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3 answers

R raster stack mathematical conditioning operation

I am new to R and currently I am trying to create a drought frequency map using a stack of VHI rasters but, I still can't figure out a way. My attempt is as follows. The stack of rasters contains data ...
DilankaMunasinghe's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Writeraster: How to mantain layer names when writing raster data to a file

After I change the extension of my different raster layers in R, I want to save them in the same folder to, later on, binarize them all (with a for in loop I have in my code). Because I want all these ...
Andrea Vidal's user avatar
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Merge single- and multi-band rasters with stars

I can easily use c() to merge two single band rasters or two multi-band rasters using the R package stars, however, when I try merging a single band raster with a multi band raster, I get the error ...
Matt SM's user avatar
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Remove the pixel completely in stack if one layer contains NA values in R

I have a raster stack of soil temperatures from the year 2000 to 2020. I have previously cleaned out the individual layers if they exceeded the overall mean +/- 2 by stacked <- stack("...
Thomas's user avatar
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Extracting all levels of a NetCDF file and exporting as multiband raster

I am trying to convert this .nc file with land cover data from ESA CCI ( There is a separate .nc file for each year, and each file contains the ...
Megan Critchley's user avatar
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How to calculate mean for multiple raster files and multiple variables using R

I have a folder with multiple raster files (.asc) which contains the biomass of different fish species (e.g., Anglerfish, Bathydemersal etc) for different years (e.g., 00012, 00024, 00036 etc) I want ...
Chiara Piro's user avatar
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Raster image error when entering stack layers using Rstudio

I am a beginning user of Rstudio, and I want to run Random Forest by using a couple of "raster layers" which were stacked in ENVI. Before doing stacking I checked the cell size and the ...
user166551's user avatar
4 votes
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Calculation of mean and standard deviation of raster images in R

I have a set of raster images (GeoTIFF, Landsat 1984-2018) which I cropped with my AOI using a shapefile. Now I want to stack them and calculate the mean and standard deviation of every pixel of the ...
catherine 's user avatar
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RasterLayer vs RasterStack

I have a few hundreds of .tiff files that I converted as a raster stack. However, when I tried reading the file, it is classified as a RasterLayer. I was expecting it to be a RasterStack. The ...
mand3rd's user avatar
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5 votes
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stars package in R. How to add time dimension in a stars object?

I have a raster stack (my_stack) and I converted it into a stars object: mystar <- st_as_stars(my_stack) That results in: stars object with 3 dimensions and 1 attribute attribute(s), summary of ...
Leonidas's user avatar
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Subset raster stack in R by a vector of number sequences?

I have a large raster stack that I need to subset by somewhat irregular time spans. I'd like to do something like this: rstack[[c(1:3, 4:8, 9:15)]] But there are 30 sequences like the ones above ...
Jason's user avatar
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Determining which layer in raster stack is first to meet condition using R?

I want to analyze a raster stack and determine the first layer in the stack that meets a condition for every pixel. Here's a reproducible code example generating rasters and making a stack. # ...
Scott Z's user avatar
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2 votes
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Biweekly time series for raster stack in r

I have a netcdf file with daily data and I calculate for each week some statistics, using the "apply.weekly" command in the "xts" library. However, I would like to calculate bi-weekly statistics, ...
Maria Karypidou's user avatar
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Looping a raster stack with a step, R

I have a large raster stack of about 500 rasterlayers. What I want to do is to extract specific layers and store them in a different strack. The layers for which I am interested in, have a step of 8 ...
foo's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does the Extent of NIR Band 8 Landsat image not match other bands, even when cropping to a specified extent?

I'm trying to load and then stack four bands 2,3,4 and 8 RGB and NIR from Landsat images. I have downloaded and extracted them and they are in .tif format. # loading the bands B2 <- raster("./...
TomCLewis's user avatar
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2 answers

Raster operations in a raster list in R

I have a raster list (21 in total) S1 that have the same projection, resolution but not exactly the same extent. Due to this difference, I cannot stack them without solving the extent/dimensions ...
GCGM's user avatar
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Import multi-band TIFF in R

I am trying to import a TIFF file that contains 2 bands. When using the following code in R, it seems only the first band is being recognised. S1<-"my/path/" S1<-list.files(S1, full.names = ...
GCGM's user avatar
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How to save statistical parameters of a raster stack in a csv using R

I have a reference raster and a stack of other rasters. I wanted to perform Mean, Std Dev and Bias of the reference with respect to the remaining. So I calculated the Cell Stats of all but when I try ...
ARU's user avatar
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Raster calculation loop - R

