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NDVI image value

In order to get monthly NDVI image with max value from two 16 day-images, I used mosaick tool in ERDAS8.7 by choosing max function from "set overlap function" tool. But after doing this, when I see ...
Kanopatira's user avatar
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Converting Image to Gridded Feature Collection in Google Earth Engine

I'm working with Dynamic World data in GEE over a region of Bangladesh. var roi= ee.FeatureCollection("users/salem043/Bangladesh/CB_with_added_upazila"); var lulc = ee.ImageCollection(&...
C. Ashley's user avatar
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Add image layer to ecognition

Why, when I add an image layer to ecognition are the objects missing? I have a ecognition project and I did multiresolution segmentation. Now I want to add another image layer to project and clarify ...
Ali's user avatar
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How to filter out single properties from an Image on GEE?

I'm trying to filter out a single property from this Image on GEE but cannot figure out how to do so. I'm trying to extract "5: Coral/Algae" from "benthic_class_names" to create a ...
Nick Carrick's user avatar
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Getting black parts of the exported image using Export.toDrive

I am trying to export images from an image collection, the exported image is black with no values appearing in arcgis pro Here is my code: polygon = ee.Geometry.Polygon([xMin, yMin, xMax, yMin, xMin, ...
Lara's user avatar
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Error in display the image by cartopy

I want to visualize the image using cartopy. The image shows OK in the geemap. The coding as follow: import ee import geemap import as ccrs import the cartoee functionality from geemap ...
Molly cao's user avatar
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Image fails to dispalyed in QGIS Popup window

I can view the image path from attribute table but I can't view the image in popup. I can see the image using the identify feature option in toolbar. But I need to display the image in popup as a user ...
Hamsathvani Selvan's user avatar
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Matching satellite, DEM and OSM images

I have a set of satellite GeoTIFF images (from that I want to pair with DEM images from OpenTopography ( ...
Kalia's user avatar
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Use images as symbology for point features

I have a vector file that contains points having a name attribute that matches the name of traffic sign images I have stored locally. What I'm trying to do is to assign to each point its corresponding ...
aogino's user avatar
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QGIS 3D Map View : how to set image resolution on export

QGIS 3.36.1 on MacOS 13.6.6 From a 3D geopkg layer (LOD2) in a 3D map view I would like to export an image with higher resolution. Actually the exported image seems to have only 72 ppi. Is there a ...
relume's user avatar
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Create an array of band names where the pixel value is 1 in Google Earth Engine

I have an image in GEE with 20 bands, each corresponding to one year. Indeed, I have a time series. Each band can have values 1, 0, or -1. Value 1 means a specific event starts, and value -1 means the ...
Isa's user avatar
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Aligning features of two raster images without "skewing" either using QGIS

What is the best way to simply move one raster image, without skewing it, to align with another? Does this require georeferencing? I don't want to "tweak" either image. Just to move / shift ...
Craig's user avatar
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What data does clustering use from multiple raster files?

I currently have a series of rasters of the same area across different times. The data is categorical: the product of a supervised classification used on LANDSAT data run on ERDAS Imagine. Each ...
Phil's user avatar
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Marker icon images not displaying in Leaflet.StyleEditor

While using Leaftlet.StyleEditor plugin, I cannot change the marker icon as the available icon images are not displayed. I tried the Demo( from the ...
user3072602's user avatar
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Erdas - Export LUT Instead Of Real Values

I am using Erdas 2022. I have NDVI index of an imaging, and after creating it, the view shows a LUT which is not the original pixels, which is essentially the automatic stretching of the program. I ...
Guy Yafe's user avatar
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Reprojected image is rotated, can't match it with DEM

Why would reprojected sat image be rotated? I can't match it with source DEM map, if there is rotation. gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:31287 input_satmap.tif output_reprojected.tif I use that line in gdal. ...
Alex J.'s user avatar
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Replacing raster values by list GEE

I have a raster that I have mapped his values. I have made a new list of values that I want to replace them. But I want the replacement to be by pixel to pixel. Example: original raster pixels value = ...
Jony's user avatar
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Excluding 'No Data' Pixels When Counting number of pixels in an AOI with ERDAS IMAGINE

I'm working with Landsat imagery in ERDAS IMAGINE 2014 and have encountered an issue with 'no data' pixels within my Area of Interest (AOI). The AOI includes unwanted 'no data' pixels that are ...
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What does the metadata tell you about an image and its sensor?

