I set up deegree 3.4.0 with Tomcat 8 and JDK 8.x by copying the WAR file to the webapps folder as described in the documentation. After that I tried to open the service console at localhost:8080/deegree-webservices-3.4.0 and got the following error message:

An Error Occurred:
Cant instantiate class: org.deegree.console.webservices.ServicesBean. 

Could someone tell me what's wrong?


1 Answer 1


Verify that you are using Apache Tomcat 8.5+ with a TCK verified JDK 8 such as Oracle JDK or Zulu. Check your environment with:

./catalina.sh version 

or on Windows:

catalina.bat version 

Finally check the following QA posted at github: https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/510

  • The error Cant instantiate class: org.deegree.console.webservices.ServicesBean. also appears when deegree web services is running on Apache Tomcat 9 with Java SE 9/10/11. So for deegree web services 3.4 ensure that Oracle or Open JDK 8 is installed and configured for Apache Tomcat. See the deegree support matrix for more information about the supported Java SE and Tomcat version. Commented Oct 2, 2018 at 18:48

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