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Questions tagged [configurable-map-viewer]

Configurable Map Viewer (CMV) built using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

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0 answers

FeatureServer not displaying all parcels in web app and ArcGIS Online – How to handle large, complex polygon datasets [closed]

I'm maintaining an ArcGIS Server application for a client and encountered an issue where not all of the 19,000 complex polygon parcels are displaying in the FeatureServer. The MapServer displays ...
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1 answer

Changing Data Types within the CMV Map Service

Is it possible to format fields that appear in tables within the map service? In the table results after a spatial query, date fields are converted to UTC rather than duplicating the values from the ...
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1 answer

Configurable Map Viewer css.JS problem on Chrome

I have a problem in displaying my map. It runs fine on IE, but it cant even load on Chrome (blank white page as if nothing is executed). I find the problem in some css files : load-css.js and css.js. ...
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1 answer

Print Service legend display null for polygon features

the print service of application works well, but after converting the map area to pdf , the legend shows null filled values for polygon features(as in figure for Build up area,Forest dense area). I ...
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Configuring custom network in the Directions dijit?

I'm making a CMV app and trying to make the directions widget work with my own network dataset. I replaced ESRI's street route network service with my own service, so viewer.js looks something like ...
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1 answer

CMV Layers widget loads only intermittently

Without any code changes, the contents of the Layers widget, my layer tree hierarchy, loads sometimes, and other times does not load. It usually works on the first load of the page, then may fail to ...
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1 answer

Trying to get Multiple Tabs to display in Attributes Table in CMV viewer javascript file

My first tab displays correctly.. This is my code in my viewer: Both the service URLS display the attributes table in ArcMap correctly and both the URLS work in a browser This is the error message ...
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1 answer

Configurable Map Viewer: copy of Search widget fails to reference renamed id="mySelect2"

I made a copy of the Search widget to use on a different layer. I renamed the copy Search.js file to Search2.js, Search.html to Search2.html and referenced it like so in config/viewer.js: search2:...
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1 answer

Using FeatureCollection in Configurable Map Viewer?

I have searched everywhere online on How to use featureCollection in the operationalLayers of CMV. Is any sample code available?
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Status of CMV Development? [closed]

I see the last version was 2.0.0-beta.2 on Jul 7, 2017 and wonder, has development been discontinued?
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Labels with halos become faded and transparent in CMV when using an aerial image

I am using CMV to create a web map but when I use esri's world imagery or another image service as my base map, my labels (only with halos - Aerial 10pt with 2pt halo) become faded and transparent - ...
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1 answer

Configurable Map Viewer custom basemap in viewer.js

I have a problem in configuring basemap in viewer.js. I want to use a completely offline basemap for my app. I have read the instruction here but can't make it work. Here is what i have tried : ...
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1 answer

Searching for container for map service

I am currently editing the Configurable Map Viewer so that it can display my map service from local ArcGIS Server. I can't find which HTML element is the container for the map service. I can not find ...
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Oracle WMS GetFeatureInfo issue with points and lines

I am trying to do GetFeatureInfo request on MVDEMO sample data. When it comes to polygons, it is working fine: When I do the same type of requests on lines or points, I get an empty response: As you ...
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1 answer

Adding KML as operationallayers on local server

I want to add a KML file, hosted internally on a server, as operationallayers. It doesn't seem to be working. If I put the KML file in Google Drive or Github and then call it like : { ...
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0 answers

Configurable Map Viewer Basemaps in Dropdown With Different Projections

I am trying to allow the user to select a series of aerial basemaps from the dropdown menu on the CMV map. The aerials however are in a different projections than the default basemap, i.e., satellite, ...
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0 answers

CMV load time efficiencies [closed]

How do I get CMV to start up more efficiently. Exploring ArcMap GENERAL start services immediately check box (to un check it). ArcMap Caching is set to Dynamic from data, levels 9 - 17, 5MB estimated ...
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1 answer

The address for STREET basemap

I am wondering where i can find the map service address for basemap "street" found at \viewer\js\config\viewer.js ? (Configurable Map Service v 1.3.4) > define([ 'esri/units', 'esri/...
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1 answer

Display sublayers in group layer

I would like to expand sublayers when the map starts. I set sublayers and expanded to true but do not see changes. I wonder if I misplaced or used the incorrect code. layerControl: { ...
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1 answer

In CMV how do I use identify on a wms?

I've added an wms operational layer, I wonder if it's possible to add identify support, any samples will be helpful { type: 'wms', url: 'http://...../geoserver/service_name/...
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0 answers

Configurable map viewer cannot display non-cached basemap?

I download the sample from github. Then I tried to add a custom basemap at the mapOption section. I have followed the instruction given in here. Also, I followed this post as well. But none worked, no ...
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1 answer

Using Configurable Map Viewer Attributes Table?

I've created a CMV query widget that I am trying to link up with the Attribute Table widget. The table tab is being created in the bottom pane but that's as far as I'm able to get. I'm unable to get ...
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1 answer

Placing a widget inside a DIV

I have a div. <div class="left_panel box animate fadeInLeft three" id="layers" style="display:none;"> <div class="sidebar-head"> <h2>layers</h2> ...
2 votes
0 answers

CMV Advanced Search Widget

In the file for the CMV Advanced Search widget it says to: "Copy js/config/search.js file to js/config folder at your CMV installation. Edit file to configure proxy_url and ...
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1 answer

Snapping with measurement

Snapping with measurement tool on all layers/single layer not working. this.featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(this.Khasraurl, { mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_ONDEMAND, // infoTemplate: ...
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1 answer

Customizing Configurable Map Viewer (CMV) to be available on two languages choosing with button click?

