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Using "Symmetrical difference" for multiple layers at once in QGIS

I have four different layers (Parks, Forest, Sports ground, Nothing) inside my city analysis and I want to make several different new layers out of them. I want to find out, which places have which ...
Lukas K's user avatar
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Clipping a raster layer to a polygons shapefile but nothing is actually clipped

I am using QGIS. I have the following polygons shapefile of the New York City Boroughs at EPSG:2263 - NAD83 / New York Long Island (ftUS) I then have the following raster grid showing a KDE heat map ...
Lino's user avatar
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Converting CSV spreadsheet to shapefile in QGIS

I have a spreadsheet with the coordinates beginning: Site Latitude Longitude 1 -37.3412 145.182 2 -37.3410 145.182 3 -37.3408 145.182 4 -37.3406 145.1821 5 -37.3404 145....
PeterM's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I create a print layout that is exactly filled with the contents of a shapefile?

I need to create a physical map with exact dimensions. The contents of that map should exactly match the contents of a shapefile layer that has a single rectangle in it: So the map should just be the ...
donturner's user avatar
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Calculating attributes of partially overlapping lines (roads, speeds) in QGIS

I have traffic speed data for a city covering 24 hours, represented as 24-line shapefiles. I want to calculate the average speed for the day, but many roads have partial overlaps. In the provided ...
user253607's user avatar
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First field gets cleared (if time field) in QGIS Attribute Table

I recently noticed a strange bahavior in QGIS (currently working with version 3.34-7): When the first field of a shapefile is named "time" (I regularly work with GPX files exported to ...
M S's user avatar
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Masking an AOI using shapefile: Set SHAPE_RESTORE_SHX config option to YES to restore or create it [closed]

I have a .shp file I want to use as a mask on top of a .tiff satellite image which has a specified AOI, so I need to adjust the .shp file to that. I found this doc, but I am confused on how it can ...
st2berry's user avatar
3 votes
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How can we tell how similar two countries look on a map?

Suppose I have these 2 maps: I can represent these two maps in matrix form: map1 <- matrix( c("R", "R", "R", "R", "R", "R", "R&...
farrow90's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can shapefile hold style information?

I have been using Google Earth KML files for a while and I know they can contain style information such as line width and color. I've recently started working with shapefiles and learned that KML can ...
Bruce's user avatar
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Shapefile and Google Maps QGIS 3.34

I opened my shapefile which contains my fields. I also opened QuickMapServices-Google Satellite My fields are not shown in right place in Google Satellite. My fields are shown in the ocean...
Lassus's user avatar
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QGIS doesn't show network drive directories

Today QGIS wouldn't let me open up without starting it as an administrator, after doing that the drives from our company server were not shown anymore and the local ones C: and D: had a lock attached ...
Benni Pizza's user avatar
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Trouble getting SAGA to work in QGIS 3.4 for Mac

I have been trying to get the SAGA toolbox to work in QGIS 3.4 but it does not show up. I have downloaded the SAGA Next Gen plugin for QGIS, and I have also downloaded SAGA from SourceForge and set ...
MapDeath's user avatar
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Converting point shapefile into polygon in QGIS

I have a point shapefile in QGIS 3.26. It is made of many points, and many overlap with each other. I need to make a polygon shapefile out of these points so that those points that overlap or are ...
Paris's user avatar
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Rasterio:Generate GeoTIFF Image from a Multipolygon after buffer

After import a raster file and add buffer of 20 meters I want to write a new raster with this dimensions, but getting error: import rasterio from rasterio import features from rasterio import ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Rasterio: Gererate GeoTiff Image from a Multipoligon after buffer [duplicate]

After import a raster file and add buffer of 20meters I whant to write a new raster with this dimensions, but getting error: import rasterio from rasterio import features from rasterio import ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Exporting shapefiles from QGIS to Unreal Engine

I am a beginner with QGIS and Unreal Engine. I have a shapefile of rivers. What steps do I need to take to export the shapefile from QGIS so that it can be utilized in Unreal Engine and align properly ...
zz11's user avatar
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Polygon misalignment issue

I've been tasked with coming up with a flood evacuation plan for a neighborhood, but the shapefile I've been given has misaligned polygons. The layer CRS is EPSG:3380 - GDM2000/Selangor Grid Any ideas ...
Nathaniel Poh's user avatar
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Exporting feature to shapefile using ArcGIS Pro