I'm using a software called ERDAS and my tutor says that the Metadata can be used to detect which sensor your image came from. Is there anything you can tell me that links the metadata to the sensor? ...
Peter Watson's user avatar
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Merging Subswaths with ERDAS Imagine

Does anyone have experience with merging subswaths of a SLC Sentinel 1 image in ERDAS Imagine? I cannot find the right function for it.
Gabriela Spriestersbach's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro map series exporting to JPEG or PNG using arcpy script tool has same extent for every exported image

I've written an arcpy script tool to automate exporting a map series to a set of image files (one image file for each page of the map series). Each image has the correct features displayed, for those ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
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QGIS: Export ShapeFile-Layer with image coordinates

I am completely new to QGIS and I am trying to solve this issue: I have 3 layers: OpenStreetMap, an image and my shapefile layer with polygons. All polygons are within the image. Is it somehow ...
Life4Gaming's user avatar
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QGIS python for generating TIFF images from LAT/LON

I am new to PyQGIS, looking for help with the following. I included some pseudo-code at the bottom. Read a CSV file with records having these fields: Longitude1, Latitude1, Longitude2, Latitude2, ...
gregrae's user avatar
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Round numbers of Image Collection in Google Earth Engine

I have an image collection filtered data How can I compute sum reducer with two decimal places of my total image. var imagess = chirps .filter('2022-02-01', '2022-02-10')); print(...
Adi's user avatar
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Exporting Images using PyQGIS

I am attempting to export an image based on a portion of the map. I have written code that successfully identifies the area of the map I would like to output, but I am having trouble exporting ...
JGiacchi's user avatar
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For loop over Feature Collection to return Image Collection in EE python API

I am new to the EE python API and am struggling to get a for loop (could eventually also use a map function) over a feature collection. My idea is to have one image and a FeatureCollection as input, ...
Felipe Coelho's user avatar
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How to getValue (string) from an ui.Checkbox in GEE

I am developing an GEE-app where I initially want to concatenate a birdSelector string for user-defined filtering of an image collection containing monthly bird distribution maps from different ...
Frank Hanssen's user avatar
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How do I export an image collection in GEE?

I am a new student and have been trying to export images from GEE. The following code generates Mean Surface Soil Moisture for each month in Afghanistan over the course of 6 years. I export the data ...
Mas's user avatar
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Offline image export in Google Earth Engine

Can an image be exported when I am not online in Google Earth Engine?
Qing's user avatar
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Saving plot from .nc file without showing the plot

I am trying to save the sequence of plots of 24 hours of ERA5 data from .nc file without plotting them. I am using xarray for reading .nc data. Here is my code: import xarray as xr import matplotlib....
pwnkit's user avatar
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Lack of data from Sentinel 2 over part of the territory until 2019

When searching for Sentinel images, I couldn't find some of the images from 2017-2018. With what it can be connected? I've tried various methods, creating an image with both mosaic() and median(), but ...
Kirill's user avatar
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Select features covering an image (Google Earth Engine)

I have a feature collection (grids) and an image. Any ideas on how to filter only features that cover the image (only the unmasked part of the image which appears in the map layer)? Here's the code: ...
yoyo's user avatar
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how to print all the images of an Image Collection

I have to print all the images (layers) of ImageCollection because it is easier to select manually the best image. Is it possible? var point = ee.Geometry.Point([8.73727, 45.81165]); // Import the S-...
Gianmarco Tenani's user avatar
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Opening images layer stacked on ArcMap into ERDAS

I noticed that ArcMap can open almost anything but if I do a band combination or a supervised or unsupervised classification on ArcMap I cannot open it on ERDAS. Is there a way around it?
user217233's user avatar
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OpenLayers is blurring the ImageLayer (Raster Image)

