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Nigerian Colony Coordinate System

The Nigerian Transverse Mercator system combines three UTM zones to a contiguous coordinate system: NTM uses meters as units, so you have to convert your feet data to meters before. The result 326262 ...
AndreJ's user avatar
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2 votes

Nigerian Colony Coordinate System
jbalk's user avatar
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What coordinate system is this and where is it located in google maps?

Using my projection guesser the closest answer I can find is: EPSG:26391 WKT: PROJCS["Minna / Nigeria West Belt", GEOGCS["Minna", DATUM["Minna", SPHEROID["Clarke 1880 (RGS)", 6378249....
Ian Turton's user avatar
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Seeking Nigeria administrative boundaries

The GADM is a good resource for country admin boundaries, both internal and external. Try these shapefiles: gadm36_NGA_shp There are three levels available: 0-Country (1) 1-State (37) 2-Local ...
JimT's user avatar
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Seeking Sentinel 2 Images for Nigeria - A curated list of awesome tools, tutorials and APIs related to data from the Copernicus Sentinel Satellites. Contributions and updates are always welcome.
spatialhast's user avatar
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Outline a plot of land on a map

These are the coordinates from Ukwu-Oba that have been planted. Pt"A"(1) 6.11931381N 6.50480513E or Lat.6° 03'23."N Long.6°.30'26.8"E pt.(2) 6.0571400N 6.5071078E and 6°.03'16.7"N 6°30"25•6'E pt(3)6•...
Chukwuma Nwose's user avatar

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