According to a third-party YouTube video from 2021 named Exporting to Shapefile with ArcGIS Pro, to export a feature to a shapefile, using a version available at that time, you right click on the ...
neubert's user avatar
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Automatically join attributes by location in QGIS

In QGIS, I want to automatically perform spatial joins every time I load a CSV layer with coordinates. For example, my CSV file contains columns like 'state' and 'mean windspeed' (which are initially ...
max's user avatar
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Merging multiple road layers into one (like on topo maps) using QGIS [closed]

I have two shapefiles in QGIS containing polylines. One has 7m wide lines and the other has 5m wide lines. They currently exist on different layers, making intersections look like overpasses. How do I ...
Sprock3t's user avatar
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(QGIS) Have each field of an attribute table become a band when converting from shp to raster?

I'm assigning an importance level to two different types of areas (3 for protected areas and 5 for umid areas) and have joined these two areas and created a third field on the attribute table to sum ...
Isabel de Carvalho's user avatar
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Exporting shapefile from Civil3D to QGIS goes to wrong location

I am trying to export shapefiles from Civil3D to QGIS. My Civil3D drawing is set to NAD83 Pennsylvania State Planes, North Zone, ft" (EPSG 2271), and my QGIS file is set to the same coordinate ...
Naomi A's user avatar
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Extracting daily max temperature data of shapefile area and converting into monthly mean data using Google Earth Engine JavaScript API

I want to correct this code for converting the daily max temperature data into monthly mean temperature data. I have used the ERA5 dataset and want to find data for multiple shapefiles. It shows an ...
roohi's user avatar
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CRS name is filled in but EPSG blank

I am reading in some shapefiles that have matching shapefile properties in Arc but after reading them in and checking with terra::crs() in R one spatVector has NA for authority and code. In shapefile ...
alwaysLearning3's user avatar
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How to buffer, merge and save large spatial data from PostGIS to shapefile

I am using a PostGIS database (PostgreSQL 14, PostGIS 3) where I have a table layer_polygons containing layer polygons. It has a column geom containing the geometries and 5 columns for attributes ...
PhysicusTheoreticus's user avatar
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Creating 3D shapefile using QGIS of cube with co-ordinates taken from underlying OSM map

Background to the problem Within QGIS I have two shapefiles representing a roads layer and a buildings layer (both taken from OSM). I now need to create a third 3D shapefile representing the airspace ...
Kevin A's user avatar
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2 answers

Converting SHP to CSV in QGIS

How can I convert SHP to CSV using QGIS? I tried online converters but they aren't for free. Free ones have limited MB. I have a 10.3 MB zip file and it doesn't work on these online websites.
Marianne Lovella KZ Fabella's user avatar
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Point with polygon join returning a polyline

I'm new to spatial coding and I am trying to do a spatial join between a shapefile that has point information and a shapefile that has polygon information. The output should be a shapefile with the ...
spatial_learner's user avatar
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Measure area of polygon inside your area of interest AND update Attributes Table in QGIS

I've hit a wall trying to truncate WBD polygon areas inside my area of interest for the determination of that area, and having that measurement amended in the Attributes Table. I cannot use the manual ...
Jesse Albertice Ballenger's user avatar
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Going back to earlier version of shapefile that was saved in QGIS

By mistake I edited all cells of a table in QGIS. I saved it without knowing that and I need to go back to the earlier version, before it was saved. Is there a way to do it?
Ladislao Ferrando's user avatar
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Adding a Shapefile to a water mask made from a DEM file

I created a water mask from a DEM File. But there are no lakes and rivers on this water mask. I want to add some lakes and rivers to it. I tried to do this with Shapefile but I couldn't merge them. ...
William24's user avatar
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How do you scale a polygon by X, Y values in ArcGIS Pro?

