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QGIS Desktop 2.12.3 WebApp Builder

I want to use the WebApp Builder in QGIS 2.12.3 But I can not find the QGIS Web App Builder in my QGIS version 2.12.3 Like this one:
Edin's user avatar
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How to show coordinate on a GeoExplorer map by moving the mouse?

I am new in developing a GIS web page. I am using OpenGeo suite 4.6 at my work and I want to show the coordinate on the GeoExplorer map. I know that OpenLayers use a code for showing the coordinate of ...
Negin's user avatar
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Opengeo suite 4.6, gxp template, problem in adding print tool

I have checked this question here but it one of the link is missing and it was on suite 3.0 and i have no idea if it will work on suite 4.6.I have installed the print extension in opengeosuite then ...
Abhijit Gujar's user avatar
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Multiple Layers Boundless Suite-SDK ol3view

I am currently building a simple web application with the Boundless OpenGeoSuite SDK ol3view (Openlayer3 viewer) and I was able to get one layer to show up from my geoserver instance but I would like ...
Herb Fargus's user avatar
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How to get public access to edit a layer in geoserver [closed]

I want to develop a GIS system with OpenLayers and GeoServer which is installed with OpenGeo Suite 4.1 and I need to edit a layer with no GeoServer authentication. This means that guest members should ...
Morteza Malvandi's user avatar
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gxp_wmsgetfeatureinfo GetFeatureInfo on a non-advertised layer possible?

So, as the title states, I will like to know if it is possible to use gxp_wmscsource to send an GetFeatureInfo query to a non-advertised layer that was added to my opengeo SDK app using lazy loading. ...
gallysam's user avatar
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GXP Hidden layer switcher - composer.html

I am working with GeoServer, GeoExplorer, GXP. I am creating a WPS client and need to generate a vector layer that serves to make operations on vector data, such as buffer, split polygon. I know how ...
user29518's user avatar
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Making layertree with multiple nested nodes? [closed]

On Adding subnodes to layermanager? I asked how to get two levels on a layermanager. The response provided there was what I was needing at that moment. Now, I´ll like to create a little more complex ...
gallysam's user avatar
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Dynamically add style to layer with user inputs

I am trying to create an SLD dynamically using parameters accepted from user. So how could I accomplish the task of adding the dynamically created SLD to my map layer? Please tell me how to add style ...
Teetu's user avatar
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How to FeatureEditorGrid configure and use in FeatureEditor

I am new user of OpenGeo suite. I want to configure FeatureEditorGrid plugin to change the column header to display name. My basic requirement is to customize column label like my table column is "pop"...
Amit's user avatar
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Openlayers getDataExtent not working

I am following this tutorial on the web about using setting up sql view on geoserver. I have set up my sql view correctly and have the javasctipt ...
K Hsueh's user avatar
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How to put more than one overlay label in Openlayers layerswitcher?

I have two set of layers like 'Public' and 'Private'.Each set has 3 layers. My requirement is, Layer switcher has to show the first set of layers with check-box under the label name 'Public' and ...
venkat's user avatar
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Problem in Adding line feature in Openlayers vector layer

I have added the WMS line feature in vector layer. But I am facing some display problem in it as shown below screenshot.Is there anyother way to do this? But there is no issue in point features. ...
venkat's user avatar
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WPS Process call

I'm simply trying to call a WPS process as shown on the following page: The JTS:splitPolygon example they give works just fine for me, ...
esvendsen's user avatar
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Override or add to [GeoExt.ux PrintPreview] rotation

I'm using suite-sdk (GXP) to build my WMS client. I want add to PrintPreview window capability of changing rotation. I find this feature in Heron script but there is other version of [GeoExt.ux ...
user19291's user avatar
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OpenGeo Suite create map application GXP or GeoEXT

I have seen a similar question but it never got answered. I am looking to develop a GIS system using the OpenGeo Suite, luckily I'm going to a conference on it in a few weeks, however that's weeks ...
user19786's user avatar
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GeoExplorer provokes "401 Unauthorized" request and lacks login

Currently I have a login problem with my deployed GeoExplorer. Everything works fine in debug mode on my local VM with the geoserver from my remote server connected. Firebug gives the following output ...
tobik's user avatar
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GeoExplorer dependencies are missing after git clone

When I set up GeoExplorer in development mode today I had to manually clone the external js libs that are referenced in git (buildkit, stick, geoext, gxp, openlayers, printpreview, proj4js). They ...
tobik's user avatar
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Problem running mvn install for geoexplorer

What's the solution to this: I'm getting the same error on Ubuntu 12.04. Installed with: Java 1.6.0_27 (OpenJDK), Maven 2.2.1 and Ant 1.8.2 Is the Ant version the ...
tobik's user avatar
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OpenGeo Suite 3.1 doesn't work anymore when setting up Client SDK 3.0.2

We've installed OpenGeo Suite 3.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and everything works fine. When trying to set up the OpenGeo Client SDK 3.0.2 (following
tobik's user avatar
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Should I be using the OpenGeo Suite SDK or GeoEXT?

