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ENVI Random Forest ROI file causing crash

I am trying to run the ENVI Random Forest Classification tool. I know there are better ways to set up a Random Forest classifier, but as this is the software provided for the course I am doing, I need ...
user262526's user avatar
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OOB Statistics for ENVI Random Forest Classifier

I am running the Random Forest Classifier in the ENVI Machine Learning module. In the settings, there is a tick box for Out-of-Bag (OOB) Score. When you hover over the OOB Score text it says, "...
user262526's user avatar
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How to resolve ENVI Flaash ACC error

I am currently preprocessing aster radiance at sensor(level 1b) images which I downloaded as .tif files, and can be accessed via this link from Earthdata. These are radiometric and geometrically ...
Tsaku Graham's user avatar
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Opening .img file created in Erdas Imagine 2023 in Erdas Imagine 2022

I am having an issue working with a file created in Erdas Imagine 2023 in Erdas Imagine 2022. I ran a tool with the output .img. However, the .img format seems to be different in Erdas 2023 vs Erdas ...
Jess's user avatar
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ENVI change fontsize in panels

I'm a newbie to ENVI 6.0. I have bad vision. The text in the panels is way too small, but I can't find where to change the font size in the panels (lots of other places, but not there). Can anyone ...
Bob's user avatar
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Python notebook causing ArcGIS Pro to crash

On my laptop are student licenses to ArcGIS Pro 3.2, ENVI 6.0 and Agisoft Metashape 2.0.3. I'm in an intro to GIS programming class and when I try to open a Python notebook in ArcGIS Pro (from the ...
Sully's user avatar
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Classification in ENVI

I classified multiple images using ENVI modeler and I would like class statistics for each image. Is there a task available in ENVI modeler that can do this? I know I can right click each image and ...
Micaela's user avatar
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What data does clustering use from multiple raster files?

I currently have a series of rasters of the same area across different times. The data is categorical: the product of a supervised classification used on LANDSAT data run on ERDAS Imagine. Each ...
Phil's user avatar
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ENVI 5.6.2 HSV problem

I've used ENVI a lot in the past, but am a bit rusty. I have never ran into this problem and can't find anything online about it. I'm trying to do HSV sharpening with 3 band multispectral data and a ...
R. Ian Cunningham's user avatar
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Change select color in a raster in QGIS using Serval or Value tool

Is it possible to edit the table view of a raster that you see in the Value tool? Alternatively Using Serval, once we have a selection polygon can we choose a specific range of raster values within ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Does QGIS have a functionality similar to Flicker in Erdas Imagine?

I am trying to replace an Erdas Imagine workflow with QGIS and I have got most of it working but can't find a solution for fliker. We have it set to turn an image on and off every few seconds to ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Erdas - Export LUT Instead Of Real Values

I am using Erdas 2022. I have NDVI index of an imaging, and after creating it, the view shows a LUT which is not the original pixels, which is essentially the automatic stretching of the program. I ...
Guy Yafe's user avatar
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Excluding 'No Data' Pixels When Counting number of pixels in an AOI with ERDAS IMAGINE

I'm working with Landsat imagery in ERDAS IMAGINE 2014 and have encountered an issue with 'no data' pixels within my Area of Interest (AOI). The AOI includes unwanted 'no data' pixels that are ...
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What does the metadata tell you about an image and its sensor?

I'm using a software called ERDAS and my tutor says that the Metadata can be used to detect which sensor your image came from. Is there anything you can tell me that links the metadata to the sensor? ...
Peter Watson's user avatar
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Merging Subswaths with ERDAS Imagine

Does anyone have experience with merging subswaths of a SLC Sentinel 1 image in ERDAS Imagine? I cannot find the right function for it.
Gabriela Spriestersbach's user avatar
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Problems trying to intersect two shapefiles

I keep having problems trying to intersect two shapefiles. One of them is a normal file that I downloaded from The other I created by using the classification protocol tool on an ...
Ouassil Hamdaoui's user avatar
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Opening images layer stacked on ArcMap into ERDAS

I noticed that ArcMap can open almost anything but if I do a band combination or a supervised or unsupervised classification on ArcMap I cannot open it on ERDAS. Is there a way around it?
user217233's user avatar
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Mosaic different data Sentinel-2 L2A image with color difference