I am working with a shapefile that has a series of polygons (for states, countries, etc.) In my case, I would like apply a linear transformation to one of the polygons using this matrix: 0.64 0 0 1....
user263320's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get CRS (coordinate system) of a shapefile. Java

I am reading a shapefile using org.geotols 9.4 and trying to get CRS code but is null: FileDataStore store = FileDataStoreFinder.getDataStore(...
user435421's user avatar
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Shapefile not converting to raster file

I downloaded a river shapefile via OSM. I need to convert it to raster. However, when I use raster converter, it comes out empty. What do you think is the cause of this?
William24's user avatar
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Split shapefile according to DEM file boundaries

As you can see in the image, the shapefile extends outside the DEM file. How can I split the shapefile to fit the DEM file boundaries exactly? I will use this DEM file as a water mark. So the ...
William24's user avatar
3 votes
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Sync Layernotes between Projects

Is there a way to let the layernotes of one shapefile show up and update in multiple different projects? I would like to leave some notes for my colleagues, having the same shapefiles but in different ...
Helena's user avatar
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How to convert daily ERA5 data to Monthly mean data in GEE

I want to convert daily max temperature data to monthly average from ERA5 daily data // Combine shapefiles into a list var shapefiles = [ table, table2 ]; var variables = [ 'temperature_2m_max', ...
roohi's user avatar
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Python geopandas, adding a basemap with contextily causes some shapefiles to disappear

I am trying to make a map with several layers and a light grey background basemap from carto DB positron. This code works (no basemap), all crs set to "EPSG:5070": import matplotlib.pyplot ...
Sandra T's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro loads raster with spaces in file path on C: drive, but not other drives

I recently moved my GIS folder from my C: drive to a second storage drive (E:), and am having trouble loading rasters. I narrowed the issue to spaces in the file path - but I can't figure out why this ...
britthartery's user avatar
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Extract geometry information from a .shp file without the associated files

A client sent me a shapefile: C:\example.shp Of course they forgot the .shx, .dbf, .prj, .etc. All I really care about is the geometry and I know that it is stored in the .shp. Is there a way to ...
Craig T's user avatar
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How to export Polygon as Polygon in a shapefile using QGIS Desktop 3.10.12

Whenever I want to export polygon layer as a shapefile the exported shapefile always ends up with a multipolygon geometry even when during the export I specify geometry type as polygon.
user435421's user avatar
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Outputting dataset with "fraction overlap" between two types of areas [closed]

I have two shapefiles: one containing boundaries for Census tracts, and one containing boundaries for "districts". In my case, districts are larger than Census tracts and, additionally, ...
user88999's user avatar
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How to create image(DEM) with countour and buildings shapes

I'm GIS beginner and I'm trying to make a DEM with building's height. Step 1 > I get a countor shape file. Step 2 > Generate a DEM. Step 3 > I get a Buildings shape file. And then, how can ...
jhchoi's user avatar
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Updating a cadastral feature hosted in Geoserver with an empty WFS through QGIS

I've looked through the similar questions and did not find what I'm looking for. We have hosted a cadastral shapefile in Geoserver. We need to update this cadastral feature with new parcels, but we ...
Yems's user avatar
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Error uploading assets into GEE: error code 3

I am getting an error while trying to upload a shapefile into Google Earth Engine. Error: Projection exception. Ensure the projection is specified correctly and the coordinates are within its valid ...
tris's user avatar
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Creating built/urban blocks using building shapefile in ArcGIS Pro

I have a shapefile with individual building footprints, each associated with a Point_ID, which represents a 250 m buffer containing multiple buildings. My goal is to merge these footprints within each ...
Sonali Sharma's user avatar
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Stop showing Google Earth Pro question

How can I stop Google Earth Pro from asking me the question: Do you want to apply a style template to the features you ingested? when I try to import a shapefile?
Ali Rammal's user avatar
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Replacing a bounding box a shapefile in DEA Phenology code

I am using the DEA Sandbox Vegetation phenology notebook ( I am hoping to call on a shapefile rather than using lat/...
Georgina Doyle's user avatar
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Chaging default path for saving output layouts in QGIS

We work on a large number of projects and the file structure is normally the same so repeatedly browsing for the right location to save plans has issues. I would like to be able to change the default ...
Sethinacan's user avatar
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Projecting world map from Equirectangular to Azimuthal Equidistant results in seam along 180th Meridian

I am attempting to reproject shapes from Equirectangular to North Pole Azimuthal Equidistant. However, I have noticed that it creates a seam along the 180th Meridian: Notably, the polygon containing ...
The Pyxelor's user avatar

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