Im new to the OpenGeo Suite, and was wondering if I should create my apps using the SDK Link Here Or I should use openlayers and GeoEXT Link here I believe the SDK uses openlayers / geoext but makes ...
Tom's user avatar
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OpenGeo displays layer in OpenLayers, but not GeoExplorer?

My test server updated today I think it was a PHP update, and since then I can no longer view data in GeoExplorer, only OpenLayers. The GeoExplorer can not see my local server. Any hints? Update: ...
Tom's user avatar
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Querying PostgreSQL tables directly from OpenLayers [closed]

I have a map that is being hosted with the components of OpenGeo. The map contains WMS layers of millions of parcels and some rail stops. All of our spatial data is on PostgresSQL. Right now the only ...
Jared's user avatar
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Adding charts to OpenGeo suite SDK

I just wanted to gauge the work flow for adding charts to a map using the SDK that comes with OpenGeo suite. I know it seems a vague question I'm just trying to get my head around it :/ So far the ...
Tom's user avatar
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How to use OpenLayers Geolocate with the OpenGeo Suite Client SDK?

I’d like to have GPS functionality added to my OpenGeo Suite Client SDK application. From what I understand it should be possible to use the Geolocate control from OpenLayers. Preferably there ...
Markus's user avatar
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WMS Geoserver layer over OSM

I have a Geoserver with a layer in a EPSG:32632 projection. I want to display this layer over Open Street Map tiles. When I use the following html code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head&...
Bulkilol's user avatar
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Suite SDK gxp Print plugin

I have problem with gxp print plugin. I create new sdk project suite-sdk create ~/sdk. Next I do everything from Problems with gxp Print plugin via opengeosuite sdk but there is another problem. But I ...
user19291's user avatar
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LayerUploadPanel not works

how can i add a layer upload panel tool in my suite sdk? The main problem is when i click "upload layers" button. Appear errors in the firebug. I don't know the reason why those errors appear ...
user17918's user avatar
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How to make timeline with OpenLayers?

I have OL, GeoExt, gxp. I have a layer with Date attribute. So I want to show features with same date. I found an example using gxp_playback, but it does not work because it can't find OpenLayer....
Kliver Max's user avatar
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Implementing gs:Nearest WPS process from geoserver

I am implementing gs:Nearest WPS process available in GeoServer using openlayers in OpenGeo Suite SDK. I am trying to implement this process as a openlayers plugin to hook into my custom web mapping ...
dkakoti's user avatar
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trying to use mbtiles as a OpenLayers.Layer.TMS

I am modifying the opengeo MapBoxSource plugin. The plugin is able to render MapBox Mbtiles into a openlayers TMS layer. I am modifying the plugin so that it will render my own tilesets served from ...
Bwyss's user avatar
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Help me with this code from GeoExt and OpenLayers

I haven't gone entirely through GeoExt. But I am trying to understand the below code, but I am struck. The below code is about creating popups of feature information. But the layers added are WMS ...
GP92's user avatar
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OpenLayers/Geoserver cross domain problem [duplicate]

I'm using OpenLayers and OpenGeo Suite with WMS requests.The tiles load fine, but when I try to load a getFeatureInfo I get a cross domain error. I read about including crossdomain.xml in the ...
bl8rchk's user avatar
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GeoServer WMS Layer not working in OpenLayers

Here is my code: var map; function init() { var options = { maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-135.326858520508,-30.5615100860596,179.357788085938,69.604377746582), units: 'm', projection: "...
GP92's user avatar
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Problems with gxp Print plugin via opengeosuite sdk

I am trying to import the print plugin within an application built using the Opengeo Suite sdk and I have run into issues as is described in the following thread
k9ty's user avatar
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Which web application framework is easiest for building website displaying lot of geospatial data?

I am building a simple website that displays a lot of geospatial data (which is routed through Geoserver). I was trying to use Drupal-6 to build the website component (non geospatial descriptions) but ...
GeoH2O's user avatar
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Simplify GeoServer WFS output

I am dealing with some large datasets and would like to minimise the amount of data sent over the network. I am using OpenLayers' BBox strategy to only transfer the data that is needed but I am ...
Mr_Chimp's user avatar
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