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Raster does not appear rotated and does not match its footprint

I'm trying to georeference raster images to open them in ArcGIS Pro and make annotations. I've used the Oriented Imagery toolset in ArcGIS Pro to get the footprint of each image based on camera ...
Timelate's user avatar
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Extent not found on NASA's Black Marble monthly images - How to set it?

I downloaded NASA's Black Marble monthly nighttime light (NTL), VNP46A3. The product is in .h5 format and it contains the radiance NTL raster as well as the scientific data sets (SDS) in order to ...
Nikos's user avatar
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R terra: [crop] SpatRaster has no values

I am attempting to use terra::crop() to crop 30 meter NLCD raster data to a bounding box. The final error that R returns is: Error: [crop] SpatRaster has no values despite the raster data containing ...
geoscience123's user avatar
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R cannot correctly read the extents of sentinel data but gis can

I'm working with Sentinel-1 data and trying to use the raster package in r to read it. I got the following error. The raster seems not to be well georeferenced. The resolution and extent are not ...
hisoilmoisture's user avatar
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increasing 'extent' of small raster to be same size as large raster in R [closed]

I have a satellite image with dimensions (11418, 13790, 1). The resolution is 10m. I have two other rasters, which fall inside of my satellite image which are the same resolution and crs. How would I ...
Nick Masto's user avatar
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How do I change my x and y axes from a range of 0-1 to -180-180 in R? I'm using netndf datasets

I have temperature anomaly arrays for the months of February 2008-2021 that I have turned into a raster brick. I am now plotting these in ggplot2. See below code: febanomaly_raster <- brick(anomaly....
Nick Masto's user avatar
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R - Stack rasters with different dimensions and extent

I am trying to stack multiple rasters together in one RasterStack object but am having problems with aligning the extents and dimensions/resolution so that it can work. All rasters have the same CRS ...
rhyncogale's user avatar
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4 answers

Changing extent of raster in loop using R

I have raster objects of a certain extent (0, 360, -90, 90) and I want to change that extent for all of them to a different extent (-180, 180, -90, 90). The thing is that I have my objects (raster ...
Ferdi's user avatar
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Getting an error when trying to set extent for raster() in R

I'm working through Robert's answer to this question on how to plot irregular raster data: How to make RASTER from irregular point data without interpolation no2tc <- ncvar_get(nc, "...
Priya Patel's user avatar
2 votes
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Remote sensing product's raster extent not agreeing with specified projection in R

I want to plot remote sensed sea ice concentration data for Antarctica, in Program R. The product website ( says the data are in Antarctic polar ...
ChrisO's user avatar
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Raster stack different extent for same site?

I have rasters for the same area (same polygon) but I am not sure why they have different extent. I had an supervised classified layer of the initial DEM and secondary variables that do not match the ...
rspatialqs's user avatar
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How can the amount of columns/rows in a raster be altered?

I want to work with 5 raster sets in R. 3 of them are results of an Euclidian distance analysis (R1-3), 1 is from a kernel density analysis (R4) and the last one is from a viewshed analysis (R5). My ...
jslth's user avatar
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How to find the intersection of 5 bounding boxes in R

I have 5 rasters. I computed the bounding boxes with st_bbox for each of them. I would like to put all the raster-values in one dataframe. For that I figured they should have exactly the same extent. ...
Lenn's user avatar
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R: How to standardise extent of rasters for raster stack

So I'm trying to build a raster stack of 7 variables. In ArcMap I've already standardised resolution and CRS, and I tried to standardise extent and column/row number by extracting by mask with a ...
Xandian97's user avatar
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Subtracting rasters with different dimension, origin and extent in R

I have a large DEM raster from which I want to substract lots of smaller glacier rasters. Examples for the glacier rasters and a subset of the large DEM can be found here:
Florian Mlehliv's user avatar
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Simple condition on rasters with different extents, R

I have multiple raster objects, with the same resolution but slightly different extents. I have use the following function in order to reclassify them and now their values are between 1-6. What I ...
geo_dd's user avatar
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Crop multiple rasters using map or mapply?

I have a folder of rasters with slightly different extents. I would like to apply crop to the whole list of rasters. I'm trying to teach myself how to use the purrr map family, but I can't get that or ...
BonnieM's user avatar
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How to reproject a raster based on another raster when the datum is not said and get the same extent?

I am working with two rasters. I am trying to reproject r1 the same way as the raster r2. Rasters are available here r1 class : RasterLayer dimensions : 30286, 58025, 1757345150 (nrow, ncol,...
LMontef's user avatar
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Why does the Extent of NIR Band 8 Landsat image not match other bands, even when cropping to a specified extent?

