I have been unsuccessful in finding a tutorial, guide or example of the 'Volume Calculation' analysis tool in Quick Terrain Modeler. http://appliedimagery.com/
I was wondering if anyone else has any success stories they would wish to share and/or how (in)/accurate they have found it to be when comparing (for example) a building while empty versus a building while occupied. How accurate were the measurement(s) between an empty structure and one that is filled, and how long does the calculation generally take (obviously it depends on the size though)? Unfortunately, I'm currently having issues with my LiDAR datasets, so I have yet to test it out myself, nor do I currently have a 'bare' dataset in which to reference to one that is occupied/filled.
Is anyone aware of better (or free) software that also does volume calculation analysis?
I'm using Quick Terrain Modeler v8.0.2. (x64) Build 80777.