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What is the convergence threshold for ArcGIS Iso Cluster?

The ArcGIS tool Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification does not seem to have any documentation on the convergence threshold used in the tool. To compare, Erdas Imagine has all of the necessary ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Solve route with line restriction is not working as expected

I am implementing the routing solution with a point, line, and polygon restriction. Whenever we are passing the line restriction, it's restricting travel on all intersecting roads. To explain the ...
alok_dida's user avatar
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Adding raster value with specific equation using ArcMap

I am trying to develop a raster layer with the interference of streetlight in this example: As you can see, there are multiple buffer rings around a point layer. I actually want to transform this ...
Mike's user avatar
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ArcGIS project raster produces incorrect vertical coordinates

I have a DEM in UTM (meters) / NAVD88 (meters) and need to transform it to State Plane (feet) / NAVD88 (feet). Unfortunately, I do not have the raster calculator in ArcGIS, so I have to use Project ...
Lauren Alivia Morgan's user avatar
5 votes
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Realigning Fish Distribution to NHD Stream Layer

I'm working to realign Fish Habitat Distribution line layers to my NHD Flowline layer in ArcMap. Both layers are in the same projection and there is only a slight difference between the two. I've been ...
M McCarthy's user avatar
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Same LiDAR data but different results in ArcMap and eCognition

I have generated raster layers based on LiDAR Number of Returns in both ArcMap and eCognition but the results are quite different. I ArcMap I used LAS point to Statistics to Raster Tool, in the ...
ZhangYao Jiayin's user avatar
5 votes
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Relating tables in ModelBuilder of ArcMap

I am an intermediate user of ArcMap (version 10x), and the process that I do manually is: I relate the table of a feature class (representing parcels, cadastral division of a city) to another table ...
Robert Caraballo's user avatar
4 votes
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Export ArcMap annotations for use in QGIS

I have a project in ArcMap that contains annotations. Now I would like to open them in QGIS. Is there a way to export annotations in ArcMap in such a way that they can be opened in QGIS (via SLYR or ...
MmVi's user avatar
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Why does arcpy.da.Walk work differently when used with file geodatabase (gdb) and personal geodatabase (mdb)?

Why does arcpy.da.Walk give different output with identical File (GDB) and Personal (MDB) Geodatabases? Example: I am using ArcMap 10.4.1 r'D:\SCRipt\New.mdb' is a copy of r'D:\SCRipt\New.gdb' db =...
Александр Коробкин's user avatar
4 votes
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Classifying range of symbology classes

I want to create several dozen maps where all have a field with a range from 0 to 100. I need to classify these into symbology classes every 15 and make a legend out of this. However, the map I am ...
sploog's user avatar
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How to increase Compression Memory for ECW Opacity Builder

I am attempting to build opacity within an ECW file using ECW_Opacity_Builder.exe from APOLLO Essential Utilities 2014, which has worked flawlessly many times before. When attempting to build opacity ...
Michael Stimson's user avatar
4 votes
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Capturing ArcMap Drawing Errors inside of Python script

Is there any way to capture ArcMap Drawing Errors inside of a Python script? Through Python, I would like to iterate through each layer inside of an MXD, make the layer visible, refresh the table of ...
cvandenberg's user avatar
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How to remove black pixels in Landsat image

Does anyone know how I can remove these black pixels around the edge of this Landsat image? They appeared when I layer-stacked the bands in ERDAS IMAGINE - they were not there in the separate band ...
Simba06's user avatar
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Population clustering from Raster using ArcMap

I have a raster image with different pixel values, each one representing the number of people living in the pixel. I want to cluster the pixels based on the sum of the pixel values equaling 1000 in ...
Sahan Sankalpa's user avatar
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Looking at exporting multiple shapefiles with corresponding input names

I am using ArcMap 10.6 and ModelBuilder. I have input points (LinepointS1) from a geometric network which contain sub 3000 points that I would like to trace downstream from and have the model spit out ...
l-mog357's user avatar
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Identifying Source Date for Visible ESRI World Imagery in ArcMap

Using ArcMap 10.2.2 I want to identify the source data of the Esri Satellite Basemap 'World Imagery'. When using the identify tool you can select which layer of the World Imagery you want to identify -...
Amy's user avatar
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Selecting lines between two points using ArcMap

I have two layers: One representing intersections in a city; and the other representing the road network. As shown below, I'd like the ability to select road segments provided two intersections. That ...
John's user avatar
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What is function of .horizon files in file geodatabase?

