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Questions tagged [rgrass7]

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v.clean with rgrass does not work, vector type not found

I'm trying to clean a vector file called network with rgrass library using v.clean. Here's my code: Sys.setenv("GRASS_INSTALLATION"="C:/Program Files/GRASS GIS 8.3/") library(...
Freestyle Season's user avatar
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R.regression.multi land-use data not enough valid cells

What I want: run r.regression.multi between land-use change and bumblebee occurrence. What I did: X coefficients: cov_all.0 of North, East, South and West SSP1 -4 layers in total. (I projected the ...
kar-g's user avatar
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Calculating interactions between 2 viewsheds using R

I have one shapefile with locations of an animal and one street layer. First I created viewpoints on the street (every 10m) and created one cumulated tif ("street viewshed". Now my plan is ...
DennyCrane's user avatar
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Having two RStudio instances running GRASS simultaneously

I would like to start two RStudio instances in the same PC and run the same script with GRASS commands in each of them simultaneously. This is to process faster a long list of spatial data. The script ...
Javier Fajardo's user avatar
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Explicit temp files in rgrass7 / fasterRaster to avoid interferences when running simultaneous R sessions

I'm finding errors using the function fasterRastDistance() in the fasterRaster R library when running the same script in several simultaneous RStudio instances. The error looks like this: ERROR: You ...
Javier Fajardo's user avatar
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Working iteratively on GRASS in R environment

I would like to realize a bicubic spline for many shapefiles. Following the indications on this post,enter link description here I obtained my results and export it from GRASS to folder. Now, I would ...
matt85's user avatar
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Problem during GRASS working session in R environment

I have a series of shapefile like those are in the attached folder. I would like to realize for each column of those shapefiles a bicubic spline. I would like to use for this operation GRASS into an R ...
matt85's user avatar
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Issues with projection when using RGRASS7

I have just started using rgrass7 and getting error messages when I try to use readRAST. Please see below initGRASS(gisBase="C:/Program Files/GRASS GIS 7.8", mapset = "PERMANENT", ...
rm167's user avatar
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Error executing r.drain

I´m trying to do a Least Cost Path with Grass and when I try to use r.drain I can't. It say to me error raster map not found.
Ainhoa Gutiérrez Robledo's user avatar
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79 views error installation on GRASS

I am using GRASS GIS 7.0.3 on linux, however I've been trying to install the extension on GRASS and always get the error message: "ImportError: cannot import name set_path" "...
Anissa Nur Irmania's user avatar
3 votes
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Install GRASS extension with g.extension and Rstudio

I want to use GRASS in Rstudio to crop my DEM with my GRASS region definited. I tried to install r.clipextension on GRASS with g.extension to realise this. But when I use the function g.extension to ...
Romain's user avatar
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Define GRASS region to desaggregated DEM raster with rgrass7

I want to define my Grass region with g.region and my raster to desaggregated this raster. I have error with g.region function when I try this : #Create environment initGRASS("C:/Program Files/...
Romain's user avatar
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R: read and clean layer with v.clean (using rgrass7)

I'm trying to execute some rgrass7 processing from R but I can't even get the first process done. I would like to clean a vector line layer. The goal here is not just to clean the topology, that's ...
César Arquero Cabral's user avatar
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How does r.fill.dir work?

I'm trying to calculate subglacial sink volume by using the rgrass7 package to utilize GRASS functions in R. However, the sinks found by the function seem to be very small: When I run the similar ...
Florian Mlehliv's user avatar
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Calculating sink volume in R via rgrass7

I want to calculate the volume of sinks in a DEM raster in R, since I have to automatize the workflow later. Following the results of my previous question (Creating depressionless DEMs with rgrass7) I ...
Florian Mlehliv's user avatar
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Creating depressionless DEMs with rgrass7

I'm working with the rgrass7 package to use GRASS 7.6.0 functions within R. What I'm trying to do is the following: Import a raster DEM with a custom CRS, fill the sinks and export the depressionless ...
Florian Mlehliv's user avatar
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Reading vector-dataset with rgrass7

I have read in some vector data with rgrass7 and produced some output Layers using Grass in R. Now I wanted to import one of the created layers back into R and convert it into an sf- object. When I ...
Lenn's user avatar
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Find GRASS GIS path on Ubuntu

I want to use algorithms from GRASS GIS in R. One essential step is already providing some serious problems. I managed in some way to install GRASS on Ubuntu 18.04, but now I need to provide the path ...
Lenn's user avatar
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rgrass7: "no stars import yet"

I would like to read a raster layer from GRASS 7.8 into R 3.6.1 (on Ubuntu 18.04). Whenever I use the readRAST method I get a cryptic message that simply says "no stars import yet" [sic]. ...
Luís de Sousa's user avatar
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Generating flow path using r.drain from rgrass

I need to generate the flow path using r.drain from the rgrass7 package in RStudio. I am new to GRASS GIS and prefer to use the R package instead. I want to generate a flow path from a grid cell. ...
Daniel Taru's user avatar
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Extract raster values for polygons in GRASS

I have recently moved to using GRASS for GIS within R and I would like to extract values of a raster dataset that overlap with polygons (i.e. something like 'extract' in the raster package of R). I ...
tsutsume's user avatar
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can't initialize projection information in GRASS from R

I want to perform a small calculation in GRASS using the r.watershed-function. I convert my raster DEM to a SpatialGridDataFrame to import it into GRASS. However when initializing GRASS the projection ...
andschar's user avatar
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rgrass7 init error

I am using rgrass7 with R and by typing the following initGRASS(gisBase = "C:/GRASS/GRASS_GIS_7_3_svn", home=tempdir(), gisDbase = "C:/Users/main/Desktop/data", location = "Thesis",mapset = "user", ...
Ka_Papa's user avatar
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How to set up a new gdbase and location in rgrass7 in R, through link2GI, different from the temporary one

I am using GRASS on Win 10 through the R environment (RStudio, version 1.0.143) with the link2GI package. I would like to assign a new gisdbase and a new location to my project. I defined my raster(...
keltoskytoi's user avatar
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write a raster layer in grass from R with writeRAST

I have a raster in R like > str(my.raster) Formal class 'RasterLayer' [package "raster"] with 12 slots ..@ file :Formal class '.RasterFile' [package "raster"] with 13 slots .. .. ..@ name ...
delaye's user avatar
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May I change rgrass7 location in R script

I'm using Grass-GIS 7.2 in R with rgrass7. I would like to use rasters from 2 different location. Is there a way to do that without brutality ? At this time it works with : library(rgrass7) # ...
delaye's user avatar
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