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Questions tagged [raster-catalog]

a generic term for a collection of rasters used as a single dataset.

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1 vote
0 answers

Raster Catalog to Raster Dataset giving ERROR 999999 [closed]

I have a problem converting my Raster Catalog to Raster Dataset. I have an error (see below) after 4-5 hours of process - all rasters have ~21Gb. Is there something wrong with my data?
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1 answer

Creating a catalog from raster files with terra in R

I would like to first explain what I aim to do. I am used to use the R package lidR and I find very useful the comand readLAScatalog, which creates a catalog, "a representation of a collection of ...
2 votes
1 answer

ArcPy replaceDataSource to ArcSDE raster catalog error?

I'm trying to re-path a multitude of rasters currently the workspace is a folder, the intended workspace is a raster catalog in an SDE database - using the replaceDataSource method I'm getting the ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Extracting information from world file of images into DBF catalog file through ArcPy [closed]

Here are thousands of pictures in JPG or TIF format with world file such as jgw and tfw. Inside each file, projection information for each pictures were contained. One example of the content for a ...
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1 answer

What is name of dataset in GEE to estimate level of urbanization for each county (district) in a country /region?

I am epidemiologist, not remote sensing expert. I am interested to find association between disease incidence /reported cases with urbanization (hypothesis " more bigger cities , more incidence&...
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0 answers

How to create a raster catalog in global mapper via scripting

I am a rookie GIS developer and I am having difficulty creating a script for global mapper that would create a raster catalog. Global Mapper provides an example script to perform the task as shown ...
12 votes
1 answer

Overviews: to tiles or .vrt, or both?

When using vrt to mosaic on the fly large collections of images, is it better to add overviews (pyramids) to the individual rasters or to the final .vrt, or both? (Where "better" means finding the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Using a PostGIS raster catalog in GeoServer? [closed]

I have a PostGIS table cataloging 10,000+ GeoTIFFs. Each table row has a name, file path, and a polygon as the bounding box. The rasters are spread out all over the globe, they are not adjacent. I ...
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0 answers

Export Raster from ArcMap gdb raster catalog

I received a file geodatabase raster catalog and would like to extract the rasters as GeoTIFF. I tried to read them in FME and save them as raster but it failed and I also tried to export them in ...
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0 answers

Is there a bug in the Build Virtual Raster tool (QGIS 3.4.7) when using nodata value = -9999?

When I configure the Nodata Value argument in the Build Virtual Raster tool (QGIS 3.4.7) equal to -9999 I have obtained an unexpected result, as shown in the figure below: On the other hand, if I ...
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1 answer

How to build .sid virtual raster catalog

I want to build raster catalog that would contain many .sid (MrSID) georeferenced rasters. I already successfully built such catalog with tiffs using gdalbuildvrt but when I try with .sid, every ...
2 votes
1 answer

Unmanaged Raster Catalog Relative Paths?

Is it possible to store relative paths in an unmanaged raster catalog? What I want to do: C:\Folder\File.gdb UnmanagedRasterCatalog1 ..\..\Data\MyRaster\Raster.File C:\Data MyRaster ...
5 votes
3 answers

Repairing paths of unmanaged raster catalog in file geodatabase?

I'm using ArcGIS 9.3.1 and I have an unmanaged file geodatabase with raster catalogs in it. Tiles are loaded inside the catalog and each tile has a "Full Path" property which is environment specific. ...
3 votes
2 answers

How do I only view selected rasters from a geodatabase raster catalog in ArcGIS 10.0

I am using a geodatabase raster catalog to hold raster files for multiple countries, mostly for the sake of organization. I don't actually have the need (often) to visualize or draw these all at once. ...
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1 answer

Removing single raster from ArcGIS Raster catalog?

I have duplicate rasters in a raster catalog which I want to remove. There is no tool to remove single rasters. Is there another way to do this without removing the entire raster catalog and ...
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0 answers

ArcMap Time enabled raster catalog greyed out raster

I am having a problem trying to make an animation from a raster catalog. In the past, I have: Added the raster catalogue to ArcMap Added a new date field Enabled time on the catalogue later Created ...
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1 answer

Adding raster catalog to MXD using arcpy.mapping?

Using the bit of code below adds the raster catalog footprint polygon layer. mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("Current") df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "*")[0] addOrtho2011 = arcpy.mapping....
2 votes
0 answers

Is there a comfortable way to generate efficient raster catalogs in QGIS?

Is there a comfortable way to generate efficient raster catalogs (such as in Arcgis), where polygon tiles are loaded as long as the scale does not hit a threshold value and images are only loaded when ...
1 vote
1 answer

Getting names of currently visible rasters from catalog?

