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"Geometry cannot have Z values" exception in ArcGIS Engine

I just encountered a similar problem and wanted to offer an answer since Richard Morgan's above comment solved the problem. I had a point feature class that was not Z-enabled but was, at the same ...
Brad's user avatar
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Building desktop map applications in ArcGIS Engine using Python?

Is it possible? Possibly, you can connect to ArcObjects from python using comtypes as demonstrated in this example: Accessing ArcObjects from Python?. I do not recommend this though. It is easier to ...
isamson's user avatar
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Why feature.shape can't use multipoint type?

I think you're having trouble because IPointCollection does't implement IGeometry or because you haven't set the spatial reference property, to add lots of points to a point collection as a multipoint,...
Michael Stimson's user avatar
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Using ArcGIS Engine with Background Geoprocessing (64 bit)

It's not actually as complicated as you'd think. It's simply a matter of installing both the SDK environment (ArcEngine) and the 64bit Background Geoprocessing for ArcEngine. Once that's installed, ...
KHibma's user avatar
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Error when using IFeatureCursor to inquire feature

Your issue is that you are only retrieving the "Id" field with your query. The feature.Shape attribute is simply a shortcut for feature.Value[shape_field_index] and therefore still requires ...
danielm's user avatar
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How to Remove Decimal Points From Measured Grid Label C#

Can you give this a try: INumericFormat pNumForm = new NumericFormatClass(); pNumForm.RoundingValue = 0; pNumForm.RoundingOption = esriRoundingOptionEnum.esriRoundNumberOfDecimals; IGridLabel ...
Michael Stimson's user avatar
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Building desktop map applications in ArcGIS Engine using Python?

I have done it. With Arcobjects Java and Arcpy. The UI was made with arcobjects Java and all the basic functionality were given using arcobjects. This includes adding layers , featurce class, creating ...
Rpandia31's user avatar
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Porting ArcGIS Engine to ArcGISRuntime SDK for .NET, dealing with interior/exterior polygon rings

You can use the approach I used here:
dotMorten's user avatar
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How to set up graduated colors for a layer using ArcObjects?

It's maybe too late for an answer, but I think thats what you needed - the IClassBreaksUIProperties IClassify classifyMethod = new NaturalBreaksClass(); (classBreaksRenderer as ...
Frau Schmidt's user avatar
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