What is the function of the .horizon files that are present whenever a file geodatabase is created in ArcMap, I understand it is all proprietary formats for Esri, but is there any explanation? I have ...
Deepitk's user avatar
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Adding easting and northing points in ArcGIS

I am trying to add coordinates into ArcGIS 10.6.1. Below are the Northing and Easting I have been given. I have added these Northing and Eastings into an Excel sheet and saved them as a CSV File (The ...
Louis Tate's user avatar
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Breaking up existing watershed polygons by flow to individual tributaries

I have an existing hydroshed dataset (HydroBASIN lev12 basins from the HydroSHED dataset) that I would like to split up further, so that each tributary has its own basin delineated (see below). I ...
Dana's user avatar
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Raster to ASCII tool in ArcMap returning different max and min values

I am using Raster to ASCII conversion tool in ArcMap 10.7.1, and the issue is reproducible in 10.6.1, and 10.8.1. I have two raster files in TIFF format. When I used the tool for one raster the output ...
Yogesh Chavan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Routing with set of points and barriers individually using ArcGIS Network Analyst

I need to run network analysis routing (to calculate distance) on pairs of points with barriers. I have 3 feature classes: Origins Destinations Barriers All 3 of which share a common unique ID ...
cl3's user avatar
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"Zonal statistics" for two polygon layers using ArcMap

I have 2 polygon layers: one is a vector grid with attribute values for each "polygon cell" the other including administrative boundaries I would like to calculate the mean value of all ...
the_chimp's user avatar
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Graticule will not display in layout view

Problem: I am trying to create a graticule for a map in ArcMap 10.7.1. When I create the graticule and hit "apply", the graticule does not display in layout view or when I export the map. Steps to ...
cgxytf's user avatar
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Exporting High Quality TIFF Files on ArcMap

I am currently working in ArcMap 10.5.1 and am wanting to export a Map as a TIFF file with increased resolution. If I were to increase the quality of the image to anything above 96 DPI then the image ...
theMoreYouNgo's user avatar
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Using Spatial Join/Merge/Table View in ModelBuilder

I have developed a model that spatially joins a series of line segments to line and point segments using the "One to One", "Closest" function and creating a "distanceTo" ...
TheNoviceCode's user avatar
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Trying to export a document 8ft x 4ft from ArcMap and it keeps coming out blank

I have a simple MXD that I have the page size properties set to 8ft x 4ft, the intended output being a large wall poster of an orthophoto. I have set my data frame to the 8ft x 4ft size, brought in ...
user25644's user avatar
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Making ArcGIS Python Add-In Extension immediately functional after install?

I have a Python add-in that includes an extension class. The only purpose of this extension is for some buttons in the add-in to be automatically enabled/disabled depending on if there are relevant ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
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Using 3 different Esri BaseMaps on different pages in Data Driven Pages

I am using ArcMap 10.6. I'm trying to use 3 different basemaps, Imagery, transportation, and hydrology in my data driven pages. They are saved and added to the map document as Layer files (.lyr) I ...
Barbara's user avatar
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Symbolize Rubberband Tracker as it tracks

I am trying to symbolize a rubberband tracker as it is drawing. The default symbol is a simple black line. When setting the symbol of the line in the ScreenDisplay method and and calling ...
amasephy's user avatar
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ADF Raster File to TIN Points?

I received a folder containing different .adf files ranging in size. My task is to turn this into a TIN file which then I can bring into Microstation. I have searched the web for days and it all ...
Joshua Canter's user avatar
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ArcHydro catchment area of specific stream segment

I am given the task to create the catchment areas of specific streams/lakes. To sum it all up, I am looking to find the catchment areas for lake 1, stream, lake 2 and downstream of lake 2 all ...
Louis's user avatar
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How to use show Raster Attribute Table in OpenLayers?