I'm trying to load and then stack four bands 2,3,4 and 8 RGB and NIR from Landsat images. I have downloaded and extracted them and they are in .tif format. # loading the bands B2 <- raster("./...
TomCLewis's user avatar
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Raster operations in a raster list in R

I have a raster list (21 in total) S1 that have the same projection, resolution but not exactly the same extent. Due to this difference, I cannot stack them without solving the extent/dimensions ...
GCGM's user avatar
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Changing raster values in specific zone only

I would like to replace raster values only in specific zone of the raster. Say this is my example raster: library(raster) r <- raster(ncol=1000, nrow=1000) r[] <- runif(ncell(r),0,1) extent(r) &...
MIH's user avatar
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Does the inputs extent have to be identical for raster::intersect to crop a RGB GEOTiff?

Background: I have a shapefile with multiple polygons over a large area and then I also have GEOTiff image files. I want to crop the TIFF files with each of the polygons. The problem is that when I ...
Waldo vdM's user avatar
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Maintaining same extents in R?

How can I maintain perfectly equivalent raster and SpatialPointsDataFrame extents when in R? Each time I combine rasters, or raster and point data, the extents are very slightly different (like ...
ecologist1234's user avatar
3 votes
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Plot two rasters with different extents

I have two rasters with different extents that overlap partly: ext1 <- extent(99500,700500,249500,600500) ext2 <- extent(1356,643990,269903,690810) #create rasters rr1 <- raster(matrix(...
smoff's user avatar
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15 votes
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Using resample vs. aggregate & extend in R to have rasters of matching resolution and extent

I have two rasters of different resolution and extent: > res(Elevation) [1] 0.002083333 0.002083333 > res(Ann_precip) [1] 0.008333333 0.008333333 > extent(Elevation) class : Extent ...
M514's user avatar
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Extent projection from UTM to latlon (WGS84) and back again to UTM

I'm trying to crop a raster dtm.temp1 (with higher resolution and in WGS84) at the extent of another dtm.temp (coarse resolution in UTM). Using different approch I reach different results I try ...
EdGe's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Sum rasters with different extent in R

I need to sum several rasters (.tiff) with different extent but the same resolution in R. How can I do it?
Joan Gimenez's user avatar
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R: shapefile extent larger than raster extent

I am using R for my spatial analysis. I am fairly new to this so I am still trying to find my way around things like changing projections etc... I have a raster with vegetation index values (0.5 x 0....
Geraldine's user avatar
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R Stack. Extent and CRS

I'm new on R. I was listing .tif files from a folder to R. My final product is going to be a value mean of all the files in only one image. So I start stacking all of them, then brick the stack, and ...
Christopher D's user avatar
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Crop Landsat image using Extent in R

I'm following a tutorial on Remote Sensing within R and I'm attempting to crop a Landsat image, however I'm getting the error: Error in validityMethod(object) : invalid extent: ymin >= ymax My ...
Steven's user avatar
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Difference between large Rasterlayer and formal class Raster Layer in R?

I currently possess two rasters with the EXACT SAME resolution and extent, and yet they show different number of rows when loaded into the global environment in R. In addition, before these rasters ...
Vijay Ramesh's user avatar
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R raster: align two rasters with different extent

I have two rasters, with same dimensions (nrow, ncol, and ncell) and same coordinate system. They differ however by their extent, x min/max points: Raster 1: has xmin/max -180, 180, i.e. Americas ...
Matifou's user avatar
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Handling multiple-extent-problem to create raster stack in R?

I am storing ~ 30 raster files in a folder and want to create a raster stack. I know that not all of these rasters have completely the same extent. They do have the same resolution and CRS. Thus I ...
parallax's user avatar
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R: Convert Extent Object to Shapefile

I want to convert R 'library:raster' 'extent' object to a shapefile. I have the CRS available too. e= c(4304916, 4305325, 365216, 365439)#xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax proj4string(e) = CRS("+proj=utm +...
Arihant's user avatar
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Extent from Centroids, Projection, and Resolution?

I have a file that defines a raster, although all the metadata was lost. I know the lat/long coordinates of the grid centroids, and that the grid is in a Mercator projection with a 1/12deg equatorial ...
user13317's user avatar
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extracting data from rasters using shapefile boundaries in r

I have a raster.stack of 8 environmental variables and a shapefile of Ecoregions for the southern U.S. files<-list.files(path='E:/Ecoregions Models/Border Bioclim/',pattern='asc', full.names=TRUE)...
I Del Toro's user avatar