I'm trying to use an 8192 x 4096px Image as a layer in OpenLayers and my code is as followed import Map from "ol/Map"; import View from "ol/View"; import TileLayer from "ol/...
Rahul Ahire's user avatar
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QGIS Custom variable or Function to extract image "compass direction" from image url/path

I would like to create custom variable or a custom function to extract only "EXIF Camera Direction" of image from URL/path (field) of JPG images into QGIS. So i can directly write the ...
Grevardo Laheba's user avatar
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VIIRS and image export

I am trying to export a VIIRS night image, a clipped country but the result is just a black picture. How can I do this? var visualize = { min: 0.0, max: 60.0, palette: ['#303030', '#696969', '#...
apollon18's user avatar
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Doing Layer stack in ERDAS Imagine

I am trying to do "Layer Stack" of Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance image in ERDAS Imagine 2015 but every time i get output as black and white image. Though pixels have RGB values but still ...
Kiran Choudhary's user avatar
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Adding list to Image Properties using Google Earth Engine JavaScript API

I am trying to iterate through an image collection and add a property to each image that is taken from a list. For example I want image 1 in the collection to have the property list item 1. I first ...
user209381's user avatar
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GeoServer returns blank image (completely transparent)

I have a recent issue occur where for certain styles GeoServer is returning blank, completely transparent images. See here for an example. GeoServer version is 2.17.2 This is occurring with GetMap ...
rumski20's user avatar
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Use of ratio in ImageWMS in OpenLayers

I am trying to understand the setting of ratio in ol.source.ImageWMS but I am not succeeding. I already understand the ratio: 1, as there is not much to understand there. ratio: 1 = browser viewbox. I ...
Suka's user avatar
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Using Landsat MSS Collection 1

When I use Landsat MSS Collection 1 dataset in my roi, I can't get any images from Tier1, but Tier2 I can. This is code from someone to count the number of image, each year. When I switch to Tier2 ...
libbyzu welch's user avatar
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Exporting grouped item as image using ArcGIS Pro

I have imported an image and added text surrounding this image into a layout through ArcGIS Pro. I intend on using this as a logo for other maps produced by my team. How do I export this grouped item ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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How to read and plot multiple TIFF files in Colaboratory?

I'm new in python and I would like to know how I can read and plot MULTIPLE TIFF files in Colaboratory with (maybe) a for loop. Here is what I did for a single TIFF image: from google.colab import ...
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Only one image is showing up on OpenLayers map

I can only get one of the following DEM_image PNGs to show up on my map. Its always the first one "DSS.layer.DEM.image0" that shows up, the rest do not render. I can see in the console ...
Zach Hassler's user avatar
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Symbol recognition on a scanned image (map)

I have a specific task and I'm looking for possible approaches. What I'm trying to do is this: I have a high resolution (600dpi) scanned, and georeferenced image of a map, and I need to be able to ...
RyanWestwind's user avatar
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What is the difference? : in xdg-open in linux and QGIS in window

I made a rgb raster image with using GDAL script in the Linux (Centos7) environment. When I open the rgb image with xdg-open, it's too dark, but when I open it in the QGIS, it is clear and more ...
Changwan Sun's user avatar
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Merge raster in QGIS

I have a huge problem that I can't solve even after trying everything I can think of. I want to merge 4 rasters as you can see in this image I have Landsat 8 images, to not have a problem with bands, ...
Yassmine's user avatar
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Batch uploading images into Google Earth

I am looking to visualize images on Google Earth. I have a couple thousand images that I would like to batch upload in order to verify results from a field study. I have a KMZ file with placemarks ...
Christopher Rounds's user avatar
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Converting 4 Band RGBA to 2 Band LA (Gray + Alpha) mode while keeping georeferenced data in GeoTiff

I created some GOES-16 images where the dark/night side of the visible image is transparent (alpha channel). I used satpy's DayNight Compositor to make the night side of the image transparent, while ...
weather_sat's user avatar