I have some GeoTIFF files that I am showing on an openLayers map using GeoServer. Now, I wish to access a Build Raster Attribute table on my web application. In other words, if a user clicks on a ...
WOW's user avatar
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Extracting cells from raster by attribute in ERDAS Imagine

I have a raster file that gives me the slope of all the hills and mountains in an area in degrees (0-90) and I need to extract all the cells which are >= 45 with an operator in the model builder. I ...
Tye's user avatar
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Creating ArcGIS Raster Catalog with date/time fields from directory of NITF images?

I have a directory of NITF files, each with the idatim (timestamp) field set. In the ArcMap properties, it shows up as "acquisition date" in the Key-Metadata table. I would like to be able ...
msmith81886's user avatar
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Displaying geoprocessing service results in ArcGIS Online Map

I am implementing a Python script that filters features in a feature service. For this I used the following lines of code: import arcpy # URL with service, where clause and field parameter baseURL= &...
Sven's user avatar
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Measure building lean in ArcMap?

I was wondering if anyone is aware of any tools that are available to measure building lean in ortho images from within ArcMap. I am aware of calculations and processes that can be used to measure and ...
Ryan Garnett's user avatar
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ArcMap - Export raster symbology to a raster function template programmatically

I would like to programmatically export symbology for a raster dataset as a raster function template xml file, as can be done by clicking the export button in the symbology tab of the layer properties ...
pjbarrs's user avatar
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ArcMap add-in ( datagridview will crash map when right click on the title part

I find the problem accidentally. In my ArcMap add-in, there is a search function which allows the user to search the geodb based on the value of a field. It works fine but today when I right click the ...
ppLily's user avatar
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In ArcMap, when using Add Surface Information, why are all avg_slope values positive?

I've got a polyline shapefile and a LIDAR elevation dataset. I've successfully used Add Surface Information (from 3D Analyst) to calculate the average slope (avg_slope) of each line segment. The ...
Andrew Brick's user avatar
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Using Python script to stack layers from multiple directories and produce multiple outputs in ERDAS?

I am using ERDAS Imagine 2013 and am trying to create a Python script that takes lists created in another script containing the path to each scene's raw data folder and base image ID's (for example ...
djz88426's user avatar
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How to normalize multiple PNG rasters with differing colormaps

I have a series of adjacent rasters which comprise a digital elevation model. Unfortunately they have been given to me as PNG files, rather than Esri Grids. The only key that I have to the actual ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Calculating surface elevation from DEM of pit and known volume with which it is being filled using ArcMap

I am using ArcMap 10.1. I have a DEM of a pit. I have a known volume of material that I want to put in the pit. I want to know what the elevation of the flat surface of this material will be once it ...
ndthl's user avatar
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How to achieve the statusbar as the same effect with the arctoolbox‘s tool called in ArcMap add-in?

How to achieve the statusbar as the same effect with the arctoolbox‘s tool called in ArcMap add-in? i do not know how to use the progressbar as a result of my project involves in a large mount of data ...
Hmily Shao's user avatar
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How to wire ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Extension to a custom AddIn Button click event?

I am developing custom ArcMap toolbar with various AddIn tools, button and extension. I see the sample how to access the ActiveView events in the extension Initialize() method. private void ...
mitaka's user avatar
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Versioning an ArcMap Extension

When developing an ArcMap extension, is there an automatic way to handle versioning? In the snippet below, the Version tag can be updated manually, but is there a way to auto-increment it or let the ...
leon's user avatar
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VBA Convert decimal degree to Meters button

I have 2 data frames one which has WGS data in it and the other OSGB1936. I am trying to create a button where the user can input decimal degrees (WGS) and it will zoom them to that location in ...
Daz's user avatar
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Getting layers from SDE with vba

Im running arcmap 9.1. i have the code that lists feature classes in a list box from the SDE. The users select from one list box and adds it to another list box. How do i get it to show the layer name ...
Daz's user avatar
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Records in related table do not appear when using the 'Related Tables' button in attribute table

ArcMap 10 - Geodatabase with related tables & relationship classes. I've written a script that parses data between two databases. When I go into the attribute table of the point feature class and ...
Roy's user avatar
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Convert shp to kml in ArcMap but it is not placed correctly in Googleearth

I have a shp polygon in GGRS87/Greek Grid. I want to display the polygons on googleearth. I use "layer to kml" tool in ArcMap. However when I open the kml in googleearth the polygons are not aligned ...
cartographer67's user avatar

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