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Marc Pfister's user avatar
Marc Pfister
  • Member for 11 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
72 votes

Getting Lat, Long of clicked location using Leaflet API?

8 votes

Finding out if coordinate is within shapefile (.shp) using pyshp?

8 votes

Saving python Rtree spatial index to file?

8 votes

Ipyleaflet map object doesn't display in Jupyter Notebook but it gets created

7 votes

How do I convert Eastings and Northings projection to WSG84 in geopandas?

6 votes

Topography: How to get the x,y,z coordinates of highest or lowest point/pixel of a raster GIS?

6 votes

Is there an algorithm to calculate MGRS grid lines?

6 votes

US Cities (from JSON) and USA––Same CRS, Wrong Projection

6 votes
Accepted ERROR 6: PNG driver doesn't support 13 bands

6 votes

ogr2ogr polygon to point with point inside the polygon

5 votes

Python rtree and parallelized code

5 votes

Using if loop in Field Calculator of ArcMap

5 votes

how to remove previous marker automatically before adding new marker

5 votes

What's this rooftop texture found in Google Maps imagery - is it an artifact?

5 votes

row.getValue() doesn't work but row[1] does

5 votes

How to project pixel coordinates in leaflet?

5 votes

How to make auto zoom when GeoJSON file is added on Leaflet map

5 votes

Leaflet - map.fitBounds() / map.getBoundsZoom() BROKEN after resizing map?

5 votes

Leaflet map shows no markers for GeoJSON

4 votes

arcpy.da.searchCursor - need to go through all records, but only go through one. What am I missing?

4 votes

Get data from a raster using two coordinate arrays with Python

4 votes

Get all vertices of a polygon using OGR and Python

4 votes

Down sample with imagemagick then import worldfile?

4 votes

Append a placeholder value to a list wherever a value is not present in a table

4 votes

Creating two-colored map of region in one color, and neighbors in another color?

3 votes

Exporting WKB (geometry) to .txt using ArcPy?

3 votes

arcpy.exists returns true, file not in gdb

3 votes

Syntax error (python script with arcpy)

3 votes

Self hosting vector tiles

3 votes

How to use rasterio transform on all bands