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36 votes

Import error: no module named _gdal_array

Make sure you have numpy installed before you attempt to install the GDAL Python bindings; without numpy, it appears the _gdal_array native code will not be installed. If you ended up in this ...
Marciano Saraiva's user avatar
15 votes

Does QGIS work with Anaconda?

I have miniconda 4.8.3 installed on a Linux Mint 19.3 system and, following some instructions reported on this blog and on the official conda-forge channel of Anaconda I very easily and effectively ...
fastest's user avatar
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14 votes

GeoPandas to_file() saves GeoDataFrame without coordinate system

I have come across this behavior before. You need to explicitly pass the well known text (crs_wkt) string to the to_file() method. The string will then get passed to, which writes out ...
Nxaunxau's user avatar
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13 votes

Using spyder as Python IDE with ArcGIS Pro?

I've found it easier to just install spyder into each python environment rather than trying to get a single spyder install to work with multiple environments. To install spyder in ArcGIS Pro, open ...
user2856's user avatar
  • 69.6k
10 votes

Does QGIS work with Anaconda?

Yes, QGIS is even available on Conda Forge:
underdark's user avatar
  • 84.5k
10 votes

Cannot install a version of GDAL via Anaconda that permits reading BigTIFFs

Issues: The Anaconda default gdal may be built without BigTIFF support. If I create a non conda-forge env, i.e conda create -n testgdal gdal I can reproduce the md['DMD_CREATIONOPTIONLIST'].find('...
user2856's user avatar
  • 69.6k
10 votes

Installing GDAL with Anaconda

There seems to be an incompatibility between the latest version of conda and vs2015_runtime and conda-forge gdal. If I create a conda-forge env and specify vs2015_runtime=14, everything works: conda ...
user2856's user avatar
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8 votes

GDAL ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

I had the same exact problem. I fixed it by: Uninstalling Anaconda and reinstalling, making sure the "Add anaconda to PATH" option was ticked. Installing geopandas with conda install -c conda-forge ...
Pau's user avatar
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8 votes

Getting QGIS to work with Python2.7 Anaconda Distribution?

I use both Macos Kyngchaos QGIS and Anaconda Python on my Mac with success. To do this, you must set your Anaconda Python path in your QGIS variables environment. Go to QGIS > Preferences > System ...
M-Rick's user avatar
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7 votes

Import error: no module named _gdal_array

Things are a little different in 2023, since build isolation was introduced. Pip will now build packages prior to installation within an isolated Python environment, so even if numpy is installed in ...
joerick's user avatar
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7 votes

GeoPandas installation errors

Not a GIS related issue, but a conda issue. You are trying to install in the base environment and there might be package version conflicts. Try creating a new env and installing there: conda create -...
Ryan's user avatar
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7 votes

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. while importing GeoPandas

Just open anaconda CLI. activate your environment and run this command: pip uninstall pyproj && pip install pyproj This should resolve your issue with the information that you have provided.
Babak Fi Foo's user avatar
7 votes

Python unable to import GDAL

You are using gdal 3.6 and trying to use an older style of gdal syntax that was deprecated in gdal 1.7 (Jan 2010) and removed in 3.1 (May 2020). The correct import is: from osgeo import gdal From the ...
user2856's user avatar
  • 69.6k
6 votes

Cannot install GeoPandas on cloned arcgispro env in Anaconda

Geopandas is included with Python for ArcGIS Pro. See the image below. Maybe you have cloned your environment but your Python environment defaulted back to the walled garden version for some reason?
GBG's user avatar
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5 votes

Installing jp2 driver for GDAL

It looks like this is a problem with the conda packaging of gdal. I see that the current gdal version on conda is 2.1.3, not 2.1.0, so hopefully this packaged version works. Consider removing the ...
Logan Byers's user avatar
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5 votes

Access QGIS API from Anaconda python environment using Conda-Forge

I can't speak to what was happening in 2019 when this question was opened. In 2023, the answer is you don't have to do anything extra after installing qgis. I just tested on 32-bit Windows 10 Home ...
bixb0012's user avatar
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5 votes

How to make PROJ work via Anaconda in Google Colab?

After some stressful fight I managed to patch up a solution. I post the answer below because I believe a lot of people will hit the same problem trying to do geospatial work with Conda in Google Colab:...
Julian_P's user avatar
  • 327
4 votes

Using spyder as Python IDE with ArcGIS Pro?

This question seems resolved but I found an easy way to use arcpy on Spyder. First, in ArcGIS pro you need to create a new environment of python from Python Package Manager. (I created in default ...
Tim's user avatar
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4 votes

Cannot install a version of GDAL via Anaconda that permits reading BigTIFFs

Here's the discussion on the conda-forge lists with the background on the DLL load error. I encountered the same issue where it stopped working after doing a conda update gdal, and pinning ...
Jake's user avatar
  • 116
4 votes

Installing Arcpy in an Anaconda enviroment.

I am going to show how you can replicate arcgis' python enviroment using conda and then plug arcpy to it. This enviroment shall be isolated from arcgis' python so whatever changes do to it, it shouldn'...
nickves's user avatar
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4 votes

TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not str after ingested data into the open data cube

I'm not certain what the error is just yet. I have this (the CEOS wrapper for pyCCD) working on my machine and can relay details I think are relevant to pyccd. Data Landsat data should be ...
Conic's user avatar
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4 votes

How to display together a shapefile (country basemap) and points (from CSV) via geopandas?

The plot() method creates a matplotlib figure and returns an ax object by default. If you want to create just one figure and plot multiple geometries on it, you have to specify the ax parameter. For ...
Marcelo Villa's user avatar
4 votes

Unable to activate cloned ArcGIS Pro default Python environment due to missing packages

I have found using conda from the command line a more reliable way of cloning an environment. You get to see the status of the cloning. Clone the existing ArcGIS Pro environment with this command ...
Mark Bryant's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it possible to run PDAL without Conda?

In OSGeo4W setup -> Advanced Install, you can select the PDAL Library and install on a QGIS instalation and use in Python-Qgis standalone or in OSGeo4W Shell.
Marco Reliquias's user avatar
4 votes

QGIS installed via Windows Anaconda fails to launch

As of March 2022, the highest version of QGIS available in conda-forge is 3.18. This works with GDAL 3.3, but does not seem to work with GDAL 3.4. Thus, the solution is to pin an older version of GDAL....
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
4 votes

Calculate the Topographic Ruggedness Index using GDAL

I suppose you have then never read the documentation of gdaldem either Generate a Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) map from any GDAL-supported elevation raster: ...
user30184's user avatar
  • 69k
3 votes

How to import qgis.core in spyder?

I do not familiar with spyder since I write scripts by PyCharm which is pretty awesome. And I have solved your problem according to the blog.
zhulj's user avatar
  • 51
3 votes

Making separate Python installation that can call ArcPy?

In case anyone is trying to do this using ArcGIS Pro (i.e. with python 3 instead of python 2): I use spyder within the anaconda package. The way I got this to work was by going to Tools > Python ...
T Lynch's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

Installing QGIS3 on a Mac with Python in Anaconda

I would like to share my experiment though I still failed to install it. It seems in my case that The python path should be /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin. I try to create a ...
natsuapo's user avatar
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3 votes

Access QGIS API from Anaconda python environment using Conda-Forge

If those steps are exactly what you did the problem may be that you installed the package in the wrong environment. Prior to installing qgis (step 2) you have not activated the environment which means ...
tynowell's user avatar
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