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ArcMap 10.7 default measure

What is default measure in ArcMap 10.7? I use trace tool and I want create a 350 m long line. I am setting a length limit (Trace options), but I don't know what is default measure.
Barta's user avatar
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Combining ArcMap style files into one file

Over the years of using ArcMap and across the 10.x versions I have saved many styles in my file. Now I have many styles files stacked in my PC and it has been very annoying to manage them all ...
Mohamed Saber's user avatar
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Resolving basemap fit and pixel size challenges in SMAP L3 Radiometer Global Daily 36 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture

How can I ensure that the SMAP L3 Radiometer Global Daily 36 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture Version 6 raster data aligns correctly with the basemap, considering that the raster image is not fitting ...
5302_NavinKumar.J_2ndYr_Geo's user avatar
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Real Time Area calculation while drawing polygon in ArcMap

How can I visualise real-time area while drawing a polygon in ArcMap 10.8? I mean, when we draw a polygon in Google Earth Pro, it shows real-time area with each drawing vertex.
Raja Fahad's user avatar
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Getting arcpy has no attribute mapping error when running python code for Loop of MXD layer change

I am brand new to Python and trying to change out a shapefile in several MXDs to a GDB layer. When I run the following I get the error 'arcpy has no attribute mapping' error. I have seen where this ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Table borders are not shown after Export Map to PDF

After I Insert Table to Layout and Export Map to PDF, the table border disappears, while after exporting to JPG I can see the table border. Why and what is the solution ? I am Using ArcMap 10.8.
MAMDOUH ZALAKY's user avatar
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Finding lines that fold over themselves

I'm working with a dataset provided by a third party and have found some lines that fold back on themselves (or in some cases, almost fold back on themselves) For example, this line folds back over ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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Feature class to shapefile problem

When exporting feature class to shapefile, fields in attribute table are approx. half disappears (because of maximum number of characters in field and maybe because of Arabic fields language ). How ...
hassan zorkot's user avatar
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Field Calculating in ArcMap edit session

I'm trying to update the field in yellow using field calculator in ArcMap in an editing session. It is a numeric field and I'm updating with a number. I just type 1. However, I am getting the error ...
Sarah ally's user avatar
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Varying symbology by two fields of attribute table in ArcMap

I got a point layer and my task is to visualize it according to two (2) values of its attribute table at the same time: each point (a) has to be presented as graduated symbol size (manual ...
Daniella.GIS's user avatar
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ArcGIS classification and accuracy assessment NoData class and error generating accuracy points

I'm trying to classify a clipped Landsat raster and then do an accuracy check for a watershed. When I do classify my clipped watershed, the region outside the ROI also gets classified i.e. the NoData ...
ManishaSingh12's user avatar
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Ignore labeling when field has specific word - ArcMap 10.8

Looking to add a function of my labeling expression to not label feature with the word 'TO". For example, some roads are named '5th TO I-10'. I am using Python as the parser with advanced checked....
AFang's user avatar
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How to check the log of TOC layer in ArcMap, like "Results - Current Session"

I use ArcMap version 10.2. I want to check the usage history of the layer in Table Of Contents. (Add layers, delete layers, check layers, etc.) Is there a function or page that allows to check history ...
workman's user avatar
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How to assign weights to classes of a raster image

I am relatively new to GIS and I'm working on a practical for the assessment of areas sensitive to desertification using MEDALUS Method. To obtain the Sensitive areas, I am to compute the geometric ...
StaceyM's user avatar
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Reprojecting ASTER data (09XT) in ArcGIS

I have downloaded ASTER 09XT dataset which, when opened in ArcGIS, shows the datum as 'not specified based on GRS 1980 spheroid'. I tried to reproject the data in ARC 1960 and WGS84 datum. However, it ...
Sumit Dey's user avatar
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Opening a .ppkx ArcGIS Pro file in QGIS or ArcMap [closed]

I'm helping with a research project at the moment, and I'm having a hard time getting ArcGIS Pro. (I run Linux Mint for the most part, but I have access to Windows computers at school). Data that was ...
Louie Jovanovich's user avatar
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How to generate sequential numbers for list of input table fields written to a text file (ArcMap script tool)?