I have a raster stack of 108 elements The stack 'images' is created using 4 bands (RGB+NIR) of 27 satellite images. The sequence of the rasters in the stack is: Position [[1]]: blue band image 1 ...
GCGM's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Stack rasters with different origin, dimensions and resolution in R

I have three raster files with the same extent and CRS, but with different origin, dimensions and resolution. r1 class : RasterLayer dimensions : 3020, 3043, 9189860 (nrow, ncol, ncell) ...
Elena's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to create raster stack from names on R

I have a dataframe containing the best predictors by their contribution to a model: bestpredictors var contrib 2 Pfallwinter 8.1141 15 Tofall 58.0000 23 ai 5.3573 26 ...
Diego Parra Muñoz's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Mean by month on R stacked raster

I work with MODIS NDVI rasters in 2016. I have 23 rasters stacked in one object. I have 2 raster by month. I would like the average by months and conserve a raster for each month. ndvi.stack <- ...
delaye's user avatar
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R Stack. Extent and CRS

I'm new on R. I was listing .tif files from a folder to R. My final product is going to be a value mean of all the files in only one image. So I start stacking all of them, then brick the stack, and ...
Christopher D's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Handling multiple-extent-problem to create raster stack in R?

I am storing ~ 30 raster files in a folder and want to create a raster stack. I know that not all of these rasters have completely the same extent. They do have the same resolution and CRS. Thus I ...
parallax's user avatar
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5 votes
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R package gapfill: How to convert R raster stack to 4-dimensional array and then back to raster stack?

I'm currently analyzing MODIS EVI time series (MOD13Q1) for a small region between 2000 and 2015. Now, I would like to fill missing values using the new R package gapfill. What I have done so far: ...
Jon Snow's user avatar
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Receiving higher values than should be possible in stackApply SUM for Frequency calculation in R

I am currently working on creating a frequency raster for a country based on multiple Rasters of the same day through following years and where the previous values are reclassified to 1's and 0's. The ...
Leif's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to remove the Na values from a stack of rasters?

In R I have a stack (nsw.stack) which contains 6 variables. I have clipped the extent. However, When I look at the summary it appears that there is a lot of NA values (see below). I think this is ...
I.Stirs's user avatar
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Raster package limitations

I am very new to R and to raster package and I was hoping that someone could provide some guidance. I am trying to run a function that averages a series of rasters, 300 to be exact, they are in geotif ...
Miguel's user avatar
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1 answer

Matching Decedal Average NDVI and Worldclim Data

Ive never used NDVI (or EVI) datasets in R. Does anyone have any resource I could use to access a decadal average NDVI dataset for the globe. It would be preferable if this dataset was also comparable ...
I Del Toro's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Extract raster layer data by attributes in RasterStacks R

I have a RasterStack with 2 raster layers of the same area, one from a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame (layer1) and another NDVI satellite image (NDVI). layer1 has a series of polygons, each with various ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Extracting values from raster stack and aggregating results using R

I'd like to extract values from a rasterstack, cell by cell, and create a list of the values: ext <- extent(0,100,0,100) r1 <- raster(nrows=100, ncols=100,ext) r1[] <- sample(seq(from = 1, ...
Sam's user avatar
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stack rasters with different extent and resolution in a loop with R package raster

I would like to stack rasters with the R package "raster". Layers are in ascii format. I want to crop them to have the same extent and project them to have the same resolution. My code gives raster ...
jl-blancopastor's user avatar
4 votes
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Where are the "band names" of an ENVI file once it is imported in R?

I have a .dat file (ENVI format) with specific band names, as you can see in the snapshot. I've imported this file in R, but I cannot find the band names in the R object. The command names(...
FraNut's user avatar
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R raster stack 4 dimensions

I am trying to create a raster stack / brick from a list of ncdf files with the dimensions 160x160x24x1). r = stack(files) This gives me a raster stack but without the 4th dimensions which is ...
Spamiad's user avatar
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How to calculate 90% confidence interval in a raster stack

I have a stack of grid files (23) in ASC format from a MODIS sensor and I need to calculate a 90% confidence interval, mean, min, etc, for each one in R, how can I do that? specially the interval. #...
Greta Pura Vida's user avatar
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R -plot 12 images per plot or save 12 images per image file in R

Here is R script and my question is How can I plot 12 images per plot or save 12 images per image file because I have total 864 images. RAD1998 <- raster(paste(getwd(), "/1998bil /...
Nahm's user avatar
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