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13 votes

Removing cloud cover using Sentinel Toolbox?

ESA's Sen2cor Toolbox removes haze, cirrus and cloud shadows, not dense clouds. It's performed over the same scene, not by mosaicking. The AC flow is the following from L2A algorithms document: So, ...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
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7 votes

Converting Sentinel 2 data from the AWS archive to SciHub's structure

Guys from Sinergise have built the tool that does exactly what you are looking for - it's called Sentinel-Hub Python packages Here you can find documentation:
jzol's user avatar
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4 votes

Removing cloud cover using Sentinel Toolbox?

Yes, they are refering to atmospheric correction, to get Bottom of Atmosphere reflectance. The specific tool used for this is called Sen2Cor, which can be installed standalone or part of a package. ...
Roberto Ribeiro's user avatar
3 votes

Run sen2cor process on Earth Engine API

Google Cloud Datalab is available as a Docker container, and you can add libraries to this container by following instructions in the Datalab documentation Adding Python libraries to a Cloud Datalab ...
Tyler Erickson's user avatar
3 votes

Cloud Removal through Sen2cor for sentinel 2 images?

If you only have a single image you won't be able to create a cloudfree image, because there is just no data sensed below the cloud. You will need other cloud free images and mosaic the clouds.
loloj0's user avatar
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2 votes

How to correct sentinel data with sen2cor in R using a json with parameters?

Yes there is a way and it is documented here: I haven't used this myself, so I can't be of much more help I'm afraid.
AdoMath's user avatar
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2 votes

Cloud masking using sen2cor

If your L2A images were processed using Sen2cor, you already have a cloud mask inside the .safe structure at 60m (S2X_MSIL2A_YEARMONBTHDAY.SAFE\GRANULE\IMGNAME\IMG_DATA\R60m). If you don't have this ...
MarujoRe's user avatar
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2 votes

Sentinel-2 L2A cloud masking

Sentinel-2 L2A products already include a cloud mask (in the "SCL file), produced by Sen2cor (but quite far from perfection). You do not need to apply Sen2cor again.
O. Hagolle's user avatar
2 votes

Which version of Sen2Cor is used by the ESA?

You can check the processing baseline in the MTD_MSIL2A.xml file (inside .SAFE) under the tag . Sen2Cor v 02.08 started with the processing baseline 02.12. But notice that the S2 PDGS is using more ...
MarujoRe's user avatar
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1 vote

Cloud mask algorithms for Sentinel-2 Level-2A data

Have you thought about using the Cloud Probability dataset available on GEE? This comes from the s2cloudless package. To use the library directly you would need L1C images but you can use Google Earth ...
rrwork___'s user avatar
1 vote

Sentinel 2 Atmospheric Correction Inconsistencies

ESA is using Sen2Cor 02.08 for processing, while currently available version is 02.05.05. According to the Copernicus EO Support, "the release of v.02.08.00 is planned at the end of week 6 (8th of ...
Grega M.'s user avatar
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1 vote

sen2cor 2.4.0 on SNAP 6.0

How did you install Sen2cor? Did you follow this procedure? I installed SNAP v 6.0 and download Sen2cor 2.4 stand-alone installer follow the procedure mentioned in STEP forum. I've set environmental ...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
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1 vote

Run sen2cor process on Earth Engine API

Finally I can start the L2A_Process but it need other packages like tables, lxml... I was able to install these packages with the !pip command but when I try it for the gdal package I obtain this ...
Nicolò Franceschetti's user avatar
1 vote

Installing sen2cor on Anaconda 4.4.0

Have you tried a docker container for sen2cor. There is one at
user2757128's user avatar
1 vote

Installing sen2cor on Anaconda 4.4.0

I found this, still not able to use it properly so far conda install -c terradue sen2cor Good luck
Boorhin's user avatar
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