, ..) dynamically

I need create app which will be provide routing for specific category. For example only for cars, only for bikes or only for pedestrians. For importing OSM data I'll used default mapconfig for all way ...
Denis Stephanov's user avatar
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OSM data as Postgresql dump

Does anywhere host the OSM planet DB as a Postgresql dump? I have tried using osm2pgsql but I have limited processing capabilities so it is never finishing. I do not have bandwidth limitations so ...
Gregology's user avatar
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Exported OSM database do not contains node names

I've used osm2pgrouting tool to export data from osm file to my postgresql database. Now I have database with this schema: osm_node: -node_id -osm_id -lon -lat -numofuse -the_geom ...
Nikolas Alg's user avatar
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How to quickly get coverage of multiple services at once using pgrouting driving distance

I'm trying to get some useful information out of openstreetmap data to choose where to rent an apartment in my city. I used osm2pgrouting and osm2pgsql to get OSM data into my postgis database. So far ...
sanzoghenzo's user avatar
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using changeset for larger region to update OSM data in PostGIS

I'm using the OSM import and update workflow described here to maintain OSM data in a PostGIS database. Import (osm2pgsql): osm2pgsql -c -d gps -U gps --cache 8000 --number-processes 4 --slim --flat-...
kontextify's user avatar
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Import OSM Notes dump into PostgreSQL?

I'm planning to write some software to improve handling of OSM Notes, so I need them in postgis database. Following the documentation I found there is notes dump on, but I can't find if ...
Jendrusk's user avatar
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Positioning a map

Somebody recommended me to use this site:- after I explained that this coordinates[-28.23078, 28.30707] which belongs to Bethlehem in South Africa centers the map to towards ...
eldix_'s user avatar
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PostGIS: snap latitude/longitude input to nearest OSM road point

I need a function to return the nearest OSM road point for any latitude/longitude. i.e. users input a latitude/longitude and postgis finds and uses the point on a road that is the nearest to it. ...
rgareth4's user avatar
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TileMill Exports Failing

I'm having trouble exporting my map in TileMill (v0.10.1). I'm using OSM Bright with a PostGIS database connection to import OpenStreetMap data. When exporting an SVG or PDF through the user interface ...
user30618's user avatar
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Imposm full database schema import template

I noticed that the default imposm template for importing OSM data into postgis lacks some types of features (powerlines for example). I was searching the web to find a complete schema import template (...
U2ros's user avatar
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584 views working with own OSM server?

I have my own OSM server which is updating every few minutes in shyncrony with OSM original servers, using a PostGIS database and rendering with renderd. I can see offline downloaded maps through an ...
I.Mmense's user avatar
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OSM Vector tile ST_AsMVTGeom SQL query Coordinates error

I am currently working on developing a Node.js API with Express to retrieve vector tiles from a PostGIS database. I am using the ST_AsMVTGeom function to transform geometries into vector tiles, but I ...
AhmeX2's user avatar
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Road data merge weather condition

I have a shapefile that shows fog, wind and precipitation values ​​between 1 and 5. Additionally, this file consists of grids. My goal is to segment the OSM road data that fall into these grids in ...
MGamze's user avatar
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Updating existing PostgreSQL database with OSM data

I currently work on the project which is directly working with the geo data of the country where I live. The database we have is quite huge, containing not only the geo data but also some other stuff. ...
qwerty's user avatar
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Visualize a linestring and point from a PostGIS database in QGIS?

I ran a query in PostGIS table using a table of roads/linestrings in Hawaii and another table with 400,000 (longitude,latitude) points in Hawaii. The output table is meant to provide nearest road in ...
Vivek Reddy's user avatar
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DXF to PostGIS to OpenStreetMap: coordinates are still in AutoCAD Cartesian coordinate system, not lat/long

I'm trying to take a survey site created in AutoCAD Civil 3D and export the drawing to a DXF which I then load into postgres/postgis with GDAL ogr2ogr ( I then ...
Ben and stuff's user avatar
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Import all nodes that don't have tags into a PostGIS database using osm2pgsql

I want to import an OSM file into my PostGIS database using osm2pqsql. My input .osm file has around 300,000 nodes, but the planet_osm_point table ends up with only around 50,000 records. On closer ...
Butts Carlton's user avatar
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GeoServer WMS is slow when using OpenLayers and OSM

I am new to GIS, and attempting to create a map with PostgreSQL/PostGIS,GeoServer, OpenLayers, and OSM data. I am only serving the NA continent, but it is taking approximately 20 seconds to render the ...
James Nebeker's user avatar
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OSM: get residentials blocks, i.e. polygons enclosed by roads

