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Questions tagged [z-index]

Questions related to layer ordering, where z-index[0] refers to the base map and z-index[1,-1] refers to all overlay layers.

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Control feature order or z-index for WebGL layer icons? (OpenLayers)

I want to control the order icons appear on a WebGL layer so icons in the north appear in the back and overlap to the front as they appear southwards. Since the WebGL layer does not have a renderOrder ...
Sidders's user avatar
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Labels covering point layer symbols QGIS 3.28

I am encountering a problem with label placement in QGIS 3.28. Specifically, the elevation contour labels in my project are covering the symbols of another point layer, even though I have arranged the ...
Iven Pepa's user avatar
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Finding the relative order of GPX tracks drawn with leaflet-gpx?

I am displaying many gpx tracks on a map using leaflet-gpx, and I can bring them to the back of the other tracks: LG = new L.GPX(...) //loads the track (not detailed here) LG.on('click',function(e){ ...
XaC's user avatar
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Dynamic update zIndex of markers in OpenLayers

I have an OpenLayers map with 2 layers, humanLayer and megafaunaLayer. The zIndex of humanLayer is 15 and have marks with zIndex also 15, while the zIndex of megafaunaLayer is 10 and has marks of ...
Luis A. Florit's user avatar
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How to correctly set the zIndex of features within an OpenLayers vector layer? [closed]

I initially add a vector layer from a GeoJSON file and label each feature: var layer1 = new ol.layer.Vector({ source: new ol.source.Vector({ url: './json_3573/country_names.geojson', ...
rhewlif's user avatar
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Change Ordering of features within one layer in leaflet

My Question is exactly the same as mentioned in this Question The main difference is that I can't use bringToFront() because I have points inside the highlighted polygon that I want to show a tooltip ...
bmblby's user avatar
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Leaflet z-index above everything else [duplicate]

I have a problem with leaflet : the control layers are always above everything else in my webpage. Does anyone know how to fix this ? My code creating the map var src_str = component.get('v.srcPath')...
metheM's user avatar
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GeoServer-Mviewer : point layers over surface layers

I am working on an interactive map designed under Mviewer package and using GeoServer to save symbols and layers. I have a specific issue on it: I managed to generate all layers correctly in my ...
fefe78's user avatar
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Z-index isn't working for L.tileLayer

I am having difficulty with layer order. I have 4 layers but zIndex is not working for L.tileLayer. Here's a part of my code: var overlay_Numerydziaek1 = L....
Kacper Kaniewski's user avatar
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When I should use Rtree/KdTree vs Morton z-index and s-curves?

I was always confused by those two families (?) of indexing. I feel that the first one goes with the "normal" data, while z-index and s-curves work the best for tiling/grid/uniformly distributed ...
Philipp_Kats's user avatar
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Control custom panes for Leaflet Geojson SVG icons

In Leaflet v1.03 I have n layers of SVG icons which should be rendered on custom panes. I try to use the panes to control the zindex of items. Within the L.geoJson options I set the pane as well as ...
Dennis Bauszus's user avatar
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How to sequence overlapping GeoJSON using bringtoFront and/or zindex?

I currently have multiple GeoJSON polygons that overlap. I want to be able to layer them so I can click a GeoJSons a popup menu for that specific polygon to popup. Additionally, I want to have a side ...
user83937's user avatar
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How to position LeafLet CircleMarkers on top of Markers

Question 1: With mapbox.js 2.3.0 (not sure what LeafLet version), are CircleMarkers supposed to go into the overlay pane by default, and Markers into the marker pane? I basically have 3 sets of ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Openlayers 3 - click under geolocation layer

I am using geolocation feature of Openlayers 3.13, as in the examples. ( However I also have queryable point layers, and when I track the ...
Eylül's user avatar
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How to show label over markers on leaflet?