In order for a script tool I'm writing in ArcMap to read fields in a source CSV correctly as text, I need to automate the writing of a shema.ini file in the source directory. In order to do that I ...
Paul DiGirolamo's user avatar
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Schema.ini file not being honored by ArcMap, string fields still being converted to numbers when importing CSV to GDB

I am trying to import a CSV to GDB using an ArcMap script tool and preserve some string fields that look like numbers as strings. I added some code to create and populate a schema.ini file in the CSV'...
Paul DiGirolamo's user avatar
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AddFieldDelimiters not correctly adding field delimiters in arcpy

Basic arcpy script (ArcMap 10.8), I'm trying to add field delimiters for a query, however it's adding double-quotes " " instead of square brackets [ ] around my field name, which then makes ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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What data does clustering use from multiple raster files?

I currently have a series of rasters of the same area across different times. The data is categorical: the product of a supervised classification used on LANDSAT data run on ERDAS Imagine. Each ...
Phil's user avatar
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Preserve string field type and leading zeros when using arcpy.conversion.TableToTable to go from CSV to GDB table? [duplicate]

I'm building an ArcMap script tool that will be run on many different input table schemas for geocoding purposes. When importing from CSV to GDB table using the arcpy.conversion.TableToTable function ...
Paul DiGirolamo's user avatar
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How to shade between contour lines in ArcMap to create a two toned bathymetry map

I have a shapefile containing the contour lines for a lake. I want to colour the lake by depth above and below a depth threshold of 10 meters (i.e. blue for shallower than 10 meters and grey for ...
Kevin Short's user avatar
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Plotting XY coordinates obtained from Google Maps

I know how to plot XY coords in ArcMap—right click the table, plot XY, select geographic coordinate system (coords are in degrees), etc. My question is rather when selecting the GCS I always go with ...
Geo_Brittany's user avatar
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OS MasterMap layers being affected when editing other shapefiles using ArcMap

We use ArcGIS 10.2 to draw and edit simple grounds maintenance plans for Estates that we manage. I've done this for years, using OS MasterMap as the base. I've now got an issue that when creating or ...
Rob's user avatar
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Compare field attributes

I am using ArcMap 10.8.2. I have two point layers from different sources which contain the educational facilities of Catalonia. Each layer may contain facilities that are not contained in the other ...
JoanB's user avatar
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Raster calculator for RUSLE (six factors)

I am using ArcGIS Desktop 10.8. I have tried many time to estimate soil loss by RUSEL, using R, K, LS, C and P factors. However raster calculator failed. The message suggest was here: Error 000539 2)...
Endale Bekele's user avatar
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Change select color in a raster in QGIS using Serval or Value tool

Is it possible to edit the table view of a raster that you see in the Value tool? Alternatively Using Serval, once we have a selection polygon can we choose a specific range of raster values within ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Does QGIS have a functionality similar to Flicker in Erdas Imagine?

I am trying to replace an Erdas Imagine workflow with QGIS and I have got most of it working but can't find a solution for fliker. We have it set to turn an image on and off every few seconds to ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Joining Excel to attribute table

Im working with ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap), trying to create a geodatabase. So I have a bunch of coordinate points to create polygons and an excel full of attribute data about those polygons. What ...
Erin Tesden's user avatar
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Erdas - Export LUT Instead Of Real Values

I am using Erdas 2022. I have NDVI index of an imaging, and after creating it, the view shows a LUT which is not the original pixels, which is essentially the automatic stretching of the program. I ...
Guy Yafe's user avatar
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ArcMap Export Aspect Ratio

I would like to change the aspect ratio of a map exported to image using ArcMap 10.8 or similar. For example, I would make the image of a country 20% wider without making it taller and without ...
Cory Smith's user avatar
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Submodels in ArcMap work independently, but when linked in a single model I get error 000732

This has started happening across a couple models I've made. I'll have a basic submodel that links to a buildings layer for an entire country (for example), then clips and buffers and saves it with ...
David's user avatar
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Sorting ArcMap legend alphabetically