I'm trying to get a list of blocks / residential neighbourhoods via OSM. For many cities the whole town is tagged with a single landuse=residential. What I want is, for a given bounding box: get all ...
BburjerSalpeter's user avatar
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How to merge a GeoJSON and an OSM file into a single OSM file? I want to merge Microsoft buildings dataset into a single OSM file

I'm using a video game tool that can take OSM data and import it to Unity automatically. The issue is that OSM doesn't have a lot of buildings, so my game doesn't, either. I found the Microsoft ...
zorrobyte's user avatar
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OSM tile server -- too many highway labels

I'm running a local OSM tile server. I've combined three pbfs (three neighboring states) using osmconvert, then loaded them into postgis database: osm2pgsql --slim -d gis --hstore --multi-geometry --...
Julia Leder's user avatar
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Extending OSM database with new data

I want to add a new table inside my OSM database with extra data for every restaurant, and then when retrieving the places join the table by the "osm_id", is this possible and if yes, any ...
ib1's user avatar
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Finding the LineString Corresponding to a Certain Road in a Roads Database

I am using tiger line road data to find roads that runs through certain points. I know what road is immediately next to the point by the road name and road type. What I currently do is grab all the ...
c00der's user avatar
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Finding nearest POIs by travel time(not distance) given current location and travel method

A user can choose between walking, bicycling, public transit, or driving for X minutes. Their current location is a latitude and longitude pair given by the HTML5 Geolocation API(wgs84). The (roughly ...
No_name's user avatar
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Map Matching between two geometry (line string)

I have two tables in PostGIS, both having line string as the geometry type. I wanted to extract a similar or exact matching street. Can you please suggest query or algorithm for it? Table 1 column ...
Gautam Shahi's user avatar
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Extracting all cities from a state using PostGIS

I have written a PostGIS query on a database with OSM data of the state of Baden-Württemberg. SELECT * FROM public.planet_osm_polygon WHERE boundary = 'administrative' AND admin_level = '8'; So ...
Sujay Patil's user avatar
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Importing osm planet file to PostGIS after osm2pgsql couldn't commit due to connection timed out

I wanted to know if there was a way to import a node.cache file, containing a planet file, after osm2pgsql has crashed because of connection timed out error? I don't want to launch again the tool and ...
BFlat's user avatar
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Osmosis Extremely Slow After Postgres 9.6 Upgrade

I am seeing extremely slow processing times for syncing my local osm database with the master repo after a Postgres upgrade to 9.6 from 9.5 (Postgis 2.3 from 2.2). The syncing used to happen every day ...
picmate's user avatar
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Given an array of OSM point IDs, how can I create a path of connected roads?

I'm writing a shortest route script in Python using geospatial data from a Postgres DB with PostGIS extension and pgRouting to make the points from OSM data. I have a path of OSM IDs by points. I ...
Carson's user avatar
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Keep multiple OSM Imports up to date

I have multiple instances of my application for my users. Each user can specify an area which I want to load in my own PostgreSQL server, that make it's possible to render maps with my own mapnik ...
ich's user avatar
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After osm to pgsql conversion with ogr2ogr, can't add/view tables in qgis?

I'm converting an osm .pbf file to a postgres/PostGIS database with ogr2ogr. I can view the tables in psql, but when I connect to the database in qgis, I can't see any of the tables after connecting ...
jamierob's user avatar
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Finding relation between Nominatim row and gb_postcode table row?

Currently I have PgAdmin 3 open with a copy of the Nominatim DB I processed on a Linux virtual machine. I imported the gb_postcode.sql database successfully from the Nominatim documentation but I'm ...
James Gould's user avatar
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Automatically generating raster maps (from OSM) for areas bounded by polygons?

In order to create walking lists for a volunteer campaign I have used qgis to draw polygons over groups of addresses. These are irregular areas, so I've used postgis's ST_ENVELOPE function to ...
larsks's user avatar
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Updating an Openstreetmap PostgreSQL database after the system restore

My Openstreetmap PostgreSQL database takes a long time – about 25 hours by now – for updating via Osmosis after I had made a system restore at the last weekend. Before making the system restore it ...
Eugene Kluichnikov's user avatar
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OSM Bright Cartography XML

I have successfully setup a tile server as described here: What's troubling is the lack of clarify surrounding OSM Bright ...
user2355051's user avatar
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Query road shape

We have downloaded data from Openstreetmap and want to make special queries but have no idea how to start. What we want to do is find all road intersections with a certain angle in Australia. For ...
Alex Mitt's user avatar
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GIS Data from osm visual in google maps

I have download from openstreetmap data for my project in a workshop i use den coordinates from a roads network ,but i have problem with visualization the cord in google maps same roads is not drawn ...
vagelis's user avatar
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