I need to show label over markers on leaflet to make it readable. How can I implement it? See the picture below label is overlay-ed by marker
cadmy's user avatar
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GeoJSON Layer Order In Leaflet 0.7.5

I am developing a web application that brings in a number of tileLayers and geoJSON layers. For the tile layers I have been able to do similar to this JSFiddle in that the layers appear depening on ...
Joshua Dickerson's user avatar
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Leaflet - Adding another layergroup on top of a heatmap layer

Layering with z-index works when using layergroups - but is there any working way to have another layer with circles or other elements ontop of a layer with a heat-map? The heat-map seems to be ...
andi's user avatar
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Openlayers Marker z-index

I have multiple marker in one layer OpenLayers.Layer.Marker and some times the marker overlap the other marker. My question is how do I bring the marker in front when its click? is there a setZ-index ...
user206250's user avatar
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Z-index in OpenLayers 3: layer ordering in OL3

Is there a method to change Z-indexes of layers in OpenLayers3 like it was in old version? map.setLayerIndex(markers, 99); //set the marker layer to an arbitrarily high layer index I need to change ...
Anuket's user avatar
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labels showing up behind other labels due to unmatched z-index

I am using leaflet label plugin to show labels on markers by using layer.bindLabel('name'). As the number of markers is high the markers come above the label thus labels are not visible clearly. ...
poshan's user avatar
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Z-Index in GeoJSON features using leaflet

I have a watershed polygon with sub-watersheds contained within the larger watershed. I would like the sub-watersheds drawn on top. Can i control the drawing order of features within a geojson object ...
deltageo's user avatar
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Using Leaflet Marker Dragend? [closed]

I am having a problem with leaflet markers. The problem is that when I drag a marker with a lower z-index under another marker with a higher z-index and let it go, it makes another marker. I have a ...
Enrique's user avatar
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How does Leaflet layer ordering work with CartoDB layers?

All, I'm trying to figure out how Leaflet layer ordering works when you have layers coming from CartoDB. I have a map with 1 polygon layer (cartodb), 3 point layers (cartodb), 1 basemap layer (mapbox)...
Inactivated Account's user avatar
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How can a leaflet SVG overlay be placed outside of the leaflet-overlay-pane?

I have SVG on top of GeoJSON in my map. How can a leaflet SVG overlay be placed outside of the leaflet-overlay-pane while keeping GeoJSON in place in the leaflet-overlay-pane? (For example, how could ...
user3103373's user avatar
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OpenLayers: How to move smaller vectors to front?

I've got a problem that's been bugging me for quite some time now. As you can see in the image below I've got som vectors that ends up beneath bigger ones, and despite all my efforts of trying to ...
dnkmdg's user avatar
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Openlayers: How to make layer come to top after choosing it in layer switcher?

I have a base layer and 3 image layers . I also have setup a layerswitcher so that user can choose which layer is to be overlayed on the base map and I have 3 sliders such that user can choose the ...
RavTavJab's user avatar
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Marker layer not responding to events in OpenLayers

I have multiple layers in OpenLayers: three vector layers, one google map layer, and a marker layer. I registered feature selected event to all three vector layers (which works fine, but btw is that a ...
Dong's user avatar
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OpenLayers: How to get backgroundGraphic to go under externalGraphic

I've got a layer with nodes features on which I may want to display two images, a main one and a background one. This page : shows what I want: ...
pHneutre's user avatar
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How to reverse the drawing order of markers?

I saw this example which demonstrates how ordering can be controlled with markers added using styling options (graphicZIndex) applied to a vector layer. Due to the limitations in the combination of ...
Question Overflow's user avatar
7 votes
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OpenLayers how to maintain layer ordering while using SelectFeature control

I'd like my map to display a few layers in a particular order. Some of these layers are Vectors, others are XYZs, and some of my Vector layers display attribution. Initial layer ordering works fine ...
sfletche's user avatar
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Change zIndex of Vectors in openlayers

I have a bunch of linestring features on a vector layer. Some of them overlap. If I trigger the hover event on those features, I want them be in front. I did find some functions to set the z-index of ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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Leaflet Layers Control - Z-Index? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to change Leaflet Map panes layering order (z-index)? In the Leaflet Layers Control L.Control.Layers() described here, is there a way to control the z-index (layer order) ...
billted98's user avatar
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How to tell SharpMap to display polygons based on z-order?

I have a series of polygons which overlap in spatialite. Each has a an attribute providing it's z-order as well as the output color for that polygon. What do I need to do, processing-wise, to allow ...
WayneF's user avatar
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How to change Leaflet Map panes layering order (z-index)?

Leaflet maintains that the Map panes elements contain all layers added to the map. The difference between many of the Map panes is strictly the z-index order of layering. I would like to use a ...
Michael Markieta's user avatar