I'm using the ArcMap application of ArcGIS Desktop to make a map and I have many legends. Is it possible to sort legend in alphabet order without manually reordering it?
MapperIndo's user avatar
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ArcMap freezes trying to access REST dataset

Attempting to access this data set via REST: Steps: Add ArcGIS Server Use GIS Services Enter the URL (above) Finish ...
Sean's user avatar
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Select By Location tools (intersect the source layer)

I want to find points are in the boundaries of polygons so I use Select By Location tools in a large area as country so I have many polygons (in shapefile) and the points (in shapefile) that is ...
coral's user avatar
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Combining weighted overlay map with exclusion map

I use ArcMap and I've made a weighted overlay map and up to these map I want to add a map which contains excluded areas. My intention is to create a map similar to the weighted one but upon this, the ...
Σπύρος Ντρίτσος's user avatar
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QGIS: Layer isn't shown at the correct location but is shifted

UPDATE 2: I even tried to reproject the layer in ArcMap, and it happens exactly the same as in QGIS, so the layer shifts slightly after reprojecting to EPSG:25832. Could it be, that the CRS of the ...
i.i.k.'s user avatar
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Deleting previous .mxd project using arcpy

I'm incorporating an already existing shapefile into a .mxd project. For this, I already created a .mxd and then saved a copy. The problem is that when I want to delete the old project (mxd) it tells ...
MrShaggy87's user avatar
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Calculate correlation statistics between observed stream and GIS delineated stream

In delineating watersheds, I use publicly available terrain data. I usually opt for ALOS 30m, but sometimes have to compare with SRTM 1 and 3-arc-second resolutions to see which is more accurate at ...
Chané de Bruyn's user avatar
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GDAL Geo-Transform incorrect after I using Register Raster of ArcMap

I have a .tiff raster and a .shp vector. And I found they are not aligned after loading them into ArcMap. So I used the registration function of ArcMap to add control points to align the raster with ...
hoca's user avatar
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Spatial Clustering and ID Assignment for Roadside Pipes - ArcMap

I have a group of pipes and IDs based on how they were surveyed, like this: What I need to do is to group them and create new IDs based on their location, following the logic for example that some of ...
Papu's user avatar
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Raster Projection Error 999999

I tried to change the coordinate system of a TIFF file from UTM to Albers Equal Conic using project raster tool. However, I keep getting this error. Any one knows why? where is the problem?
Hafidz Abdillah's user avatar
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How to merge three lines with correct start vertex

I have a feature class with three lines intersected at one point. I'm trying to create equally spaced points along lines. I used "the Generate Points Along Lines " Tool which points will be ...
Monican's user avatar
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Getting a holed shapefile

I have two shapefiles the red one is the urban areas, the green is the agricultural land and the dark green represents forest. I want to remove the surface of the red shapefile from the green ...
amina k's user avatar
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Creating species distribution map

I have to create a map for my GIS project that shows marine mammal species distribution within the UK and Ireland. The marine mammal data set is from the iucn red list and comes in the form of ...
Nancy's user avatar
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Turning stretched raster image to RGB 3 bands

I'm using a 2012 landsat image for a time series image analysis. The original image had 3 bands colors composite, after image processing, because the original image had scanline errors, the result ...
amina k's user avatar
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Interactive supervised classification tool greyed out

I'm using ArcMap to perform a classification. The problem is in the classification wizard, all tools like maximum likelihood classification and other are still available except the interactive ...
amina k's user avatar
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Excluding 'No Data' Pixels When Counting number of pixels in an AOI with ERDAS IMAGINE

I'm working with Landsat imagery in ERDAS IMAGINE 2014 and have encountered an issue with 'no data' pixels within my Area of Interest (AOI). The AOI includes unwanted 'no data' pixels that are ...
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Pick projection from another layer while using project tool (ArcGIS Model Builder)

I am using ArcGIS 10.8.2. I built a model but have a problem. I want to project my layer with picking projection from another layer in model. Any good idea for that?
Arda's user avatar
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How to change the aspect ratio of data frame in ArcMap

I want to be able to change the aspect ratio of data frame in layout view but it seems that there is no way to untick the related option in Data Frame Properties window!!! I tried to use the ...
Sepideh Abadpour's user avatar