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1 answer

Transforming a raster .png image to vector file

I have been working with FEMA flood maps to georeferenced and then digitize the maps by hand drawing polygons of the flood zone features. I have tried some workarounds to make the digitization process ...
3 votes
1 answer

Image Shifting After Georeferencing in ArcGIS Pro?

I am georeferencing images in ArcGIS Pro using control points. After I export the control points and save the image, it shifts downward and displays in a different location. Now when I open the image, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Georeference one vector layer using another vector layer in ArcGIS Pro?

I'm unsure if this what I'm looking to do is possible... I have two polygon layers - the orange layer is georeferenced and blue is not. The pink is just a boundary layer (can be ignored). The orange ...
2 votes
1 answer

XY coordinates efficient way to copy

I get XY coordinates of point features delivered to me in PDF format, this means that to bring them into ArcGIS I manually have to enter them first into an excel spreadsheet. Is it possible to copy ...
0 votes
0 answers

Removing Raster from Map View using ArcGIS Pro

I am converting from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro 3.x. I have a number of rasters that were georeferenced in ArcMap that I have brought over to Pro. I have - I think - worked out a way to place these ...
0 votes
1 answer

Georeferencing Polygon Features using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro to perform an image classification. To do this I need training data polygons derived from the image which is being classified. I created training data polygons outlining features ...
0 votes
0 answers

How are "SourceX" and "SourceY" calculated when georeferencing an image?

When Georeferencing an image in ArcGIS, we create a table of control points. These points have 4 pieces of data: SourceX, SourceY, MapX, and MapY. SourceX and SourceY are the coordinates of the points ...
1 vote
1 answer

Removing georeferencing from DEM using ArcGIS Pro

I am creating an assignment for students to demonstrate different visualizations of LiDAR-derived DEMs. However, because the DEM is currently unpublished and contains archaeological features, I want ...
1 vote
0 answers

Georeferencing Webcam Image using ArcGIS Pro

I want to georeference pixels from a webcam image. I have the camera location, and some control points of pixels to map coordinates. I am trying to figure out the math to do the translation. I don'...
-1 votes
1 answer

Georeferencing TIFF photo not saving control points to image in ArcGIS Pro [closed]

I have scanned historical air photos and am trying to georeference them in ArcGIS Pro 3.0. Current attempted steps: I bring in the TIFF file and it goes to the points 0,0 I select the TIFF in the TOC ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to save the georeferencing residuals table in ArcGIS Pro?

I am conducting a georeferencing task for which I need to calculate statistics on the x and y residuals. I note that these are helpfully calculated in the control point table both before and after ...
0 votes
1 answer

Georeferencing set of historical maps to each other then georeferencing set to current map using ArcGIS Pro

I have a set of 10 hand-drawn maps from the 1930's that all appear to have the same carbon-copied basemap (the streets and shorelines look identical). They were scanned from Arch D size linen paper so ...
3 votes
1 answer

How is GeoTIFF geographically referenced if it has no sidecar files?

I am currently downloading MODIS burned area fire products to use for a work project. One of these products is a GeoTIFF which indicates the day (Julian date) of the year when an area experienced fire....
0 votes
0 answers

Changing georeferenced raster source priority GDAL

About 800 historical images have been georeferenced in ArcGIS Pro. A little explanation about the process: These maps have been clipped in Photoshop and saved as TIFF's. These have been georeferenced ...
0 votes
1 answer

Georeferencing a raster image in a Mosaic Dataset greyed out in ArcGIS Pro

I have a Worldview 2 product from Digital Globe. To add it to ArcGIS I am first creating a Mosaic Dataset and selecting the Worldview 2 product definition and setting the coordinate system to be the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Cropping borders from images without invalidating georeferencing using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro2.4. I have a large collection of georeferenced historical aerials. They all have borders of varying dimensions and varying shades of grey. These borders have to go somehow. I'...
2 votes
0 answers

Digitizing against PDF in ArcGIS Pro

I am relatively new to GIS and am using ArcGIS Pro. I am making a map of a property that includes a watercourse and an environmental setback from the watercourse. I need to add the development plans ...
1 vote
0 answers

Correcting offset between LiDAR datasets

I am analyzing multiple LiDAR datasets looking at the changes between pre-wildfire and post-wildfire topography. The datatsets are of the same general location. I did not acquire the datasets on my ...
1 vote
0 answers

Exporting kernel utilization distributions from R to be used in ArcGIS Pro scene view

I have used the "kde" function "ks" package to estimate 95% kernel utilization distributions (KUD) to visualize the 3D activity range of an arboreal snake. Below is code that I modified from ...
2 votes
0 answers

Multipatch georeferencing in ArcGIS Pro? [closed]

I am currently using ArcGIS Pro to create a 3D campus model and I have floor plans extruded by each individual floor to represent buildings. Another group is working on the modeling side of things and ...