I have downloaded two L2A level sentinel-2 images at 2022-09-05 and 2022-09-07 from scihub. After subset and resampling on SANP, I used seamless mosaic in ENVI to mosaic the two scenes, and I found ...
Xiaoqing Shen's user avatar
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RPC sensor model coefficient auxiliary data structure

I am part of a college team building a hyperspectral small satellite (3U). We would like to use ENVI's orthorectification module to do ortho. However, we need to generate our own RPC or sensor model. ...
Aidan Armstrong's user avatar
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Using one set of ROIs to classify multiple raster layers in ENVI?

I am attempting to run a SAM classification on an airborne hyperspectral dataset with six total flight lines, and the files are too large to mosaic before processing. Is it possible to create an ...
Isabel's user avatar
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NDVI value from different download sources

I downloaded the Level 2 image of landsat-8 in GEE and calculated the NDVI value in ENVI. At the same time, the Level 1 image of the corresponding date was downloaded from the USGS, and the NDVI value ...
jc hang's user avatar
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4 answers

Most efficient way to perform rastercalculations with GeoTIFF and/or ErdasImagine files greater than 100gb

I have many GeoTIFFs ranging from 50-300gb and expect I'll have some even larger in the near future. I running a simple subtraction on a pair 77gb 1-band files, but I will also have similar 6-band ...
kpierce8's user avatar
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Unsupported compression type in ERDAS imagine Software

Am trying to load a Landsat band but I keep getting the error of unsupported compression type, what might be the problem?
Kigia's user avatar
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Doing Layer stack in ERDAS Imagine

I am trying to do "Layer Stack" of Landsat 5 Surface Reflectance image in ERDAS Imagine 2015 but every time i get output as black and white image. Though pixels have RGB values but still ...
Kiran Choudhary's user avatar
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How can I match the colors between the subset and the original image?

I have test subset using an AOI, and I have unchecked the "Ignore zeros in stats." option in the subset dialogue box. The difference in colors may have been cause by the histogram re-...
Shadi Abdelhadi's user avatar
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Error during FLAASH Atmospheric Correction

I am trying to carry out Atmospheric Correction for LISS4 data using FLAASH. Since LISS4 is not available in the sensor list of ENVI, I have made the filter function file using the spectral builder ...
Steena's user avatar
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Supervised classification in parts

I have an image from 1990 (res 30m, also clouds) for an area equal 2100km2 and when I performed the supervised classification, the software (ERDAS) confuses the classes that look similar. Is it ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Digitizing photographs of a map

Is it possible to digitize the photographs of very old maps, having no co-ordinates. The photographs are exactly like this. If possible, could somebody tell me how to proceed? I have access to ArcGIS ...
Scholar7's user avatar
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Using ERDAS Imagine 2020 orthophotos

I am dealing with how to figure it out how to export an orthomosaic from my Agisoft Metashape because when I did the merge chunks there. When you merge there, it doesn't provide what I need because of ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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ENVI error class_doit: An error has occurred during processing Error: "LA_LUDC: Singular matrix encountered, STATUS=2." The result may be invalid

I do a Maximum Likelihood Classification in ENVI 5.3. But after the process read the ROI, then appear pop up "ENVI error class_doit: An error has occurred during processing Error: "LA_LUDC: ...
Fahmi Adnizar Sobarman's user avatar
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Extracting spectral signatures from ROI using ENVI5.3

I used ENVI's Band Math functionality for calculating a certain index to find out the dominance of a mineral. The output is one monochrome band as seen below, I really need your help to learn how to ...
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Opening ENVI file in R gives error

I'm new at using GIS with R and I'm trying to open an ENVI file containing hyperspectral data following the suggestions from this post
Adriana Castillo Castillo's user avatar
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Converting NTF to TIF using ArcGIS Pro in order to run FLAASH Correction

I received worldview 2 files but some are in the .ntf while others are in the .tiff format. I am able to work and FLAASH the files that are in the .tiff format but I am unable to FLAASH the .ntf files....
OceanE's user avatar
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Empirical Line Method (ELM) in ArcGIS Pro [closed]

My images from 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 from the same area, recorded in the same time of the year, all look different regarding colour brightness, likely caused by atmospheric circumstances. As I ...
Eva's user avatar
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Correcting effect of solar elevation angle in tagged areas for Landsat 8 L1T images using ENVI

Someone said the L1T images did not correct the effect of solar elevation angle. I want to know how can I get the parameters for doing such correction in ENVI?
tunar's user avatar
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Is it possible to display a gray color GeoTIFF in ERDAS as it simply occurs in QGIS?