I want to make this application available on two languages (MK and EN) depending on whether the user choose (click) [MK] or [EN] button. If I set variable loc = "MK", default application ...
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1 answer

Launch Attribute Table from Sublayer Menu

I've added layerControlLayerInfos: { menu: [{ label: 'Query Layer...', iconClass: 'fa fa-search fa-fw', topic: 'queryLayer' ...
1 vote
1 answer

Create event handler for "x" button on type: 'floating' widget?

How do you create event handler for "x" button on type: 'floating' widget? "OnClose" fires every time: this.parentWidget.hide(); is called. I want to intercept the event when the "x" button in the ...
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2 answers

Adding widget resizing feature to Configurable Map Viewer?

Is there any way of adding a widget resizing feature or implementing it? I noticed that the layer widget for example expands according to the number of layers inside it, this can be used to implement ...
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0 answers

How can I use WFS layers with Configurable Map Viewer?

I have recently upgraded to v2.0 of CMV in the hope of using WFS layers. However, when configuring a WFS layer in viewer.js, no layers are loaded on the map (and there are no errors reported in the ...
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1 answer

Configurable Map Viewer (CMV) - add tabs to widget [closed]

I m trying to add a tab panel with three tabs in a widget, but I get the following message in the debugger: nested divs because wipeIn()/wipeOut() doesn't work right on node w/padding etc. Put ...
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1 answer

Making Operational Layer from WebTiledLayer and MapImage?

I'm attempting to use the CMV and put a WebTiled layer in as an operational layer. I've been able to get the layer into the basemap without issue, but can't get sort it out for the Operational Layer. ...
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1 answer

Querying related table and displaying results in CMV Attributes Table?

I'm trying to use the new Attributes and Search widget for CMV with a relationship query without success - I keep getting a growler message saying 'Search error; Sorry an error occurred and your ...
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1 answer

CMV LayerControl configuration? [closed]

I've been reading through the help and and playing with the configuration options for the CMV LayerControl and I'm pretty confused by the possibilities. It seems to me there are at least 2 ...
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1 answer

Showing identify results in dijit/tabcontainer in CMV?

I want to use dijit/Layout/Tabcontainer to show results in identify.js. It can't show the Tabcontainer correctly. The result of the infowindow is as the link, it seems there is CSS file conflicts. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Does Configurable Map Viewer (CMV) support custom symbology for operational layers?

I have looked through the documentation, browsed the widgets and searched here on GIS SE. I can't find any information regarding being able to override the default (published) symbology of a ArcGIS ...
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0 answers

CMV Pass Dynamic Lat Long to URL [closed]

I have created a Reporting services report which has custom urls for my CMV viewer based on the lat long for the feature in the record. I would like to click on it and open my CMV app a the custom ...
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2 answers

Configurable Map Viewer (CMV) - Print Widget - Proxy Issue

I'm not sure this is necessarily an issue with the CMV as much as it is with how I may have the proxy configured. I'm not sure exactly what to ask so I'll start with describing the symptom. When I ...
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3 answers

Linking to URLs in layer fields in cmv

I am using the configurable map viewer and I have fields in many of my layers that I want to use to link to documents with URLs. Does anyone have any idea how I would do this out of the pop-up ...
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2 answers

arcgis javascript api, cmv, incorporating custom search widget

I would like to add a custom search/geocoder widget to a cmv page, in addition to the geocoding widget that is already included with the source code. I have thought about modifying the existing ...
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1 answer

Configurable Map Viewer (CMV) - Open Help on page load

I'm wondering, as opposed to opening the help dialog when the help link is clicked: var help =, this.domTarget); on(help, 'click', lang.hitch(this.parentWidget, 'show'));...
1 vote
1 answer

histograms chart widget in CMV application

I am trying to build my first widget te creat charts or histograms, for use in the Configurable Map Viewer (CMV) im asking if you can help me with tutorial or something else can help me to build this ...
-1 votes
2 answers

CMV Viewer Floating Widgets

Does anyone have an example CMV site without the side bar or any indication whether it would be worth pursuing CMV if what I need is all widgets to be Floating Title Panes?
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1 answer

Changing width of identify widget pop-up in Configurable Map Viewer?

How do I change the width of the identify tool pop-up in order to fit a table without having to scroll? Image attached shows how it is at present. Note I want to change size of entire popup, not ...
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1 answer

CMV / Disclaimer Widget Decline URL

Once I remove the existing comment lines within the example that is included with the config script, the page including the disclaimer doesn't load. declineHref: '', Can you explain ...
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CMV goto widget

I have a problem with Goto widget, it doesn't display anything, the error displayed is that proj4.js is not found, I copy and paste the folder Goto in my project and it keeps giving me the same error.
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2 answers

Communicating between Tim McGee' Search and Attribute Table?

I am trying to incorporate Tim McGee's attribute table and search widgets into my existing CMV site. This is what I have done so far: The search tool is in my TOC The bottom pane is configured for ...
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1 answer

Configurable Map Viewer (CMV) - average the values of the points

I have been able to select points and find the sum of the points. What I really need is to average the points. Here is my (acquired from someone else) code for finding the sum. define([ 'dojo/_base/...
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2 answers

Do older community created widgets for 1.x work with CMV 2.x

I tried adding the "Nearby" widget from the "" user contributions. This appears to be an older widget and doesn't seem to work with CMV 2.0 ...
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0 answers

Configurable Map Viewer Advanced Search Widget

I add Advanced Search Widget on my configurable map viewer application, I have also configure proxy file and paste Attributes Tables, the problem is that search by attributes, by adresse works but ...