How can I validate the (topological) correctness of a Deegree GMLObject?
When performing a gmlObject.toString() - to get the WKT string - I get a weird result: “MULTI… […]”. The last part of the "[...]" is literal.
So, I suspice that the topo is not correct. How to proof that?
I could validate the object via JTS. Converting the object via WKT to JTS fails, because JTS.WKTReader is complaining about the literal "[...]".
The simplified object is:
The GML is:
<gml:Surface srsDimension="2">
<gml:posList>118629.351 408359.111 118629.646 408360.435 118637.679 408360.695 118619.346 408364.411 118620.475 408369.426 118615.266 408370.497 118613.919 408370.774</gml:posList>
<gml:posList>118613.919 408370.774 118612.801 408365.636 118612.111 408360.776</gml:posList>
<gml:posList>118612.111 408360.776 118612.059 408359.772 118612.110 408358.715 118612.410 408357.786 118613.045 408357.067 118613.762 408356.538 118638.182 408351.095 118647.618 408348.889 118651.890 408347.504 118668.913 408341.899</gml:posList>
<gml:posList>118668.913 408341.899 118671.576 408340.735 118674.210 408339.346</gml:posList>
<gml:posList>118674.210 408339.346 118678.905 408336.675 118687.601 408331.844</gml:posList>
<gml:posList>118687.601 408331.844 118690.525 408330.562 118694.026 408329.809</gml:posList>
<gml:posList>118694.026 408329.809 118629.351 408359.111</gml:posList>