I have several GeoTIFFs (gray color) to be imported in ERDAS, however after googleing I could not find a way to display that color gradient as it occurs in QGIS. Below the GeoTIFF displayed in QGIS: ...
Gery's user avatar
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Do PNG files suffer performance for scaled read over ERDAS Imagine (.img) files?

So I have a 20 GB in size Raster Image in .img format. Though I will be examining the code, to find out why, I am AMAZED at how quickly QGIS renders the entire file in a scaled format, and prior to ...
John Sohn's user avatar
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Converting ENVI file to TIFF using ArcPy

I have ENVI files one ASCII file .hdr and a flat_binary raster file which is a file without an extension I'd like to convert them to TIFF files These are the steps I followed: Rename flat_binary ...
hanen balti's user avatar
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Extracting NDVI values from hdr file

I have a dataset of hdr files of MYD13A2 MODIS product including 4 bands NDVI, EVI, quality, and reliability. I want to extract the NDVI values for a group of points; I have the geographic coordinate ...
hanen balti's user avatar
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Need pros and cons of performing a GeoTIFF from ERDAS img conversion

I have a 20GB ERDAS IMG file that I need to incorporate into my project. It's data covers the entire USA, indicating the thickness of satellite sensed tree canopy. What image format would provide me ...
Loki the great's user avatar
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Getting pixel values from lat/long values using ENVI

I am using ENVI software to process satellite image. I have two images from two different satellites and I want to get the value of the same point in the two images. I got random points from the first ...
asmaa elyamany's user avatar
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Designing a Low Pass Filter

How can I design a similar Low Pass Filter as given below which takes into account only 4-connectivity and ignores the pixels that complete 8-connectivity?
Autodidact's user avatar
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LPF and HPF filters in ENVI

Since we know about convolution filter in image processing, it is basically a matrix applied to an image and a mathematical operation comprised of integers and it works by determining the value of a ...
Autodidact's user avatar
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Spectral signatures difference between a raw image and an atmospherically corrected image

I did atmospheric correction of Landsat 5 image by Quick atmospheric correction method(QUAC), now I want to compare atmospheric corrected spectral signatures from ENVI QUAC with the input spectral ...
Autodidact's user avatar
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Difference between two atmospherically corrected Images

I corrected Landsat 5 image with two different methods, first atmospheric correction through calibration (means converting raw image into radiance), second atmospheric correction through QUAC ...
Autodidact's user avatar
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Mosaic multiple 7gb TIFF into one big TIFF

I have data of 10 sets each with 361 channels in format of ENVI. Each set contain: 7gb format-less file (BSQ #UPDATE) 2.4gb .ENP file 9kb .HDR file I try to mosaic all of them in one big file. What ...
Sasha's user avatar
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Getting image resolution in ERDAS

How can I know image resolution of an image in ERDAS?
Ahmed's user avatar
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Solving color correction of LISS IV Multispectral image

I have a LISS IV multispectral images (radiometric resolution of 10 bit per pixel) taken in different months 4 tile in January and 2 tiles taken in February. While mosaicing, I got a different color ...
NEHA GUPTA's user avatar
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GeoTIFF to ENVI GDAL translation causes rotation

I have a GeoTIFF(you can download it here ~16MB) which I want to convert to ENVI raw. I'm using this GDAL command: gdal_translate -ot UInt16 -scale -of ENVI -outsize 1025 1025 dgm1_32372_5680_2_nw.tif ...
maaattes's user avatar
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Input image does not match with signature file in supervised classification

I have a issue in supervised classification on ERDAS IMAGINE. When ever I performed supervised classification it gives a warning message. It says: iInput image does not match signature's image ...
Siddhartha Dhara's user avatar

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