I have a simple win form app with a map control on it. The map has a layer (MADtedLayer) that was initialized from a catalog in a personal database (Access). The files displayed are DTED. I need to ...
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0 answers

Export color corrected rasters from a catalog in arcmap

I have several raster in a raster catalog for which I(ve used color correction. I'de like to export each raster as a geotiff with exactly the same resolution and world file than the original geotiff ...
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1 answer

ArcGIS 9.3.1 VBA: Unable to loop through datasets using 'ILayerGeneralProperties' when raster catalog is present

I have a simple project which involves the use of several buttons in order to make various datasets visible depending on which category is required at the time. It works fine using the popular ...
2 votes
2 answers

Using Flex to display single rasters from raster catalog in ArcSDE/ArcGIS server?

One of the front end develoeprs here is having issues displaying, or working out how to display a single raster held in a raster catalog in ArcSDE using the Flex 2.2 API the Raster Catalog holds ...
4 votes
1 answer

Attempted unsupported operation with Raster Catalog in ArcMap? [closed]

I recently installed ArcGIS 10.4 on my Windows 10 machine. I upgraded from ArcGIS 10.3.1. After upgrading, I noticed when I add a raster catalog to a map and go to the properties, it displays an ...
2 votes
1 answer

Decommissioning Raster Catalogs in ArcGIS for Desktop?

Have heard news that Esri's road-map may include the decommissioning of the raster catalog. Can anyone confirm / deny this? Can't find any news articles online but we need to future-proof our systems ...
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0 answers

How to Publish a “Raster catalog”, and is an image Server extension will be required in this case?

I have a Raster catalog that contains a number of images, and I want to publish it using ArcGIS server 10.3.1, when I right click on the Raster catalog I cannot find Share as image service! In the ...
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1 answer

Is my raster catalog managed or unmanaged?

According to the following post I can look in the field properties to find out if my raster catalog is managed or unmanaged.
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0 answers

QGIS - .vrt DEM layer only partially goes to hillshade

I am using QGIS 2.12 on Macbook Pro running on Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.5. I have six adjacent DEMs of the 7.5-minute quadrangle size (National Elevation Data or NED, I think). I loaded them into a ...
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2 answers

Setting Rasters to the exact same display

I have been tasked to make a series of .jpeg outputs of different sections of a dike displaying elevation data. My problem is that the data i have been given is GIGANTIC, almost the whole region made ...
2 votes
1 answer

Add legend from raster catalog? ArcGis 10.1

Does anyone have a solution on how to add the legend from a raster catalog? It does not show up, either in version 10.1 or 10.2.1. It only shows the name "Legend".
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0 answers

Why Does My Raster Catalog Crashes When I Try to Zoom?

I have a file geodatabase which includes a Raster Catalog. Up until today I've had no problems with my Raster Catalog. Now, when I pull in the Raster Catalog, I can see the footprint of my rasters. ...
3 votes
1 answer

Get Raster Catalog Names from a File Geodatabase Programmatically

I'm trying to get only raster catalog entries from a file geodatabase using the arcgisscripting geoprocessing API. So far I am able to do this using the ListDatasets function using the ALL argument. ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to list items in a raster catalog?

I have a managed raster catalog in a file geodatabase that is comprised of 12 images. The screenshot shows the raster catalog footprint with the names of the tiff images that make up the raster ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I export each individual Raster out of an ESRI Rastercatalog?

I have a managed raster catalog (ArcGIS 10.0) which contains many images. I need to migrate these to another GIS and have to export them individually. As far as I can see, I can only export all images ...
0 votes
1 answer

Copying raster from Raster Catalog

I have a Raster Catalog containing 4 File GeoDatabase Raster Datasets. Each raster is about 150-250 GB. I want to convert these to rasters with .TIFF extension so I can publish it in a map service. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Poor Temporal Raster Performance over REST

When trying to consume temporal rasters (float values) served from ArcGIS Server over a REST endpoint, the results served up are "wonky". One or two time steps will deliver data as expected but in ...
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1 answer

How to set coordinate system on raster catalog with arcpy?

When creating a raster catalog, if the optional coordinate system fields for the raster and geometry columns are left empty, they will be stored as unknown. What geoprocessing functions in arcpy ...
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0 answers

Change MADtedLayer renderer

This question is relative to a past question of mine at Rendering raster layer from DTED based on height color map (that remained unanswered), so if you believe that I should merge those two, let me ...
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1 answer

How to get cell value from one raster within a raster catalog using ArcPy?

I need to be able to obtain the cell value of one cell in one specific raster that is stored withing a raster catalog in a file geodatabase. The Get Cell Value tool doesn't appear to be able to do ...
2 votes
1 answer

Reproject raster catalog - ArcGIS 9.3/FME 2012

I have a couple of raster catalogs in different file geodatabases and I need to re-project them to a new coordinate system. Now there is no option to project a whole raster catalog, nor can I use the '...
1 vote
0 answers

Assign Custom Band Combination To Image Catalogs In ArcGIS

I have an image catalog composed of 4 band rasters. I would like to use the same image catalog, and set custom renderers for a true color and false color combination and save each of those catalogs ...